Iran can now put nuclear capable missiles into space, making it possible for them to drop in anywhere in the world. They feel Obama has placed more sanctions on them in the past week, when Obama's neglect for a term and more has allowed them to be where they are with their programs. It is the Obama Administration and other world leaders' détente that has not allowed, but rather revealed Iran's nuclear and missile capabilities to the world.....and their willingness to look the other way.

The world is getting much smaller, and that great cushy feeling of living in the safety of the United States is gone. We are no different than Israel or South Korea when it comes to our safety, and we are not prepared for an assault on American grounds.

We are like sheep being led to the slaughter. Punishment or plan?

Americans are such a privately armed people, that when I visit the states I feel slightly unsafe - like someone might pull a gun randomly anywhere, anytime.

I don't think America could be invaded, because the ongoing losses to invading forces, on account of guerrilla action, would be without end.

As for nukes landing in your backyard - there are too many people living outside of cities to worry about the entire nation being wiped out.

I think the main trouble for the 'States is an almost unstoppable movement towards its decline in global influence.
Iran gets nukes it becomes global. @muir, I am a Christian and Godly man, not a Shiite Muslim. There are vast differences. When the Jewish followers of Muhammed refused to call him a prophet of God, he started Islam and denounced the Jews. @Flavus, it will maybe help our country survive if we stop mending fences abroad with our money we don't have. This is very global.

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Why is this an Obama(US)/Iran issue? Isn't it a global issue?

I don't mean to be ignorant (although, I am not well informed on the subject) or disrespectful...but I don't see how one man/country could be the cause of Iran obtaining the ability for nuclear war, and/or his/their duty to deal with it.

Our entire economic system is centrally controlled by central banks. In the US it is the 'federal reserve', in the UK it is the 'bank of england'

However the federal reserve is not federal and the bank of england does not belong to the people of england

Both of these entities are controlled by private banks and these banks in turn are owned by powerful familes. The most powerful among these are the Rothschilds (based in Europe) and the Rockefellers (based in the US). The central banks of Europe and North America are in turn controlled by the central bank of central banks called the 'bank for international settlements' based in switzerland

As well as owning the biggest 4 banks (which control the central banks) these families also own the biggest 4 oil companies

These families control the economies and the governments of the USA and the UK as well as other eg Canada, Australia etc

The Rothschilds as heads of the zionist federation also created the state of Israel. They made a deal with a British politican called 'the balfour declaration'. You can google any of the things or people i mention in my posts and you will find plenty of information on the internet about all this.

The deal they struck was that the British (who controlled Palestine at that time) would give Palestine to the zionists if the zionists used their vast economic influence in the US to bring the US into world war 1 on the side of the British against the Germans.

The british agreed to the deal, the zionists used their influence in the US which was vast even then to bring the US into world war 1.

At this time the zionists dominated banking in the US and UK. They also bought huge concerns in media so they were able to influence how the american public thought and felt about things because they decided what was put in their newspapers and played on their well as controlling Hollywood of course. For example the Rockefellers not only controlled Standard Oil but they also controlled Chase bank

The zionists demonised the germans telling people the 'hun' were nailing babies to church doors and so on.

A trap was also set with the ship the Lusitania which was used to set the germans up as they sunk it with their U-boats believing it to be carrying weaponry. The US media made a big deal about the civilian lives lost on board that boat and suddenly the germans were the enemy

The zionists got palestine...the british didn't move out imediately because they were trying to stop the jews and the arabs from butchering each other but the jews formed terrorist cells for example Irgun (

This group murdered British soldiers and carried out bombing attacks and so the state of Israel was born out of jewish terrorism

This group went on to form a right wing political party. This party then went on to form the Likud party which is the ruling party today. This party are right wing jewish supremiscists

Because these right wing, extremist racists are supported by the huge wealth of the central bankers they have been able to create powerful lobby groups in the USA such as AIPAC and the ADL. Their power is such that they have now bought the support of the US congress and they are determined to destroy the Iranian leadership because the Iranians not only have one of the worlds largest reserves of oil but they also do not have a rothschild controlled central bank

