Is there any way for an INFJ to stop stressing out about things?

The answer for this INFJ is meditation, meitation, meditation. It really works if you can create the habit. You don't have to wear a f**king robe or sit in the lotus position. All you need is a chair and some peace and quiet.
I have already written my thoughts on this in another post How long does it take you to get over a relationship? if anybody is interested....
I can't meditate. At all. I have the worst concentration abilities out of everyone I've ever met.

Does hypnosis work on people like me?
Hypnosis works on people like me, and I am INFJ too, like you. I used it (dont laugh) to dramatically reduce pain in childbirth. I believe it is an immensly powerful tool and it is great if you have trouble concentrating; it can be called guided meditation too...
If you're an INFJ, you know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, I do.

Keep yourself organized and well-prepared for those things that you can organize and prepare for, and maybe do some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy training to help you let go of the things that you don't have control over.

Only practical solution for anybody, although everyone's mileage will vary.

However, if you're chronically anxious about everything and anything, the other possibility is that you may have an anxiety disorder. Maybe talk to a doctor or therapist if this is a chronic problem for you (ie: it is severely interfering with your daily life). It's entirely treatable.

Good luck.
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I can't meditate. At all. I have the worst concentration abilities out of everyone I've ever met.

Does hypnosis work on people like me?

You don't need concentration abilities to meditate. That is a misconception.
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I've gotten so used to stress that I don't even notice it anymore. When I think about it though, i just watch something on the internet or tv to take my mind off of it and try to relax..and maybe day dream a bit. I think one should look at both sides of a conflict that is stressing them out, and try to find a solution or be optimistic about it.
About the meditation, I've tried to do that before but I can't sit still. I get very anxious to move lol. Anyone here know a way to be more calm about things??
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No, I'm not. It's a serious problem. I won't be able to find the happiness I want unless I get some help from an INFJ who has defeated this problem (if such an INFJ exists).

No, if you are looking for such a Jedi Master, he does not exist. We all feel, and deal, with stress. You cannot avoid it. This is something you should wrap your mind around. Now how we deal with it--that is where the control comes in. As a younger person, I avoided stress and conflict at all costs. I loathed it! I still do not like it, but have found that it is rarely as bad in reality as it was in my mind. Often it was nowhere near as bad!

We have very vivided imaginations as INFJ's. We can create extremely frightening Hells. My advice to you is to try and not avoid things. Take them on even if you are uncomfortable. I still am uncomfortable, but I do. You can change and adapt, trust me I did. I was, and still am, the stero-typical INFJ. But I have the fortune of years on many here. We can adapt and find a place--even a happy place.

Stress will always be there for any type. That's life. It's how we deal with it that makes the difference. I decided years ago that I would sink or swim as myself, not as society would try to make me. I hope this helps.
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In that case, there's obviously something necessary for success in meditation that I'm lacking, so what is it? Confidence?

meditating is great, concentration is not always so necessary for it because it's your unconcious mind being honored to do it's things for you, stop looking for the answers and you'll find that they will filter slowly to your concious mind in the most random moments later on that day, the next and that sort of thing.

Stressing over everything makes me want to implode and explode so I shut down and talk about it out loud when I'm by myself. Sometimes this is how I get the answers I need for solutions, and sometimes I just find a little peace from the issues at hand. I liked Indigo Sensor's comment on finding a higher power... But this is hard to let go of and do, because it means that you need to hand over the control that you're so used to holding tight, to some other form of presence.

Driving is a good one, this works for me a LOT. I wish you well, I know it's really really hard to manage.
No, if you are looking for such a Jedi Master, he does not exist. We all feel, and deal, with stress. You cannot avoid it. This is something you should wrap your mind around. Now how we deal with it--that is where the control comes in. As a younger person, I avoided stress and conflict at all costs. I loathed it! I still do not like it, but have found that it is rarely as bad in reality as it was in my mind. Often it was nowhere near as bad!

We have very vivided imaginations as INFJ's. We can create extremely frightening Hells. My advice to you is to try and not avoid things. Take them on even if you are uncomfortable. I still am uncomfortable, but I do. You can change and adapt, trust me I did. I was, and still am, the stero-typical INFJ. But I have the fortune of years on many here. We can adapt and find a place--even a happy place.

Stress will always be there for any type. That's life. It's how we deal with it that makes the difference. I decided years ago that I would sink or swim as myself, not as society would try to make me. I hope this helps.

Awsome points K.

I also agree that having some years of experience on us helps a lot too... When I was in my 20's, I remember wishing, wondering and waiting for things to get better and life to get easier but it didn't.

I kept waiting for myself to change enough to find it easier to deal with my feelings, or that my feelings would become less intense, but they didn't.

I know now that this is just the way I am, (the way we are), and that like you said, it's better to swim than sink.
Just realize that stress does nothing positive.
That's what it took for me. Can you make one more hair on your head turn black or add one day to your life by worrying. No,so don't.

I did it. Not to say I don't ever stress or worry, but I cut it back about 90%
When I was in my 20's, I remember wishing, wondering and waiting for things to get better and life to get easier but it didn't.


"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

I think an attitude like this can make life a whole lot easier.
If you're an INFJ, you know what I'm talking about.

I could make a good guess but it would be better if you elaborated the problem more. A brain that holds the question also contains the best answer to it. A true master if such existed here would not provide you with a universal answer but would rather lead you to it.

I know quite a few very powerful techniques but most of them would make little sense to you if supplied plainly. If you absolutely want something right now - go and read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari for example.
Posted via Mobile Device
... it because it's your unconcious mind being honored to do it's things for you, stop looking for the answers and you'll find that they will filter slowly to your concious mind in the most random moments later on that day, the next and that sort of thing.

Yeah, I think this is one of the core things. At least it is for me. When I'm in stress I try to find a solution with my mind or contole the situation with my mind. But that is not how things work for me. My mind will never find the solution for me. It is only when I stop thinking and let my unconscious mind drip into my conscious mind that I find the right answer or that I find peace again.

I think it is a great advise for INFJ's to relate more on there unsconcious mind for there we will find peace and the right answers.

The question is, how do you do that? For me driving really helps to stop the thinking train and to see everything in perspective again. Meditation doesn't work for me either because I will continue to think things over
I also hate that trait of us. I don't know if it's efficient with everyone, but everytime I'm with my ENFP friend my J tends to transform into P, so is easier for me to lay back for a while (in comparison, everytime I'm with my ESFJ mom I tend to stress out. sponge effect maybe?)
Yes. Stop "what iffing" and let life play itself out. Dont get too involved and deal with the outcome, weather you think it is good or bad, just let it be. Make a decision and stick with it. I have to be at work, on time, 5 days a week and have rent and 2 bills to pay a month. Thats it. On time and proper dosent apply to anything else. You have to let other people play their roles and stop trying to be everything to everyone.