Introvert Power?


Community Member
I've been reading and thinking a lot about Introversion. I found this book called "Introvert Power" and I'm wondering if anyone has read it?

It basically talks about breaking down (in an American context) stereotypes that view Introversion as a lack (lack of confidence, lack of courage, lack of friends/social skills, lack of energy).

A few books I've read suggest a bunch of theories for what it actually is. One said Introverts experience less positive emotion. One said they need less stimulation to experience the same amount of positive emotion.

So I guess two questions:

Do you feel that there's shame around Introversion (please specify cultural context)?

What is Introversion really, if you don't think of it as a lack of Extroversion?
Do you feel that there's shame around Introversion (please specify cultural context)?

Personally hell no, culturally I think introversion is definitely looked down upon. It's like that phrase "the sqeaky wheel gets the oil" which is pretty much how society works. The louder and more dramatic you present yourself, the more people will respond.

What is Introversion really, if you don't think of it as a lack of Extroversion?

I don't think either way is more "correct" but simply different. I think introversion is a way which stores up the capacity for emotion, while extroversion runs a more consistent flow of them. Introverts can recover from emotional stress more quickly, extroverts can handle more stressors at any one time.
Well it could also be argued that introverts are more at peace with themselves and therefore don't need to constantly feed off other people's energies.
Also, introverts may have less friends, but those few friendships are extremely meaningful and strong bonded.

Introverts are no better or worst than extroverts IMO.
Currently reading Introvert Advantage..written by an introvert. If you have not read it, it's pretty good and interesting reading. So as to your first question, she writes (and I agree), that maybe because 3/4 of people are extroverts (not sure how reliable that is), and also for other reasons, the world is an extroverts world. And she says that we are like a fish out of water. She also points out that she looked up "introvert" in a few dictionaries including psychiatric ones and well, you could see how there was a bias, especially in a Webster version.

"And now sit down for this one, Webster’s New World Thesaurus, in which the introvert is said to be: “... a brooder, self-observer, egoist, narcissist, solitary, lone wolf and loner.” When I read this, I started picturing the Unabomber in his meager cabin in the woods."

Haha. Anyway the books is about feeling ok and in fact feeling awesome about your introversion. I've only started the book, so I don't know how well she does that. She also explains what introversion is, and that's also what the book is about. Taking it apart and examining it. So for the first chapter, she explains that at the root of introversion or extroversion is how we get/and spend our mental energy. Extraverts of course get all amped up after a party for example. Those stupid crackheads. :P She also goes into a well-studied gene and neuro-pathways to emphasize that we are wired differently and can't just choose to be like those E types all the damn time. Those stupid crackheads. :P (Kidding about the stupid crackhead, unless you actually are a stupid crackhead, which you might be, but I'm not saying you are. Just that you could be and therefore maybe you should contemplate that before being offended when someone calls you a stupid crackhead. Look inward. Reflect.)
Well, I agree with the premise that there is great power in introversion. I'm not sure what society tends to think (I don't keep up) but given my observations it is a mode I vastly prefer, and one that is highly productive.
If I remember correctly, it has been awhile.

I was reading an article that spoke of a potential root biological rationale for how introversion and extroversion began. It spoke of the biological urge to mate could either be accomplished by:

Extroversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have multiple partners and thereby procreate due to quantity of sexual partners. More animalistic reference referred to using short burts of intense energy to "capture prey"--think of a cheetah pursuing a gazelle. The expansive use of lots of energy to accomplish a task by any means necessary.

Introversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have and maintain a long term relationship with one partner and thereby procreate due to quality of sexual activity with one partner. More animalistic reference referred to using stealthier "lay in wait" techniques to capture prey. To conserve energy for focused task-orientated work using careful planning.

(my paraphrasing on the article) Bolded refers to my own understanding of introversion versus extroversion. I see the function involving how one chooses to expend (use) and garner (gain) energy.
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If I remember correctly, it has been awhile.

I was reading an article that spoke of a potential root biological rationale for how introversion and extroversion began. It spoke of the biological urge to mate could either be accomplished by:

Extroversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have multiple partners and thereby procreate due to quantity of sexual partners. More animalistic reference referred to using short burts of intense energy to "capture prey"--think of a cheetah pursuing a gazelle. The expansive use of lots of energy to accomplish a task by any means necessary.

Introversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have and maintain a long term relationship with one partner and thereby procreate due to quality of sexual activity with one partner. More animalistic reference referred to using stealthier "lay in wait" techniques to capture prey. To conserve energy for focused task-orientated work using careful planning.

(my paraphrasing on the article) Bolded refers to my own understanding of introversion versus extroversion. I see the function involving how one chooses to expend (use) and garner (gain) energy.

long story short, extroverts have STDs, introverts dont
If I remember correctly, it has been awhile.

