ISIS are branding Christians

[h=1]Former CIA Agent: “The ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Was Trained by the Israeli Mossad”[/h]

The former NSA and CIA agent Edward Snowden revealed that the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was trained in Israel, various Iranien sources reported.
Snowden added that the American CIA and the British Intelligence collaborated with the Israeli Mossad to create a terrorist organization that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.
The “Hornet’s nest’’ strategy aims to bring all the major threats to one place in order to track them, and mostly to shake the stability of the Arab countries. The NSA agent revealed that the ISIS “Calif”, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi went trough intense military training in the Israeli intelligence “Mossad”.
Besides military training, Al Baghdadi studied communication and public speaking skills in order to attract “terrorists” from all the corners of the world.
The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), an independent non-profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada, which focuses on research and media, relayed a story about this as well, adding that “three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place,” using the aforementioned “the hornet’s nest” strategy.
“The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders,” Snowden was reported to say.
For the time being, Snowden is still “blocked” in the international zone of a Russian airport in Moscow as he can’t travel anywhere because his passport was revoked recently.
You, of all people, believe Snowden.
You, of all people, believe Snowden.

It's all russian dolls within russian dolls within russian dolls

But yes i believe he is telling the truth about government spying and about mossad connections to ISIS

Zbignieu Bzrezinski who is part of the whole rockefeller clique (ie council on foreign relations and trilateral commission) came up wih the idea of drawing the USSR into Afghanisthan to give the USSR their own vietnam a modern mechanised army being worn down through attrition by dogged guerilla fighters protecting their homeland

So they orchestrated that and they funded the mujahideen fighters...even giving them stinger missiles to shoot down USSR gunships (many of those missiles are missing to this day....if you think about how skilled at reverse engineering weaponry the gun makers near the pakisthan border are then no doubt people in that part of the world could reverse engineer stingers...)

Hollywood even made a film about this called 'charlie wilsons war', starring Tom Hanks...of course it doesn't tell the whole story but then Hollywood doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story

The name the CIA gave to their file of mujahideen fighters they were arming, trainin and funding was 'al qaeda'

The CIA carried on working with those fighters after the USSR conflict and today their rent-a-mob 'extremists' are called 'ISIS'

They have become so wealthy and powerful in such a short time because they are funded and armed by mossad and the CIA

They are controlled opposition
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It's all russian dolls within russian dolls within russian dolls

But yes i believe he is telling the truth about government spying and about mossad connections to ISIS

Zbignieu Bzrezinski who is part of the whole rockefeller clique (ie council on foreign relations and trilateral commission) came up wih the idea of drawing the USSR into Afghanisthan to give the USSR their own vietnam a modern mechanised army being worn down through attrition by dogged guerilla fighters protecting their homeland

So they orchestrated that and they funded the mujahideen fighters...even giving them stinger missiles to shoot down USSR gunships (many of those missiles are missing to this day....if you think about how skilled at reverse engineering weaponry the gun makers near the pakisthan border are then no doubt people in that part of the world could reverse engineer stingers...)

Hollywood even made a film about this called 'charlie wilsons war', starring Tom Hanks...of course it doesn't tell the whole story but then Hollywood doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story

The name the CIA gave to their file of mujahideen fighters they were arming, trainin and funding was 'al qaeda'

The CIA carried on working with those fighters after the USSR conflict and today their rent-a-mob 'extremists' are called 'ISIS'

They have become so wealthy and powerful in such a short time because they are funded and armed by mossad and the CIA

They are controlled opposition

They didnt have any wealth worth talking about until they rolled Iraq, its a demonstration of how any sizeable and ruthless enough group of armed murderers could get rich, I'd expect more of this Hans Gruber style terror theft as globalisation really gets off the ground.

Its already happening in some ways with the lousy hip hop gangs in Somalia and the like, "west side boys" and nonsense like that, what surprises me is that its only been the cultural media flooding in from the west. What's to stop the young lords, eighteenth street gang or others from the US staking their claim amidst the anarchy of most of Africa? Or maybe the hooligan gangs from the UK or paramilitaries from NI havent hit upon setting up their own "colonies".

Its not Russian dolls with a Jew at the centre of them at all.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, like Freud said, woops, he was a jew so, you know, in league with the Rothschildian lizards or something.
They didnt have any wealth worth talking about until they rolled Iraq, its a demonstration of how any sizeable and ruthless enough group of armed murderers could get rich, I'd expect more of this Hans Gruber style terror theft as globalisation really gets off the ground.

