Is this guy an infj?

Not at all! It makes me.. at peace? Also more focused, freer, sharper, and more creative. It's very inspirational.

What if there was an INxJ in your life who caused everyone in the room to stop paying attention to you every time they were in the same place as you? Would that eventually upset you or make you jealous?

As far as this guy's type goes... I think the biggest factor is the fact that he's currently on top of the world. His greatest dreams have come true. Everything this guy ever wanted out of life has happened, and he's probably on whatever drugs he wants. In otherwords, he's on a complete high. All of his functions are firing at the same time. I don't think it's possible to type someone in that state. I'll look for some more recent candid footage...

Edit: And here we go... much more INTJ here...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Backstage with Rihanna / Nuno Bettencourt‬‏[/ame]
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Alright, now going completely off-topic with this, because you seem to be interested.
What if there was an INxJ in your life who caused everyone in the room to stop paying attention to you every time they were in the same place as you? Would that eventually upset you or make you jealous?
Skipped this part the first time, because it confuses me a lot. First, it presumes that in the beginning of the situation people will pay attention to me in the room - that rarely happens in real life, and when it happens it usually means I'm not in a healthy state of mind. Normally it would make me feel uncomfortable. Note that in many descriptions of ENFP it says: "they don't like to follow or lead"; it's very true. So, actually, if there's anyone else to get the attention, I feel very relieved and thankful for that, and more healthy. Second, if there's such INxJ, it usually means I'm also one of those people, who pay attention to them. I'd be glad to just have the chance to be around them.
Alright, now going completely off-topic with this, because you seem to be interested.
Skipped this part the first time, because it confuses me a lot. First, it presumes that in the beginning of the situation people will pay attention to me in the room - that rarely happens in real life, and when it happens it usually means I'm not in a healthy state of mind. Normally it would make me feel uncomfortable. Note that in many descriptions of ENFP it says: "they don't like to follow or lead"; it's very true. So, actually, if there's anyone else to get the attention, I feel very relieved and thankful for that, and more healthy. Second, if there's such INxJ, it usually means I'm also one of those people, who pay attention to them. I'd be glad to just have the chance to be around them.

Thanks. I'm trying to get to the bottom of why a certain ENFP decided to hate my guts one day. She was VERY concerned with attention, and I'm starting to think that the fact that I have this affect on people inadvertantly snubbed her.
Nuno is an SP artisan, maybe Introverted, not sure and probably F
why is he an SP? use of tools => his guitar, using of words: he uses mostly concrets words and seems to be practical.

which type is this guy, what do you think?
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Hey I actually just saw this Nuno guy...he seemed really into his music, like...sensually. I'm pretty sure he wasn't wearing a shirt on stage too...or just an open vest...he was great. And yea I can't type him. I have no idea. He was passionate about his music and very smooth about his movements.
Nuno is an SP artisan, maybe Introverted, not sure and probably F
why is he an SP? use of tools => his guitar, using of words: he uses mostly concrets words and seems to be practical.

I thought use of tools is what differentiated humans from animals... until they noticed that chimps and other animals were using tools?

However, your rationale here implies that I am an SP. I use tools, with great precision to create my art. Take a look at the member's art section and you will see an astonishing amount of talent. INFJs can be amazing artisans, visually, musically, and otherwise. So can INTJs. See artists like David Bowie and Trent Reznor.

I'll also point out that he has had the same guitar for 'over 20 years'. An SP is very likely to update and upgrade as Se loves to be in the new. I was also a rather accomplished guitarist in high school / college. Granted, I wasn't at this guy's degree of skill, but I was getting there.

My INTJ friends are generally very concrete in their statements. They're just very good at seeing patterns in the concrete that are not noticed by others.

which type is this guy, what do you think?

INFP or ENFP. The Fi and Ne are clear.

INFJ, Type 1.

