Hi all! Need to get some like-minded people's opinion on this. Might be a lengthy one (sorry).
Because of privacy issues I can't go into exact specifics, but I (an INFJ) have a situation going on with a girl (another INFJ). We met last year through work (she'd already been there for a year but we didn't work together before then. I'd just seen her in passing). Neither of us knew we were INFJs at the time (that's pretty recent for both of us).
We worked together pretty closely for one year in a group setting until the summer of this year. I liked her from the get go, but didn't develop feelings or anything. I also had to keep a distance because of the work relationship we had (also there is quite the age gap - 15 years - with me being the senior party).
At first I began noticing her staring at me (the famed INFJ stare). It was so intense, but it was always followed by a coy little smile. I began reciprocating the stares and smiled back, and it became a thing we had. After a while we would just know what the other was thinking and look at each other and smile, knowing we both had the same thought. Apart from that I kept being professional. I was kind to her, talked to her mostly about work stuff, but smiled to her a lot as I kept liking her more and more.
She, on the other hand, showed more direct signs of interests in my opinion. She would ask me about various stuff and interests I have (favorite movie, hobbies, and other every day things). She would also readily defend me if she thought someone was disrespecting me or took a stance against my opinion. Once, when she discussed relationships with older men with some girls her age, she said she'd have no issues with it as long as the guy looked a lot younger than his age (I look at least 10 years younger than my age - as people keep telling me). I'm pretty sure she knew I'd be able to listen from where I was at the time. She also knew, very well, that any pursuit of a relationship between us would be a no go at this time (not even an admission of feelings would go down well for any if us).
Towards the end of the year working together I had a strong feeling that she had developed feelings for me, and we had a great vibe between us. She felt more comfortable joking around and often made fun of me in a witty and sarcastic way (which I LOVE). I had then began developing stronger feelings towards her as well. Towards the end of the year, it was clear that I would be transferred over to another work group over the summer. That's when she did two things that rarely any woman do to me. First, she came up to me and gently touched my back when wanting to speak to me (not something I would have expected from her). The second was her being obviously upset and almost angry that I wouldn't be working with her for the next year. She said, trying to be funny, that I had let her down. But I sensed that she meant it. Being transferred was out of my hands anyway, so nothing I could have done. It's important to note that us working at different groups still would not allow us to pursue a relationship of any kind. Only after her tenure at the work place would be over (which will be summer of next year)
Now back to where I was. I went on summer vacation, and when I was back at work and with a new group I walked past a room she was in with a bunch of other people. I just looked inside, and there were people talking and having a meeting of sorts. Upon seeing me, she jumped out of her chair, as on instinct, ran towards me with open arms and threw herself at me and gave me a hug. To my great surprise! She then did some small talk with me, ignoring whatever went on in the room. Me, not wanting to disrupt what was going on, felt I had to cut it short and leave her there.
Her new working group had a 3 day workshop a few weeks inn after summer which I was asked to lead (it was within my area of expertise). That's when things really began feeling a bit more serious from her part. Her jokes and fun-making felt a bit more brazen and flirty, and more open for others to notice. The whole group played a card game one evening, and she literally punched me and kicked me (as a jest for things not going her way and pinning me as responsible for it). It was all in good fun, but again it took me by surprise.
After this workshop I've only really had two prolonged interactions with her (apart from a few times passing by in the hallway and greeting one another (often with a smile, and once even with a wave).
Both these prolonged interactions sent my head spinning and heart pounding. The first one was a time when I went to check up on her working group, as they were close by where I was. At first glance, she smiled and wanted me to come look at some stuff she'd been working on. We exchanged some great banter and she quite brazenly said out loud that I came over because I missed her the most in the group (not untrue, but I didn't want that to be obvious). I left after a few laughs and talking to other people in the group. Only a few minutes after she came over to where I worked and continued the banter and wittiness. She came on very strong and flirtatious (without flirting outright), and a friend of her even looked a bit stunned by her behaviour. I eventually had to ask her to leave because of my own obligations, but I did so in a lighthearted way. Afterwards I was speechless. That was the moment when my feelings finally hit me HARD!
When I saw her a few times the week after, she suddenly, for the first time, ignored me completely and didn't even want to look at me as she passed me. That confused the he'll out of me... What was that all about?
