Is Bush a murderer?

Yes, and no.

He directed the chain of events towards near genocide. However he did not personally murder anyone. The deaths of each individual lies at the feet of the person who personally murdered them, the Soldiers themselves.

Before the beginning of WW2 an SS Soldier was ordered to execute a man, he said he couldn't and was transferred out of the SS ranks. I used to attend a men's group in Gladstone where there were a number of Christian ex-soldiers who served in Rwanda. I used to espouse the idea that a man who obeys orders cannot be said to have murdered anyone, but one of the guys replied that they were individuals with freedom of thought, and not drones, that each person has to make the personal choice to pull that trigger and end a life for themselves.

In the end, the crimes should be laid at the feet of the people who individually committed them. The people who ordered them to commit them should be thrown out of office for the order.
That is actually a pretty good answer. But are our soldiers murderers considering that many were under the impression that our reasons for being in Iraq were genuine?
Satya said:
That is actually a pretty good answer. But are our soldiers murderers considering that many were under the impression that our reasons for being in Iraq were genuine?
Yes they are, because they chose to kill people.

Besides, any halfwit could see that Iraq posed no threat to the USA. Hell america constantly says that it's the only superpower in the world, that Russia poses no threat to them, even though they have a shitload of nuclear arms. To turn around and say that a broken second world nation poses a threat is retarded and even children have been able to see that.

In an american court of law, anyone who travels armed a very long distance to the crime scene, and premeditates killing of a person or persons is guilty of murder. That's what this was.
Sheesh, what an emotionally charged clip.

Satya said:
are our soldiers murderers considering that many were under the impression that our reasons for being in Iraq were genuine?
In regards to the soldiers, the word kill is more appropriate when the other person is armed and intent on taking your life, semantics maybe.

Justification in a soldiers mind as to their actions does not take away personal responsibility for those actions, If I were to ever take someone else’s life for my country it would be on my conscience, no one can force me to kill so it is a choice that I make and how I deal with it and justify it is also my personal choice, therefore I alone would be responsible for taking an individuals life.

Politicians and military leaders must be held accountable for the decisions they make that result in military action and loss of life. The decision makers are where it all starts, someone who falsifies information that results in military action and loss of life should be held accountable for all deaths. Murderer does not fit but in my mind but it is the greater of the evils as without this no lives would be lost.
Very interesting points. If I were in the situation of a soldier today, I wonder what I would do.