If it's high, then you're inviting people to consider you an arrogant snob.
There are many individuals that consider my an arrogant snob, something to which I've completely aware of despite the fact that I've never shoved my interest in intellectual pursuits down their throats, or judged them based on their level of cognitive ability. I don't judge people based on their IQ, but if they judge me based on mine... well, they've just proven the point to me.
tl;dr version: If someone judges me on my intelligence, they've just proven to me that... well... they
are the stupider person.
If you want to show you're intelligent, then show it.
Well, the subject is about IQ, so it stands to reason to post it. The only people who I'm going to take seriously are those who have received direct study from professional doctors though; a quiz in a book or online test have about as much merit as the mutterings of a brain-dead goldfish.
But yes, of course, you have to prove it through your own words and actions. The problem is that intelligence is not a quantifiably measurable concept; there are so many facets to intelligence that it manifests in
many different ways and forms; mathematics, solving abstract concepts, organisation, memory, etc, etc. One person will be very gifted at maths, another at English, but they might be terrible at socialising with people or understanding very basic concepts in some other areas.
IQ is the measure of this. People just assume its a direct numerical calculation of your intelligence because... well... it has the word intelligence in its name.
It's like men posting their penis sizes; far too much incentive to not be objective in measurement or reporting.
Far too tempting for people to report the highest score they got out of a number of tests, for example.
I've only done one test in my life, and it was done at a recent adult age. 135 was the figure I was given, and I know I am an individual stimulated almost entirely by intellectual absorption... so that's good enough for me.
Since you mentioned penises, you know what they say... "
It's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it!." Being able to speak 5 languages when you're 4 years of age does not make you a better human being, nor do you need a 200 IQ to help the world... or even to understand how to.