A few weeks went by and I hardly saw her. I then suddenly saw her sitting with a friend (a girl whom I also worked with the year prior) doing some work in an open seating area. I decided to walk up to them and have a chat. They both first told me that they missed me, and they didn't enjoy this year as much because of me not working with them. They then wanted me to have a look at some of the stuff they'd been working on. I sat down with them, and suddenly this girl (my INFJ) began showing me her personality test (which showed INFJ) and an IQ score (135). She then asked me about career advice, at which I didn't have a good answer at the time, as my head couldn't calm down (to her annoyance). She then opened up about some of her personal interests, which eerily matched some of my own more secret and deeper interests (which she definitely didn't know about). After a bit more banter and fun-making on my behalf I left them. I went straight home, took a personality test myself (3 of them), and got INFJ every time. It made perfect sense (for both me and her). I also took an IQ test and got 132 (so basically matching intellects as well).
Since then (been 4 weeks now) I have hardly seen her. Just a few nods and hellos in quick passing (neither had time for a chat or walked with other people).
So, after AAALL of that (kudos if you read it all), I have a few questions:
First of all, am I right to still be insecure as to how she feels? It's an INFJ thing to want to know 100 %, and since she hasn't spelled it out outright, I still can't be sure.
Second. Would it be right for me to pursue her when her tenure is up next year and it's more of a green light to do so? Even though there is quite the age gap? We would both be consenting adults, but still.
Third. If I actually do pursue her, some people at work may not like it and it could be damaging to my relationship to some colleagues (and perhaps to future interns) . I really like my job, so I don't really want to compromise it too much.
And fourth. Even though we can't really pursue any form of relationship at the moment, it is hard for me to just sit around and wait (what if she suddenly decides to move somewhere far away when she leaves next summer?). What do you think of me sending her more innocent texts about us both being INFJs or something similar, to keep our communication going? Or is it best for me to play it safe and wait to see what happens?
And by the way. Wow, it is hard being an INFJ in the dating world.. I'm soon closing in on 40, and still have only been in one serious relationship... It all makes sense now though, after learning about my type!
Thanks to anyone who bothers reading it all and gives a reply
Because of privacy issues I can't go into exact specifics, but I (an INFJ) have a situation going on with a girl (another INFJ). We met last year through work (she'd already been there for a year but we didn't work together before then. I'd just seen her in passing). Neither of us knew we were INFJs at the time (that's pretty recent for both of us).
We worked together pretty closely for one year in a group setting until the summer of this year. I liked her from the get go, but didn't develop feelings or anything. I also had to keep a distance because of the work relationship we had (also there is quite the age gap - 15 years - with me being the senior party).
At first I began noticing her staring at me (the famed INFJ stare). It was so intense, but it was always followed by a coy little smile. I began reciprocating the stares and smiled back, and it became a thing we had. After a while we would just know what the other was thinking and look at each other and smile, knowing we both had the same thought. Apart from that I kept being professional. I was kind to her, talked to her mostly about work stuff, but smiled to her a lot as I kept liking her more and more.
She, on the other hand, showed more direct signs of interests in my opinion. She would ask me about various stuff and interests I have (favorite movie, hobbies, and other every day things). She would also readily defend me if she thought someone was disrespecting me or took a stance against my opinion. Once, when she discussed relationships with older men with some girls her age, she said she'd have no issues with it as long as the guy looked a lot younger than his age (I look at least 10 years younger than my age - as people keep telling me). I'm pretty sure she knew I'd be able to listen from where I was at the time. She also knew, very well, that any pursuit of a relationship between us would be a no go at this time (not even an admission of feelings would go down well for any if us).
