intuitive comunication style


How would you describe an intuitive communication style? What are the traits?

How do you think communication works with other intuitives?

Do you think this style is more or less verbal?
How would you describe an intuitive communication style? What are the traits?

How do you think communication works with other intuitives?

Do you think this style is more or less verbal?

Hmm, interesting topic. I guess it depend a lot on the type, I'm not sure it could be generalized that those who are Ns all have similar communication styles.

I tend to have better communication with Ni guys than with Ne guys, ENFPs especially seem to have a hard time with awkward silences, and need to fill them. This is again a generalisation and a small observation of mine.

I guess that my communication style gets characterized as awkward, fluid and interesting judging by what people have told me over the years.

I see a lot of non-verbal communication in others, and take it into account when communicate with them, but I'm not sure that others notice it that much or care for it as much as I do.
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Hmm, interesting topic. I guess it depend a lot on the type, I'm not sure it could be generalized that those who are Ns all have similar communication styles.

I tend to have better communication with Ni guys than with Ne guys, ENFPs especially seem to have a hard time with awkward silences, and need to fill them. This is again a generalisation and a small observation of mine.

I guess that my communication style gets characterized as awkward, fluid and interesting judging by what people have told me over the years.

I see a lot of non-verbal communication in others, and take it into account when communicate with them, but I'm not sure that others notice it that much or care for it as much as I do.

yeah, hmm . . . i am not sure how strong my intuition is but with some i can find i'm more quieter in communication without saying much because there's a mutual understanding, and others not so much.

i find that when i have to verbalize every feeling, it's tiring. It's nice to interact with someone who gets it. In those situations, communication doesn't feel like work.
I think we output the same way we "intake" so the speech can vary. For one, at least when I talk to people at my job, I do tend to tell stories more to get a point across. Or say something like "That point is like asking an alligator to tango with my moms homemade chili" kind of thing.

But I honestly don't think "similes and metaphors" are pure N, I know plenty of Sensors who use an abundance of them, I think its how they are used, in a sense. I don't know know if I'm saying that right.
Your an intuitive, do I really need to tell you? :p
My wife and I look at each other. She raises her eyebrows. I know exactly what she means.
My wife and I look at each other. She raises her eyebrows. I know exactly what she means.

Now, that's what i'm talking about.
I think we output the same way we "intake" so the speech can vary. For one, at least when I talk to people at my job, I do tend to tell stories more to get a point across. Or say something like "That point is like asking an alligator to tango with my moms homemade chili" kind of thing.

But I honestly don't think "similes and metaphors" are pure N, I know plenty of Sensors who use an abundance of them, I think its how they are used, in a sense. I don't know know if I'm saying that right.

Yeah, that makes sense. :) Yeah, we all use similes or metaphors in some form, but use them to get a point across differently. Could you expand on that idea?

btw, i like your homemade chili/alligator simile :D

I wouldn't be so sure.
Edit I'm posting on my phone so I was referring to Norton
So, now i'm curious, are we saying that intuitive communication goes beyond body language, etc. to unexpressed knowing and meaning?

I also think i'm not giving verbal communication enough credit. So, i'm going to question my assumptions. It wouldn't be true to say those who communicate more verbally or more extrovertedly are less intuitive. Rather, their intuition works uniquely in their speech to speak to what is needed vs. what is simply said on the surface. In other words, knowing how to read a situation so that they can respond to what is really happening.
Of course body language and facial expressions are totally lost on me, so I think that i miss out on a good deal of intuitive communication with people, so perhaps it is odd that I'm an INFJ. However when I actually talk to people and have conversations with them I can read between the lines as it were, if they're saying one thing and trying to convey another.

I can also tell by voice tone etc if a person is being truthful about their feelings/emotions and I find this incredibly useful. I think this is why I have difficulty with text chatting sometimes, because I can't hear what a person is saying to me and it's all being conveyed in a computerised voice, so finding meaning in a lot of text can be incredibly hard for me.

I can also predict what my friends will say in a conversation or how they will say it, especially if it's a familiar reaction to something. I think this is as close to intuitive communications as I get.
How would you describe an intuitive communication style? What are the traits?

How do you think communication works with other intuitives?

Do you think this style is more or less verbal?

I would say any people who know each other well can read something like a 'raised eyebrow.' History is more important for understanding I think. And culture and similarity of expression.

I would say that intuitive communication is really just more inclined to hit on the intangibles of life.

We are talking about xNxx's, right? I give vague descriptions because an INTP/INTJ communication is probably quite different from an ENFP/INFP conversation, for starters.

Otherwise, what's been said about prediction and seeing the hidden meaning is pretty good imho.
Instance: "Wife raises eyebrows".

Sensors see the wife raising eyebrows, know she is mad, but usually don't know WHY she is mad if there is something else is going on. And if they want to know, they act in the moment and figure it out verbally. I look at sensors as more basic personality, quick to tongue, but don't naturally sense how things add up, nor probably care about all the pieces since the pieces isn't what they want to think about, they want to think about the moment.

On the other hand intuitives see how the pieces all add up before hand, recognize the situation, and figure out their situation in their head. Intuitives think about situations and meaning behind them. While sensors improvise by scanning their environment.

Discuss ideas, worldviews, generalities, how things relate to others.
Will make insightful comments.
Probably have a look on their face like the know what you're talking about and thinking of something else to say.
NFs might hold back certain comments for diplomatic reasons, and you can read it in their face.

Use sensory descirptions, discuss details, speak from experience or the here and now.
Take things face value.
Probably absorbing every word you're saying till you're done or otherwise blowing you off.
SFs will take something face value and feel an emotion at that point, but not say anything about it.

Intuitives just have a certain amount of depth to them and you can tell by the way they act, talk, feel, and think.
On the first look. If I end up talking about movies and books or music at first talk, there is great possibility it is someone with N. But, to know someone better, it takes time.
About communication style, including nonverbal communication...I am not sure, I'll think about that. It is just air that someone has around. Ns in my life are mor often people that are not afraid of nonpractical conversation....
Mybe type of humor also is included...
How would you describe an intuitive communication style? What are the traits?

How do you think communication works with other intuitives?

Do you think this style is more or less verbal?

It's insane. You just know what the other person wants to say by looking at them.
It's insane. You just know what the other person wants to say by looking at them.

Though it is very appealing to think that we know what others might think (and I do that often), it is dangerous. Because we can't really KNOW that. We can guess...
To assume is possibility to be right and to be wrong.
I know that Ni people here like to show off with them being often right (I do that myself), but noone should be to certain of that knowledge.
it should be big warning on box with Ni: WARNING!!! Overusing can cause misunderstanding!
Yeah, there are misunderstandings but when someone starts a sentence and can't finish. Stuff like that we can pick up on with little context.