Is keeping in touch online inauthentic?

This question includes both online relationships and keeping in touch online.

I highly value talking to people online, both people that I met online and people I met in real life.

In a way, I am a different person online than I am in real life. I'm much more open. This, combined with the fact that online relationships (in the general sense) can only go so far and be so satisfying, it makes me wonder if it is an inauthentic form of communication. I feel a sense of guilt when I try to talk to people on messenger sometimes and they don't take it so seriously.

Does anyone else feel this way, or do you think it is an authentic mode of communication?

Or is everyone on the internet depressed or lonely or something? Is it ironic that I am asking a forum this?

Not exactly inauthentic; just different, in the way [MENTION=1669]Res[/MENTION] had said. We can't exactly arrange our words as eloquent in real life, too.

And about depression, I think it all goes back to each person and their reason. Some probably does in a state of depression. Others just felt more comfortable.
I don't think it's inauthentic :)) but I guess a relationship (whatever kind) is better when you really know the person in real life. There's so much more things you can learn about each other in person I guess. And, it's easier because you get to see the facial expressions, you hear the tone of their voice, you see their body movements and everything.

I don't think it's inauthentic but I guess the relationship can only go so far.