Towards the end of the year working together I had a strong feeling that she had developed feelings for me, and we had a great vibe between us. She felt more comfortable joking around and often made fun of me in a witty and sarcastic way (which I LOVE). I had then began developing stronger feelings towards her as well. Towards the end of the year, it was clear that I would be transferred over to another work group over the summer. That's when she did two things that rarely any woman do to me. First, she came up to me and gently touched my back when wanting to speak to me (not something I would have expected from her). The second was her being obviously upset and almost angry that I wouldn't be working with her for the next year. She said, trying to be funny, that I had let her down. But I sensed that she meant it. Being transferred was out of my hands anyway, so nothing I could have done. It's important to note that us working at different groups still would not allow us to pursue a relationship of any kind. Only after her tenure at the work place would be over (which will be summer of next year)
Now back to where I was. I went on summer vacation, and when I was back at work and with a new group I walked past a room she was in with a bunch of other people. I just looked inside, and there were people talking and having a meeting of sorts. Upon seeing me, she jumped out of her chair, as on instinct, ran towards me with open arms and threw herself at me and gave me a hug. To my great surprise! She then did some small talk with me, ignoring whatever went on in the room. Me, not wanting to disrupt what was going on, felt I had to cut it short and leave her there.
Her new working group had a 3 day workshop a few weeks inn after summer which I was asked to lead (it was within my area of expertise). That's when things really began feeling a bit more serious from her part. Her jokes and fun-making felt a bit more brazen and flirty, and more open for others to notice. The whole group played a card game one evening, and she literally punched me and kicked me (as a jest for things not going her way and pinning me as responsible for it). It was all in good fun, but again it took me by surprise.
After this workshop I've only really had two prolonged interactions with her (apart from a few times passing by in the hallway and greeting one another (often with a smile, and once even with a wave).
Both these prolonged interactions sent my head spinning and heart pounding. The first one was a time when I went to check up on her working group, as they were close by where I was. At first glance, she smiled and wanted me to come look at some stuff she'd been working on. We exchanged some great banter and she quite brazenly said out loud that I came over because I missed her the most in the group (not untrue, but I didn't want that to be obvious). I left after a few laughs and talking to other people in the group. Only a few minutes after she came over to where I worked and continued the banter and wittiness. She came on very strong and flirtatious (without flirting outright), and a friend of her even looked a bit stunned by her behaviour. I eventually had to ask her to leave because of my own obligations, but I did so in a lighthearted way. Afterwards I was speechless. That was the moment when my feelings finally hit me HARD!
When I saw her a few times the week after, she suddenly, for the first time, ignored me completely and didn't even want to look at me as she passed me. That confused the he'll out of me... What was that all about?
A few weeks went by and I hardly saw her. I then suddenly saw her sitting with a friend (a girl whom I also worked with the year prior) doing some work in an open seating area. I decided to walk up to them and have a chat. They both first told me that they missed me, and they didn't enjoy this year as much because of me not working with them. They then wanted me to have a look at some of the stuff they'd been working on. I sat down with them, and suddenly this girl (my INFJ) began showing me her personality test (which showed INFJ) and an IQ score (135). She then asked me about career advice, at which I didn't have a good answer at the time, as my head couldn't calm down (to her annoyance). She then opened up about some of her personal interests, which eerily matched some of my own more secret and deeper interests (which she definitely didn't know about). After a bit more banter and fun-making on my behalf I left them. I went straight home, took a personality test myself (3 of them), and got INFJ every time. It made perfect sense (for both me and her). I also took an IQ test and got 132 (so basically matching intellects as well).
Since then (been 4 weeks now) I have hardly seen her. Just a few nods and hellos in quick passing (neither had time for a chat or walked with other people).
So, after AAALL of that (kudos if you read it all), I have a few questions:
First of all, am I right to still be insecure as to how she feels? It's an INFJ thing to want to know 100 %, and since she hasn't spelled it out outright, I still can't be sure.
Second. Would it be right for me to pursue her when her tenure is up next year and it's more of a green light to do so? Even though there is quite the age gap? We would both be consenting adults, but still.
Third. If I actually do pursue her, some people at work may not like it and it could be damaging to my relationship to some colleagues (and perhaps to future interns) . I really like my job, so I don't really want to compromise it too much.
And fourth. Even though we can't really pursue any form of relationship at the moment, it is hard for me to just sit around and wait (what if she suddenly decides to move somewhere far away when she leaves next summer?). What do you think of me sending her more innocent texts about us both being INFJs or something similar, to keep our communication going? Or is it best for me to play it safe and wait to see what happens?
And by the way. Wow, it is hard being an INFJ in the dating world.. I'm soon closing in on 40, and still have only been in one serious relationship... It all makes sense now though, after learning about my type!
Thanks to anyone who bothers reading it all and gives a reply