I was reading an article that spoke of a potential root biological rationale for how introversion and extroversion began. It spoke of the biological urge to mate could either be accomplished by:

Extroversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have multiple partners and thereby procreate due to quantity of sexual partners. More animalistic reference referred to using short burts of intense energy to "capture prey"--think of a cheetah pursuing a gazelle. The expansive use of lots of energy to accomplish a task by any means necessary.

Introversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have and maintain a long term relationship with one partner and thereby procreate due to quality of sexual activity with one partner. More animalistic reference referred to using stealthier "lay in wait" techniques to capture prey. To conserve energy for focused task-orientated work using careful planning.

(my paraphrasing on the article) Bolded refers to my own understanding of introversion versus extroversion. I see the function involving how one chooses to expend (use) and garner (gain) energy.

Yeah, i do agree. Well, at least with the introvert description about the mate.
That is pretty much what i do. I dont go on "hunting", i just wait and if an opportunity presents itself i get in gear.
Extroversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have multiple partners and thereby procreate due to quantity of sexual partners. More animalistic reference referred to using short burts of intense energy to "capture prey"--think of a cheetah pursuing a gazelle. The expansive use of lots of energy to accomplish a task by any means necessary.

Introversion: Developing your skills that allowed you to have and maintain a long term relationship with one partner and thereby procreate due to quality of sexual activity with one partner. More animalistic reference referred to using stealthier "lay in wait" techniques to capture prey. To conserve energy for focused task-orientated work using careful planning.

Agree with the description of introversion. Sometimes, it feels as if you're always doing something wrong when you're an introvert. People see problems, weaknesses, or defects in your personality because you're not as outgoing as it's assumed you should be. They see it as a form of immaturity or sensitivity. They see it as a sign of less self confidence when you're not self promoting. It's believed that you're not working hard enough if you're not visibly demonstrative in your body langauge or demeanor.

So many misconceptions about introversion, and it's tiring having to fight them all. Are they ever gonna learn *sigh*
People see problems, weaknesses, or defects
I suppose this is true, but not always (thankfully). I had one extroverted friend say that she did not know anybody that was so interiorly directed and guided with absolutely no outside influences (that she knows of anyway). Another friend stared me straight in the eye during an in-depth conversation and said, "You are not afraid of anything are you!" These were surprise observations, but don't worry, I know I'm still just a big goof-ball.
I suppose this is true, but not always (thankfully). I had one extroverted friend say that she did not know anybody that was so interiorly directed and guided with absolutely no outside influences (that she knows of anyway). Another friend stared me straight in the eye during an in-depth conversation and said, "You are not afraid of anything are you!" These were surprise observations, but don't worry, I know I'm still just a big goof-ball.

Just that I deal with this so often. You must be socially available and expressive to be seen as friendly or approachable. And when you are more extroverted people and friendly, people think you're too easy, gullible or naive. No matter what you do, you just can't win.
Without us, how would extroverts ever figure out their problems? HA! I'm sensing a balance in this world perhaps others are not seeing... small amounts of intense introverts vs. large amounts of shallow extroverts. It is like comparing Drones to Worker bees ... from the same species but differing in talents/contributions.
Do you feel that there's shame around Introversion (please specify cultural context)?


Unfortunatley, I know that it is mostly thought of as either shy, withdrawn, unfriendly, or my personal favorite- a psychopath on verg of an implosion.

To some I'm sure it sounds like "thinking too much". It has been referred to as having an attraction to the "inner world of concepts and ideas", but from the MBTI that sounds more like intuitives than introverts. But then, some say it's all about energy and recharing the battery and wanting meaningful relationships instead of a large quantaty of them. So pick your favorite definition.

I have to honest, I'm in the mindset that introspection is better if it can be applied externally. I'm all for putting ideas to use, if we go with the concepts and ideas thing.

What is Introversion really, if you don't think of it as a lack of Extroversion?

It's not lack of extroversion. I'm sure even the strongest of introverts here actually talk at some point. The MBTI says extrovered functions are auxilary for introverts.

Does one even need people around to use extroversion? Some make it sound like it's just interacting with the outside world, and that's where I've often had confusion on extroversion v. sensing, especially Se.

It's not necessarily partying with people, just as introversion doesn't have to be used when one is alone. I know I've been lost in thought in public before.
Do you feel that there's shame around Introversion (please specify cultural context)?

Feeling shame implies I have expectations placed upon me... It also implies I would care what those expectations might be.

What is Introversion really, if you don't think of it as a lack of Extroversion?