The US wants cheap oil so it supports puppet leaders such as the saudi royal family the hause of saud (thats why the US has so many military bases there; its to protect the royal family) who sell the US middle east oil cheaply (thereby stopping the countries being able to get a good price and develop their countries)

The Iranians trade their oil with countries like China and India and they are working with other countries to sell the oil for currencies other than the dollar

After world war 2 the US was left as the worlds most powerful country and it made up a new set of rules for the global economy. It made its own currency 'the dollar' the worlds reserve currency at the 'Bretton Woods Conference'. This has provided the US with vast wealth which it has used to build a military of epic proportions which it has used to batter countries around the globe

The US military has fought to protect the interests of big corporations and has crushed workers movements around the world

Iran has defied the US military. It has traded oil for gold and it is trying to set up an oil market which will trade oil in other currencies.

This makes it very unpopular with the Rothschilds who control Israel and the US so they are using these countries to try to dominate Iran

The Rotchschilds are trying to create a global one world government that they will control. They are trying to use the UN as the instrument to achieve that along with the IMF and the world bank. This is why the bankers were bailed out instead of the real economy, why no bankers have been arrested despite all the scandals being exposed and why our countrues are turning into police states; they want everything centrally controlled and they want total control of every aspect of our lives (hence all the NSA spying that Snowden has blown the whistle on)

Thats what 'totalitarian' means total control of every aspect of our lives

Thats why there are so many protests across amercia and europe and why countries in the middle east have been trying to stand up against the US.

The US has been taken over by zionists (many of which are right wing jewish supremicists). They are trying to destroy the constitution, destroy the middle class, take the peoples guns away, create a surveillance state (like nazi germany under the gestapo) and they also want to end democracy....they don't believe the public should have any say in the running of things...they think they should control things themselves....this is why it is called 'neo-fuedalism'

You won't hear about this in the mainstream corporate media becuase they own and control that but there is plenty of alternative media who cover all this

A great book that discusses all the ins and outs of this, if you're interested, is: 'Big Oil and their bankers in the Persian Gulf' by Dean Henderson
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Iran gets nukes it becomes global. @muir, I am a Christian and Godly man, not a Shiite Muslim. There are vast differences. When the Jewish followers of Muhammed refused to call him a prophet of God, he started Islam and denounced the Jews. @Flavus, it will maybe help our country survive if we stop mending fences abroad with our money we don't have. This is very global.


The situation is already global and the real weapon at the moment is money! That is the weapon of mass destruction and the people weilding it are the rothschilds.

If we want a safe world we need to take control of the money back off the central bankers

Its them after all who are trying to crack Iran as they want its oil and economy under their control

Iran is 3000 years think they're idiots? You think they will fire nuclear weapons and be destroyed in return? No way!

The mad dog in the middle east is Israel which is also the only country there that has nukes and keeps attacking its neighbours!

People should focuse their energies on disarming Israel. here is professor Finkelstein describing Israel as a 'lunatic state' and how that is part of their policy!

US war powers being handed over to Israel!!!

The United States of America is supposed to be a democratic republic. Under its Constitution, the Congress decides whether to go to war, and the President serves as commander-in-chief.

Today, with nearly 1,000 military bases around the world, the USA looks more like an empire than a republic. But who is the emperor? Is the USA ruled by an “imperial presidency”? Or is the real emperor of America enthroned in Tel Aviv?

A bill introduced in the US Senate by Chuck Schumer (D-NY), entitled the “Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013,” – now supported by 50 US Senators – formally turns over American war powers to the State of Israel and its Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to a leading American Iran expert, Columbia University professor Gary Sick, “the bill outsources any decision about resort to military action to the government of Israel, by committing the United States in advance to support any military action by Israel.”

The bill effectively gives Netanyahu the war powers of both the US Congress and the US president. In effect, it makes Netanyahu emperor of the USA, empowered to lead America into any war he wants at the time and place of his choosing.
Definitely number one is anti-Israel.
Definitely number one is anti-Israel.

