Is there such a thing as a wrong opinion?

Personally, I think that opinions are things which can't be labeled as 'wrong' or 'right'. They're neutral. Are cats wrong or right? They're just cats, you know?

What people do based upon their opinions, though, can be wrong or right. An opinion which makes a person hurt someone else is a 'bad' (regrettable) opinion.

I think everyone has a right to their own opinion- yes, even pedophiles and rapists. The two latter should be restricted from acting on their opinions (since those people are sick and can't help themselves), but that doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to think as they will.

I don't judge people by their opinions. I judge them by their actions.

yes i couldn't have said it better
Right and wrong are set in motion by action for versus action against. Everyone would like everything to be theirs, however, there is such a strong reaction against it that stealing is wrong. This doesn't stop people saying I like your car.
Opinions are subjective evolving interpretations of what is actually real. Every opinion is both wrong, because of its inherent subjectivity and limited scope, and right, because of its basis in objective experience. The extent varies. An interpretation can never be real though, it's always going to be a fiction, because it's not the data itself, it's a story about the data. It's the lie you tell yourself to make sense of what you experience in accordance with what you believe about yourself. In short, it is biased because of your own core motivation to maintain a consistent self-image.

i will not discuss this further.
In which Voltaire is quoted.

The ultimate counterpoint to such discussion:

Voltaire said:
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.