If he's not an INTJ, then I could agree with this. Possibly Type 5 or 3.
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well, there's a small but important difference beetween MBTI and KTS-II, which might explain that we come to different guesses. Plus, we're using different previous knowledge and the pieces of information from youtube are limited.

to understand the difference beetween MBTI and KTS-II:
First cut.
"Ns" What Jung called "iNtuitives". Keirsey liken them to "Martians." Abstract. Introspective. Those who look *primarily* through their *own* "minds eye."
"Ss" What Jung calling the aspect "Sensing" Keirsey liken them to "Earthlings" Concrete. Observant. Those who look *primarily* at the world by their "percepts", using what's out there.
Second cut of the Ns
"NTs" Myers called them "iNtuitive Thinkers" Keirsey calls them "Rationals".
"NFs" Myers called them "iNtuitive Feeler" Keirsey calls them "Idealists".

I don't claim this is the "true" theory. it's just one of many...
(Quote begins): "However, your rationale here implies that I am an SP. I use tools, with great precision to create my art... I was also a rather accomplished guitarist in high school / college. Granted, I wasn't at this guy's degree of skill, but I was getting there"; (Quotes ends) to make sth clear: You know yourself best. In this case your S might be quite strong, but not strong as your N. This could explain why you're good at playing the guitar and creating your art with great precision. Its not a question of duality (S vs. N, T vs. F and P vs. J), it's about predominance, because every man is capable of all functions, but he prefers some, he or she is better at some. If your N is stronger than your S, you'll have a better diplomatic intelligence (NF) => than tactical intelligence (SP) => or a bit more detailed: "Artisans are most at home in the real world of solid objects that can be made and manipulated, and of real-life events that can be experienced in the here and now. Artisans have exceptionally keen senses, and love working with their hands. They seem right at home with tools, instruments, and vehicles of all kinds, and their actions are usually aimed at getting them where they want to go, and as quickly as possible"; source: vs. the idealists:"Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life... is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things." => as I said: you know yourself best :-) (Quote begins) "take a look at the member's art section and you will see an astonishing amount of talent. INFJs can be amazing artisans, visually, musically, and otherwise. (is there a link to the member's art section or how do I get there?) So can INTJs. See artists like David Bowie and Trent Reznor&" => any indications why david bowie is an intj? ps: sorry i didn't find out how to use the quote function, cause it got complicated
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david bowie isn't intj, but probably esfp (the performer) if s.o. doubts this, let me know this ;-) (david bowie is almost as performing as VH => changed avatar 2 times a week ;-) plus, i now also doubt that john maus is an NF, because he says in this interview (3:40 - 3:55) that he doesn't believe "in such a thing as authenticity or sincerity" as an infj i wouldn't say this. The question is if an enfp would say this. you may want to check the interview: [YOUTUBE]FeRFBXo3qj0[/YOUTUBE]
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to be honest, i am not sure if david bowie is esfp, he is sure SP; maybe also estp
[MENTION=4257]CiMoon[/MENTION], most people on this forum are using MBTI as per Lenore Thomson, rather than Keirsey, which would explain the difference of opinion. And I totally think David Bowie is INTJ, I even said this a few days ago on the irc chat.
@CiMoon, most people on this forum are using MBTI as per Lenore Thomson, rather than Keirsey, which would explain the difference of opinion. And I totally think David Bowie is INTJ, I even said this a few days ago on the irc chat.

I think the phrase you were looking for is "Most of the people on this forum are using Jungian Cognitive Function Theory correctly, and have years of experience doing it."

The inference you can make from this, CiMoon, is that you are not. There isn't nearly enough difference between MBTI/Kiersey/Socionics, or any other JCF based system to justify your assumptions, which if taken literally would mean that anyone who exhibits use of Se as a dominant, secondary, tertiary, or even inferior function is some manner of SP.

Also, not only is David Bowie an INTJ, he's a self assessed INTJ. I'd go track down a link to the article, but I'm honestly too annoyed with the crap in this thread to bother.
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I respect the opinions of others as long they tolerate mine. It's as simple as that.