I am not against the existence of Israel. To call me 'anti-israel' would be incorrect

I am against beligerent, non compromising and war mongering policy whether Israeli, British or US American or from anywhere for that matter

And i believe the reason for this beligerant war mongering stance by these countries is becuase they are controlled by a handful of aggressive, beligerent men (the banksters)

I believe Israel should change its policy to one of peace and should lead the way by disarming its nuclear capability....if they do not do this their neighbours will always live in fear and want to make themselves stronger...its not rocket science (pun not intended)

If you look at what i'm saying with an objective eye it would be clear that I am actually seeking the best for all people involved

The people i am criticising are only a section of the jewish people (and many zionists are not even jews). They are at their core right wing (likud) zionist jewish supremicists but there are plenty of moderate jews who do not support their aggressive stance
I don't read that between your lines.
I don't read that between your lines.

I think you are missing some of the lines

Try to look at the totality of my posts to get a fuller picture
Iran gets nukes it becomes global. @muir, I am a Christian and Godly man, not a Shiite Muslim. There are vast differences. When the Jewish followers of Muhammed refused to call him a prophet of God, he started Islam and denounced the Jews. @Flavus, it will maybe help our country survive if we stop mending fences abroad with our money we don't have. This is very global.


It is the mending of fences that will enable our survival. In order for the Iranian leadership to be convinced that they don't need nuclear weapons We need to be truthful about what our actions and intentions have been toward their country for the last 75 years. We can not live in denial of a history of deliberate covert actions to subvert their national will.

I can just imagine what the "my country right or wrong" party would make of that.
It is the mending of fences that will enable our survival. In order for the Iranian leadership to be convinced that they don't need nuclear weapons We need to be truthful about what our actions and intentions have been toward their country for the last 75 years. We can not live in denial of a history of deliberate covert actions to subvert their national will.

I can just imagine what the "my country right or wrong" party would make of that.

There does seem to be a ray of light

This story in the news today saying that the world powers will begin implementing the Iranian nuclear deal on 20th january:

Its difficult sometimes to know what the back story is to the front stories we are given in the news

For example the news will tell us that congress is being pressured by AIPAC to impose sanctions thereby destroying the deal...but is that with real intent to do that or is it just part of tough negotiations....tough talk to get a better deal?

Time will tell, but i hope the US will ease the sanctions on Iran and that Iran will continue to cooperate with the weapons inspectors

Meanwhile i hope that American jews pull back a bit in their support for Israel's tough stance at the moment so that we can see Israel cooperate too for example with reducing the illegal settlements on Palestinean land and ideally with them also letting nuclear weapons inspectors in (but i doubt that will happen anytime soon)

This does all sound very familiar though....we were all having the same discussion a while back about N.Korea who had to sabre rattle to get aid.

So as part of this deal over $4 billion of Irans frozen money will be released; for a country that was dealing with high inflation (due to the sanctions) this will come as a welcome relief
Unlike some folk think, there are other players that are after energy making deals behind closed doors to subvert any agreement made.
Unlike some folk think, there are other players that are after energy making deals behind closed doors to subvert any agreement made.

The Russians and Chinese want peace thats why they are supporting the agreement

The Saudis on the other hand they want to subvert the agreement which is why they have been working so closely with the Israelis

So i guess what US americans need to decide for the sake of the soul of their country is whether they want to support dictatorial regimes like the house of saud who don't share their wealth with their people or whather they'd prefer to support the Iranians who are looking to improve the quality of life for their people

It comes down to what is it that you stand for? What do you want to support in your actions and with your political vote or your dollars and what do you want to see your tax payer money used for?

What is the cost to a person or a nation for making immoral choices?
I would say, compared to what you think it is based on, it is more based on what one believes in.
I would say, compared to what you think it is based on, it is more based on what one believes in.

No it really doesn't

jews, christians and muslims were living peacefully side by side before the rothschilds created israel and before British imperialism in the middle east (which the US then continued)

The US does not have scores of military bases in the middle east because of religion. Its about oil and petro currencies

Also there are tens of thousands of jews living in Iran
That does not address my statement.