Introvert vs. Extrovert vs. Ambivert

What I'm saying is that in Jung's system, there wouldn't be any true "ambiverts", because an equal amount of introversion and extraversion reflects a lack of discrimination of opposites, as both of them are "fused" together. From what Jung says, one of them would have to take the secondary position.

I can use my right an left hands simultaneously and sometimes one may be the preferred to make an action with and sometime the other, and (hopefully) they can often work together. If my right hand is a bit stronger and cultivated in certain ways, my left one is a bit more useful in some circumstances and has a bit of a touch that my right one has not the same feel for. Is there any reason for them to not want to work together?
I see myself as a being of wholeness, and who is to say which part of me is primary or secondary? Cannot the same mind that discriminates also unify?
I have done a lot of thinking on this and have decided on a distinct line between Introversion and Extroversion.

Extroverts = Being social causes them to be more happy.
Introverts = Being happy causes them to be more social.

I know it sounds obvious but it's about which is the cause and which is the effect.


That works from the I side of the fence, but you knew that! I'd like to see some E responses to this. :)
I'm an introvert who loves to spend time with friends and hates being alone for too long and prefers working in small groups to working alone. I talk and hum to myself, I am a dog person (it is said that dog people are more extraverted than cat people), I like to go to parties and the best way for me to learn something is to discuss it with others. In class I can spontaneously ask questions and make comments.

What makes me an introvert is that I'm quiet, shy, reserved and sensitive (while I realize that there are also sensitive extraverts). Most people say that I am very quiet (which is largely because I feel shy and insecure and also because a lot of time I'm just not interested in the everyday chit-chat that other people act like they're so interested in). When making decisions that I feel are important, I need my own time and I hate to be pushed. Loud groups of self-secure people often make me feel depressed because I feel like those kinds of groups smother my personality. I become so passive, so boring, so quiet and reserved, so different from others, socially dorky and dismissed by everyone when people around me are loud and self-secure. It makes me feel like the odd one out, like I'm some kind of an alien. A lot of people actually have the misperception that I prefer to be alone or that I'm very socially freaky simply because I'm horrible at those kinds of "chaotic" situations. They are so wrong. They should see how very social, normal and relaxed I can be in small groups and with good friends.
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I am deadly introverted, I love my privacy, and well I'm extremely uncomfortable in social situations, though I'm always nice and putting up a smile and willing to help this drains me afterward and I don't feel well..I love to spend immense amount of time listening to music,reading and writing in my room.
I don't truly like to be alone, I like to be with 1 or 2 close friends. But I wouldn't consider myself that outgoing. However, I can go out in a crowd and not flip, it just isn't one of my favorite things.
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Seems to be a perpetual state with you.
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