Introversion is valuing, exercising, and gaining the most satisfaction from utilizing a part of your brain that is introverted. In other words, your dominant brain function is an introverted function. There are such things as social introverts. Introversion has a correlation with being less social, but how you integrate socially does not define true introversion.
[MENTION=3096]NDN NT[/MENTION]. that makes a lot of sense. i wondered if my 'lazyness' came from being an infj. that's not an innuendo. i just hate wasting energy.

in general i have always, and still do dislike my introversion, but have learned to accept it. in a world where success is based on how many people you know and how much you have, energy conservation is ineffective. i quell my insecurities with introversion with things like having better quality relationships, but in all honesty i have the capacity to feel love more than an extrovert but also hate. in the end it's sort of a waste.....which means im an introvert.
Currently reading Introvert Advantage..written by an introvert. If you have not read it, it's pretty good and interesting reading. So as to your first question, she writes (and I agree), that maybe because 3/4 of people are extroverts (not sure how reliable that is), and also for other reasons, the world is an extroverts world. And she says that we are like a fish out of water. She also points out that she looked up "introvert" in a few dictionaries including psychiatric ones and well, you could see how there was a bias, especially in a Webster version.

"And now sit down for this one, Webster’s New World Thesaurus, in which the introvert is said to be: “... a brooder, self-observer, egoist, narcissist, solitary, lone wolf and loner.” When I read this, I started picturing the Unabomber in his meager cabin in the woods."

Haha. Anyway the books is about feeling ok and in fact feeling awesome about your introversion. I've only started the book, so I don't know how well she does that. She also explains what introversion is, and that's also what the book is about. Taking it apart and examining it. So for the first chapter, she explains that at the root of introversion or extroversion is how we get/and spend our mental energy. Extraverts of course get all amped up after a party for example. Those stupid crackheads. :P She also goes into a well-studied gene and neuro-pathways to emphasize that we are wired differently and can't just choose to be like those E types all the damn time. Those stupid crackheads. :P (Kidding about the stupid crackhead, unless you actually are a stupid crackhead, which you might be, but I'm not saying you are. Just that you could be and therefore maybe you should contemplate that before being offended when someone calls you a stupid crackhead. Look inward. Reflect.)

I actually read this right before I started Introvert Power. The author (of I.P.) suggests that the 3/4 Extroverts stat that everyone has picked up was based on a bad study. New studies point to Introverts making up nearly 50% of the population. I started looking around and IMO it's hard to see us, because we know how to move under the radar and blend in, but I think we're closer to half. I also don't think shy=introversion, which causes a bunch of stereotypes. I've met plenty of Extroverts who are shy and it's worse for them because they need the social stimulation more than introverts do.

[MENTION=1669]Rite[/MENTION] I also hate the misconceptions, which is why I'm wondering what I/E is really about.

Thanks for the interesting theories so far!
I actually read this right before I started Introvert Power. The author (of I.P.) suggests that the 3/4 Extroverts stat that everyone has picked up was based on a bad study. New studies point to Introverts making up nearly 50% of the population.

But then why is everything geared towards extroverts so much if its 50/50? Or is this just a function of being introverted? An effect and a cause? What if 3/4 of the population was introverted, would society still be geared towards extroverts?

I think that this implies introverts are passive, at least more than extroverts.
But then why is everything geared towards extroverts so much if its 50/50? Or is this just a function of being introverted? An effect and a cause? What if 3/4 of the population was introverted, would society still be geared towards extroverts?

I think that this implies introverts are passive, at least more than extroverts.

I'm not sure. I do know that some cultures are more introvert oriented than others. I.P. points to Japan and Scandinavia as examples. I lived in Denmark for a while and found it much more introvert friendly than America.

Maybe extroverts have a bigger stake in shaping and having impact in the external world since they are oriented that way?
I feel like people in general inadvertently make me feel bad about being introverted. I think that it is looked down upon in general. It seems that extroversion is the "normal" way to be and anything less than that is just bizarre. I occasionally will come into contact with people that look at me like i'm some kind of circus freak for *gasp* sitting quietly at a social gathering. It doesn't do wonders for my self-esteem.

That being said I do have friends that are extroverts that have told me on numerous occasions how much they admire me for my calmness and my ability to think before I speak. They think I am just so awesome for my introversion. Which of course I do not understand.
Hi, fellow 5w6!!! :D It's good to see another one out there.

I feel like people in general inadvertently make me feel bad about being introverted. I think that it is looked down upon in general. It seems that extroversion is the "normal" way to be and anything less than that is just bizarre. I occasionally will come into contact with people that look at me like i'm some kind of circus freak for *gasp* sitting quietly at a social gathering. It doesn't do wonders for my self-esteem.

Yes, social gatherings are always fun for me too. My favorite ones are where they play music so loud I can't understand anyone... I think I have some type of hearing impairment that only manifests itself when the music is above 80 decibels and people expect me to understand them. I've decided to avoid such circumstances for the most part, unless I absolutely have to attend such a gathering... like a friend's wedding or something. Then I get to make an idiot of myself as per usual.

Not that things improve if there's no music, really doesn't change anything.
