Intuitives need not apply

I rely on intuitives to explain what needs to be improved.

I ensure it gets done (if I agree).
Materialism= thinly veiled slavery, a system where people are subverted into equating their self worth with the worth of their material possessions as a means of keeping people in dissatisfying, low-wage jobs for the sake of keeping the machine going and the wealth (not money) flowing upwards ;-)

@Lerxst It is a difficult job market no matter how you slice it and I'm going to assume it is worse in Bumblefuck Utah than the city that rapes your dreams, New York. Even so, maybe consider that in categorizing and defining yourself in such a rigid manner is not the best for internal or external growth. I don't see any clear reason why a predominantly intuitive person should inhibit themselves from developing their sensing abilities in order to adapt, even if it requires Oscar-worthy acting at fist. I think you retain a healthier mindset if you regard both polarities equally, that is to retain balance. It sucks having to go through the growing pains of developing our less evolved characteristics but I always find that it's worth the struggle and is enriching.

I rely on intuitives to explain what needs to be improved.

I ensure it gets done (if I agree).

I actually have a lot of practice at being one of those dreaded "sensors" in my home life. For 13 years I've lived with one now, voluntarily! I also do fine at jobs for the first few months; I play the game and go along with every procedure and process. During that time though... I see things.

On more than one occasion, I've seen a bad decision being made and voice a concern to a manager or another person in charge of the decision making process. I'm usually placated and patted on the head while they take it under advisement. It then goes to a committee to be addressed along with other issues that have come up. It's then given a test run. And then, if it doesn't die out in this year-long process it's implemented on a small-scale since going any larger means changing the process once more after they already just changed it.

I can also ignore the small quirks and routines people fall into with these types of jobs. It's not the day-to-day routine that gets me. It's when a huge situation develops that goes contrary to the mission of the organization or shifts the values and people in charge don't see it, or intentionally ignore it, that drives me crazy. The last department I worked for started with a mission of "conservation" and had no issues challenging the norm that was set. Slowly, one development after another, their mission shifted from "conservation" to "marketing". Instead of challenging people to think, they just bought-in to their already formed mindset.

[MENTION=4726]Vict[/MENTION] - I once had a boss and we worked great together. I'd make a suggestion, he'd see where I was going with it and either let me/us do what was needed or move it further up the chain. But that's a rarity....
I also enjoy having "sensor" based data, it helps me to prove my assumptions true or false because the numbers dont lie. they just are what they are. Whereas my intuition can be occasionally swayed by my own stubbornness to see the right answer rendering me completely fuckin wrong. So Data is essential.
Oddly enough, I've been through so many cycles of gathering data and executing strategy that I often no longer require it. My gut (experience) helps cut the crap in this regard.

It's unfortunate that some of those above me still require data and overly detailed strategy documents for their own comfort.