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I wonder if there are any fish in hell? :thumb:
If there are I'll bet it's this little fella;

The giant snakehead is a carnivorous fish that feasts on or destroys anything in its path, this fish is ebil! Think it's harsh to suggest this fish may be dammed to hell? Noooo! Don't be fooled, this is not your average fish; THE GIANT SNAKEHEAD CAN KILL YOU!
"Female snakeheads have been known to attack and sometimes actually kill human beings who get too close to juvenile fish.
The giant snakehead will eat absolutely everything in a body of water then crawl over land to the next pond or lake. If there’s an infestation near any other bodies of water, those other areas are almost sure to be infested soon because the snakehead can survive four days out of water while it looks for a new home.
The fish is the pinnacle in dangerous and effective invasive species. Officials in the U.S. had to fight an invasion of the fish with the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Snipers were placed around invaded bodies of water with shoot on sight orders. Whole lakes were poisoned, wiping out hundreds of other fish in the process, to stop the snakefish from spreading. Even these measures weren’t 100% effective."
They’ll kill you if they can be this in the water OR on land if you try to run and even the US army, with all their weapons, can’t annihilate them! The giant snakehead thrives in warmer water... coincident? I think not!
The good news for you apparently they are quite fun to catch, and are considered a tasty dish in China.
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