Introducing other people to MBTI?


Type theory has been incredibly useful to me both in understanding my own thoughts processes, and those of others. I often find myself wanting to help others in the same way, but not really knowing how to go about it, or even if it is a good idea at all.

Firstly, do I suggest that people take a test or suggest that they read a description of what I believe their type to be (and ask them if they think it fits). Either could be more accurate, and being incorrectly typed could easily do someone more harm than good.

Secondly, it seems that a lot of the online description are based merely on the MBTI letters, and not on the underlying functions (The ones on seem to be quite good). It seems that it would take quite a bit of effort for someone to gain a good understanding of the theory, and again that reading it incorrectly could be harmful.

What do you think, tell people about MBTI or not? Suggest a type, or let them take a test?
I thought the description of the INFJ on was the best I've ever encountered. They also described the functions in a way that I could finally understand.

I've told a few people about MBTI and urged them to test themselves. Most of the Extroverts do not seem to go very far with MBTI. They seem to be content to know their type and let it go at that.

But the introverts oth - seem to dive into it and flounder around until they feel comfortable.

Which - by the way - it took me 2 years of "floundering" in the muck of all the different perspectives on MBTI to finally arrive at some modicum of understanding.

I think you'll find many here are grateful to finally find others who are similar to themselves and to know they are not "crazy". :D

I'd say tell people about the test and let them go wherever that leads them.
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I've talked to a few about it. They find it interesting after they take the test and read it, but that is where it stops. They don't go into this Fe, Se stuff (neither do I.) Most of my friends are not as interested in understanding themselves ... b/c most do (or think) they do. I definitely display the largest interest in peer interaction/sociology among them, which is probably why they come to me with their social problems.
Thanks [MENTION=5287]TDMmyriad[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] for that link. That really is the best site I've seen so far and the descriptions just gave me that "aha" moment.

I haven't really talked to anyone else about MBTI, but my wife is a bit into it like me. She is also an introvert.
I've gotten varied responses. Not a single person, I've met, has known about it. :D But some people compare it to horoscopes, others, listen, others don't care that much, listen and be done with it. I can't wait until the day I meet someone who's interested in mbti as much as I am though!
I've gotten varied responses. Not a single person, I've met, has known about it. :D But some people compare it to horoscopes, others, listen, others don't care that much, listen and be done with it.

I can't wait until the day I meet someone who's interested in mbti as much as I am though!


Me too donkeybals....I hope you do and I do as well! :nod:
I feel the same way as you guys! My friends that I got to take the test took it, read about the type, and they were done with it. Some didn't even bother reading the whole thing. Although one of my friends was as interested as me and loved how accurate it was, but she couldn't decide whether she was a F or T. She said she thinks she could be both. Which is possible. So that made her a ISTJ or ISFJ.
I lost interest in MBTI as a research subject so I don't really discuss it. It was fascinating for a while, though. It's become more of a tool to employ as needed.
I make about 80% of the people I meet take the test. Haven't lately, but usually do.