Is neurosis genetic?

Oh cool. Glad to see another interested in psychology. I think that you would have to get a Bachelor degree (probably a bachelor of science) to get the general background first. It's possible depending on the program your in to do a concentration or a track with medications (psychopharmicology maybe?) For me, I'm in the counseling track. But for psychology in general you typically need a masters to do anything.

Ahh I see I wish to be a councelor/psychiatrist as they sort of go together in my opinion. I mean a psychiatrist can dole out medication and studies and alot of research, which really appeals to me. It sort of makes up for the biological perspective. Although I would love to be a therapist as well, preferably a cognitive one, maybe combine the two. I am definely going in your footsteps though as it goes for a bachelor degree. Then a masters in medicine is my top goal. See, have you ever just felt like you can make a difference, you just know that you can help someone in mental agony when others have failed? This is what drives me.

Although I worry I will not pass the 'insanity test' that everyone has to do :/

evidence via antedote:

both of my parents have major depression. my dad also has anxiety.

i have anxiety, definitely. also, i occasionally have fits of depression (usually with causes... and fester in the winter)

my sister has depression, no anxiety.

no other real mental issues. these, for my family at least, seem to be somewhat genetic, as we all have similar issues.

You have a point, it indicates a genetic predisposition. Although it also indicates that you may have learned to have depression/anxiety from your parents (unconsciously). Your way of thinking has an impact and so does your social environment. The most important is to adress that it is present and how it can be dealt with. Luckily anxiety is not firstly biological =)