Irma, go away. Enough already!

@acd. Out of power since late morning. Frequent Tornado Warnings but none has hit us directly. We have heavier winds, rains, and outside is dark with trees blowing like crazy. We're fine otherwise, taking it one hour at a time. Hope everyone else is ok.
Something isn't adding up. They talk of gust over 100 mph where Irma made land fall. That's not sustained winds of 145 or even 130. Yet they continue to call it a cat 4 when it landed? That's not even cat 3.
I'm glad it wasn't as powerful.
Looking back at the predicted path of IRMA...they really got no where close.
I can predict that well. "Irma will turn into a bird and fly away after craping on most of Florida."
I dont care much for fox news, however, i wanted to pass this little gem along to all affected by these devistating hurricanes ...a little smile to help take a chunk out of all the axiety around this time...

Hopeful everyone is safe, sending thoughts and prayers for strength your way <3
We are fine, so it seems. Feel for those who weren't so fortunate.

Lots of flooding south, east, and west Florida coasts, Georgia and S Carolina coasts, and before it made landfall here it wreaked havoc in other places. Remember how many places people have been walking in waist deep water lately. Storm surge is something difficult to predict.

Predictions help people and save lives.
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My friend just posted that Dairy Queen is open in her town. There is something so comforting about an ice cream store opening directly after a hurricane to help make people happy. :)
Yes. Tomorrow will be an oreo blizzard for me.
Hope everyone is okay. Ah, I almost forgot someone. pfffftttt. oh yeah, @Milktoast Bandit wacka-mama!

She still has not felt 'THE WRATH' of my hurricane yet. When, I hit It's going to be an unprecedented category I can tell you that for sure, milky mustache man. I am looking at category 10 at the moment.

All jokes aside, again, hope all is well.

We expect something like a hurricane or two every now and then along the coast. but are we really ever ready for something like this. Harvey got our full attention. Disaster relief has been sent to the area to help the disaster. Now, we are waiting for disaster relief from the Northern states for this. Water disappeared from the shelves so quickly today.

This is the most powerful Atlantic hurricane on record now. Irma, go away.
It looks like a human eye!

*cue creationist/atheist debate theories and antagonism*
It looks like a human eye!

*cue creationist/atheist debate theories and antagonism*

I think the middle is actually called an 'eye' lol. I think the same thing goes for tornadoes and cyclones. It's said to be the calmest areas of all and where you would want to be. I don't remember.