is introversion selfish?

This year has really proven it to be the other way around where it is very obvious that extroverts are the selfish ones being that they require nearly constant attention like a cheap BMW meaning they are high maintenance otherwise all hell breaks lose. As for most introverts we're like house plants that only need to be watered once or twice a month as needed.
Neither are selfish. I understand your point of view, but humans are social creatures by nature. We are structured to live in families and tribes. There needs to be respect for wherever someone falls on the scale.
From the answers you can see that egoism has nothing to do with I or E.
It is simply a negative kind of a character. However, I myself find the way extroverts show
their egoism much more repulsive than that of introverts.
If someone comes rushing loudly into your room, rips open the window and
turns the radio up loud, it is most likely an extrovert.
From the answers you can see that egoism has nothing to do with I or E.
It is simply a negative kind of a character. However, I myself find the way extroverts show
their egoism much more repulsive than that of introverts.
If someone comes rushing loudly into your room, rips open the window and
turns the radio up loud, it is most likely an extrovert.
That's nothing to do with extroversion it's a lack of respecting boundaries. I think that definitions and perceptions of what each term means is getting muddled here by negative stereotypes that highlight the differences on the spectrum.

This is understandable but long term not a philosophy that is going to help anyone get along or coexist. It just breeds contempt and ostracization.
Neither are selfish. I understand your point of view, but humans are social creatures by nature. We are structured to live in families and tribes. There needs to be respect for wherever someone falls on the scale.

The whole "social creatures" line gets overused these days often to discriminate introversion and negate any middle ground between the two as compulsory extroversion post WW2 became the norm in western society.
The whole "social creatures" line gets overused these days often to discriminate introversion and negate any middle ground between the two as compulsory extroversion post WW2 became the norm in western society.
What evidence do you have to prove that homosapiens function in a solitary structure such as panthers? Does the existence of citites and societies in all archeological records disprove this theory? Even hunter gatherers travelled in tribes. Humans do not live solitary and meet up during mating season like some species. Humans are social creatures.
What evidence do you have to prove that homosapiens function in a solitary structure such as panthers? Does the existence of citites and societies in all archeological records disprove this theory? Even hunter gatherers travelled in tribes. Humans do not live solitary and meet up during mating season like some species. Humans are social creatures.

I would like to think that you are capable of answering this yourself given some time however I don't want to do all the work for you. Some google searching might turn up a few things from the 19th to early 20th century from what people had to say about this in their own words.
I would like to think that you are capable of answering this yourself given some time however I don't want to do all the work for you. Some google searching might turn up a few things from the 19th to early 20th century from what people had to say about this in their own words.
I think you're just misunderstanding the word 'social', and being condescending because of it.

'Introverts' are just as 'social' as extroverts in anthropological terms.
I would like to think that you are capable of answering this yourself given some time however I don't want to do all the work for you. Some google searching might turn up a few things from the 19th to early 20th century from what people had to say about this in their own words.
Do you have any keywords about these solitary homosapiens who did not gather in groups and societies? They sound fascinating and I've never heard of them. I would love to do research about them. I will say though that if we are talking about outliers or small numbers of humans then you're not really understanding me. I'm talking about humans as a species, as a whole. The general pattern seems to be that humans organize in social groups... They're not solitary. I agree with hos that we must not be on the same page about definitions here.
Do you have any keywords about these solitary homosapiens who did not gather in groups and societies? They sound fascinating and I've never heard of them. I would love to do research about them. I will say though that if we are talking about outliers or small numbers of humans then you're not really understanding me. I'm talking about humans as a species, as a whole. The general pattern seems to be that humans organize in social groups... They're not solitary. I agree with hos that we must not be on the same page about definitions here.

This is what I hate about So doms as it is like talking to a wall that not everyone is the same and that there is diversity but clearly extroverts like yourself don't want that endlessly repeating the same over and over again. Being human overrated anyway.
This is what I hate about So doms as it is like talking to a wall that not everyone is the same and that there is diversity but clearly extroverts like yourself don't want that endlessly repeating the same over and over again. Being human overrated anyway.
Yeah we're just talking about two completely different topics and you don't seem to realize it. I have mentioned earlier in this post that in terms of what level of socializing a person needs it exists on a spectrum.

But the bottom line is that humans require socialization. We all just have to respect at what level each of us require it at.
Yeah we're just talking about two completely different topics and you don't seem to realize it. I have mentioned earlier in this post that in terms of what level of socializing a person needs it exists on a spectrum.

But the bottom line is that humans require socialization. We all just have to respect at what level each of us require it at.

Again this So dom is a broken record.
As for my personal opinion, It can go both ways. There is more of a tendency for extraverts to lean towards overt narcissism and introverts, covert narcissism. Extraverts can be extremely selfish and loud about it(*cough*, Esxps, not to mention...). But introverts can be very self-centered and quietly ignore everything that isn't about them. I can't speak for a lot of direct encounters with covert narcissist introverts since it's hard to tell, but narcissism and harmful selfishness I've seen a lot from extroverted types. They literally need to feed off of other people's energy and outside stimuli to stay engaged and motivated. Introverts don't need to do this.

Sounds fairly accurate to me!
This was pretty rude, man.

Though I wasn't being nice my rudeness level is on a higher level than that, be around the older generations enough and one learns some mean things to say as well a little rubbing off. I won't lie that I often don't like the type as they expect everyone else to be like clones of themselves being soul crushing conformists.
Though I wasn't being nice my rudeness level is on a higher level than that, be around the older generations enough and one learns some mean things to say as well a little rubbing off. I won't lie that I often don't like the type as they expect everyone else to be like clones of themselves being soul crushing conformists.
Wow that's a long typo. I think you mean 'I apologise'.

I didn't intend to just give you an opportunity to boast about your meanness and cool geriatric friends.