I tend to agree, it's not really important to me at all.No, it isn't important for me to be needed by anybody.
It is important to me. Service to others, helping where I can, is a great joy of mine. Allowing yourself to need others and be needed in return is opening yourself up to good action driven by compassion much as allowing yourself to be loved and loving others in return does. I also can't think of this question without thinking of my grandmother who lived a life of service to my grandfather before he passed away. And when he was gone and nobody needed her she felt alone, and what contributions she could give not seen as worthwhile. Seeing how not being needed made her feel out in the cold and alone, without a purpose in life, I see being needed and needing others also something that drives interconnectedness between people, and a sense of belonging.
No, it isn't important for me to be needed by anybody.
My mother always said that there were givers and there were takers, and we were givers. To me, saying you want to be needed implies this sense that you are doing things for others with a motive in mind. I don't know why that is, but it does.
I would love to be free of the responsibilites of my life and put down the reins for awhile and go somewhere where nobody needed anything from me but that isn't what life is about. I do because I choose to and because it is the right thing to do. One of my favorite quotes is Duty is heavy as a mountain, death is light as a feather.
Society in general has a such a screwed up ideal about what we value, who we define our heros to be. My father is my hero because without acclaim or screaming crowds, he went to work everyday to provide for us. I can't stand the idea of people like Beckam or Jordan or whatever crappy sports person is out there being called heroes. Life is difficult and choosing to do what is right without the fanfare or notice of others is a quiet type of heroism that we overlook. It isn't about wanting to be needed but understanding and accepting that you are needed.
I guess because I don't consider it heroic to learn how to shoot a basketball well or a kick a soccer ball. Talent is one thing but it does not make one heroic. My point being that my definition of need relates directly to this idea that life is about the quiet, everyday choices we make, that generally come without adulation. "Look he got up at 5:00am every morning and went to work" vs. "He kicks, he scores!!" While it is true that "celebrities" are often in the spotlight and reports are made about them, that doesn't really have much to do with the argument. One would have to suppose that a vast majority are affected by such coverage rather than just merely curious about the intimate details of some such and such lives (if that, bleh). One would propose that given the current social climate that such intrusion would be construed as a result of the choices said individuals made.
I could not stand being in a relationship with a man who could stand on his own two feet without me. Those kind bore me and it seems that they don't need a wife for anything other than sex.
Not for every one.