Is it harder to believe in God or not to believe in God?

Yes, we think.

But why do we think?

Do we do it for the fun of it?

Does this existence want us to be here, to merely think about it?

Thinking is not necessarily a big part of everyones life... but Feeling is universal.

Whether it be pain or pleasure, great joy or sorrow, we do Feel something at least once or twice while here on Earth.

We do learn to deny our thoughts and feelings, but it takes practice and motivation to remain steadfast in denial.

I'm pretty sure all people think and feel, but unlike yourself, I am hesitant to delve into absolutes. It could be that there are some people who are incapable of one or the other. Generally, feeling creates thoughts and thoughts creates feelings.

As per your view, there are many philosophies that challenge the "why"?

Existentialism argues that each individual is responsible for creating their own "why".
Absurdism argues that it is meaningless to pursue a "why" because it is merely a human concept with no meaning in reality.
Nihilism rejects the "why" entirely and says that everything is meaningless.

All those views and many more are just as probable and credible as your own personal opinion. Just because you like your answer does not mean there aren't other answers that are just as good, or even better.
Existentialism argues that each individual is responsible for creating their own "why".
Absurdism argues that it is meaningless to pursue a "why" because it is merely a human concept with no meaning in reality.
Nihilism rejects the "why" entirely and says that everything is meaningless.

All those views and many more are just as probable and credible as your own personal opinion. Just because you like your answer does not mean there aren't other answers that are just as good, or even better.

Do you absolutely believe this existence is completely meaningless?
Do you absolutely believe this existence is completely meaningless?

You missed the point. I was listing several different philosophical positions that people take to demonstrate that your opinion is only one of many, many different explanations.

I'm personally a secular humanist and an agnostic. I believe that humanity as a whole has to shape its own identity and purpose in the universe. I don't think we are ascribed any such purpose by a supernatural deity. This next century is a turning point for our species, because we will be in control of our own evolution rather than simply reacting and adapting to the environment and we will get to decide what we will become. A lot of important questions have to be answered in that time, such as how we wish to live in regards to one another and how we wish to live in regards to this planet which we all share.