I can't figure out how to do the "Mentioned" thing so I'll just reply and hope for the best
If you cannot predict anything on a cause and effect basis (which if you take Heizenburg and Quantum together you know) then how does anything we do matter/have meaning?
"Meaning" is subjective... if you want to split hairs then my world view is that no, nothing has any "Meaning".
Most of the time these religion/spiritual/science conversations skim about above a core issue... "Free Will".... so we have the ability to "Choose"?
It's seems to me that a requirement of most religions that one has "Free Will"... the God who has given the "Free Will" then judges the individuals based on the way they exercise their "Free Will".
My understanding of reality is that "Free Will" is but an illusion... see, my understanding of reality is that there is no "soul" or a special place in the collection of atoms that comprise my body that are exempt from the rest of the physical world that I have learnt about.
So, ultimately my world view is that choice is an illusion... which is quite a strange place to end up really, because it seems I'm absolved from any responsibility for my actions (because I don't have the power of choice, so the concept of "responsibility for actions" is null and void)... BUT, I also have no power to use that insight to do anything that I wouldn't have already done anyway.
Finally, as I'm typing these words that I had no choice to type ;-) the end result is that for all intents and purposes I exist in my day to day life as if I have free will... I experience the wonder of making choices as much as someone who thinks that free will is alive and well... I'm glad I had tea instead of coffee just now, even though I kind of really wanted a coffee I know that my body processes caffeine at about half the rate it used to since I have quit smoking so I'll go for a green tea instead... and I'm glad I made that choice... but, split hairs and talk about the guts of reality and what's what when it comes to existence, no, I am but a collection of atoms, no different from the cup I'm holding.
This allows me the hope to NOT go and destroy the world because all life is pointless. If it is pointless why not just be done with it and help the universe to its promised entropic death.
I've always thought that life is so much more precious and important to embrace because we DO die, because we have a finite time.
The meaning of life is to give life meaning... don't you just love those circular phrases ;-)
I suppose the wonders and miracles for me comes from an understanding of the universe I live in. I have only recently got a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy S2... which is a big step up for me, although I work in IT I've never been a "gadget freak" and I also try to recycle and keep things working so my "gadgets" tend to be quite out of date. Anyway, I was sitting outside learning about this thing... this device that has internal gyroscopes, muti-axis magnetic sensors, accelerometers, can receive signals from satellites that are orbiting thousands of miles above my head... on and on and on... it's truly incredible what is packed into that thing I'm holding in my hand.... THEN, look out at the trees and the sand and the bush around me... and thought deeply about it, the device I'm holding in my hand came from that.
Really, think about it, walk away from all civilisation so you can't see any houses, building, nothing... then look at the mobile phone in your hand and think about how you would go about making that from what you see around you.
That's the sort of wonder that grabs me... I just say "WOW" and feel that even though me, as an individual, can't make that device... I'm capable of it... and I have the deepest respect for those that can.
I have some understanding of physics given that I studies university physics... so that probably fuels my passion, some of the "ah ha" moments in University when I really got a grasp on some fundamental leaps of insight that were made by great minds in the past was an excitement I've only felt a few times since... not because I'm a "nerd" or because I've had a boring life, it was just a profoundly deep experience to grasp the threads of thought that all come together to understand something that no one had ever understood before.
It's truly astonishing some of the predictions that science has made, the "Standard Model" of Physics has been incredibly accurate. We'll find out by the end of this year if the Higgs Boson / aka "God Particle" exists (possibly the worst choice of naming for a particle ever made... but they've got to get the general public funding the project somehow ;-))... I'm betting they won't find it and that the "Standard Model" is incomplete.
Anyway, I'm getting way off topic and rambling... sorry :-(
I can't convince anyone to change their views of reality, I'm big enough and ugly enough to know that... just in the same way that someone couldn't change my perception of reality. From where I'm standing I have a deep concern about where we're going a species... because my understanding of reality is that this life is all there is and that we are the first species that actually has a realistic chance (on a good day) of getting our **** together and making it to the stage where we might not be limited to an existence on one tiny ball orbiting one star out of the billions in our galaxy... and the billions of galaxies that we already know about.