They 'rebels' in syria were funded by the gulf state monarchies such as saudi arabia and qatar which have been allied to the zionists who protect the royal families in return for the royals acting as 'price doves' in OPEC to help the west get cheap oil, but stopping the development of democracy and economic development in the area

ISIS has been funded and armed by the US. Military equipment has been abandoned in their path so that they can take control of it

Its already happening in some ways with the lousy hip hop gangs in Somalia and the like, "west side boys" and nonsense like that, what surprises me is that its only been the cultural media flooding in from the west. What's to stop the young lords, eighteenth street gang or others from the US staking their claim amidst the anarchy of most of Africa? Or maybe the hooligan gangs from the UK or paramilitaries from NI havent hit upon setting up their own "colonies".

Massive amounts of oil have just been discovered in the congo (claims an israeli billionaire Dan gertier) so that is what the zionists will want to destabilise next. Africom will need to create some sort of crisis like Kony 2012 or the boko harem kidnapping of girls to justify putting US soldiers on the gorund because the US is the tool of the zionists who control it

Its not Russian dolls with a Jew at the centre of them at all.

No you're right it is NOT a jew at the centre of it all

But what is a 'jew' anyway?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, like Freud said, woops, he was a jew so, you know, in league with the Rothschildian lizards or something.

Certainly his work has been used by the zionists. His nephew edward bernays used his uncles work to create the Public relations industry in the US which has been used to mould public perceptions for example in the run up to military intervention to overthrow the government of guatamala for challening the United Fruits corporation
Ok so can someone please tell me why ISIS...a bunch of 'islamic extremists' keep getting hold of cutting edge US technology and weapons?

Also can you please explain to me why a bunch of muslim extremists have not attacked Israel?

Surely that would be target number 1?

They're Sunni, a group that's been persecuted near constantly in Iraq I'm betting they're not fond of Israel but they're dealing with hate at home first at least, and the Iraqi soldiers using us military hardware up and ran when Isis strolled in, leaving all the toys behind.

Edit: This is more of a news topic then philosophy one, might be a good idea to move it to the news sub.
They're Sunni, a group that's been persecuted near constantly in Iraq I'm betting they're not fond of Israel but they're dealing with hate at home first at least, and the Iraqi soldiers using us military hardware up and ran when Isis strolled in, leaving all the toys behind.

Edit: This is more of a news topic then philosophy one, might be a good idea to move it to the news sub.

ISIS are funded by the west. Those Iraqi soldiers were ordered to leave that equipment for ISIS

As you can see in the article below much of the funding for ISIS has come from gulf state monarchies such as saudi arabia who are ALLIES of the US and Israel

How the West bankrolls Isis: Millions from governments and NGOs funding radical Islamic terror group

Western governments are sending millions of pounds of aid to areas held by the radical Islamic group Isis in northern Syria.

The aid, which is paid for by the UK, European and US governments, consists of food, medicine and hygiene kits. It is brought into the country through the war-torn north from the two last remaining border posts open with Turkey in Reyhanli and Kilis.
Western groups such as Mercy Corps International, the Norwegian Refugee Council, World Vision, the International Rescue Committee and the United Nations World Food Programme provide supplies to hundreds of thousands of people every month across the self-proclaimed Islamic State.
This includes towns such as Raqqa, Manbij and Jarablus, which have witnessed beheadings, crucifixions and other draconian interpretations of sharia since Isis took over early this year.
“We have lots of direct shipments into Isis-held areas. Nearly all of our trucks go through the Turkish border post near Kilis. Sometimes they get stuck en route, and we have to wait two or three weeks for them to get there if they get held up by fighting or another opposition group which isn’t happy that we’re sending aid through an Isis checkpoint,” said a Western aid worker.
Aid groups say their aim is to help vulnerable people, not to support the rule of Isis. Mercy Corps, which has headquarters in the UK and the US, has received £27.3m from the UK Department for International Development for humanitarian activities in Syria.

A spokeswoman for Mercy Corps said: “We have been delivering essential aid to hundreds of thousands of civilians in need on all sides of the conflict, irrespective of race, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation – as an independent, impartial humanitarian organisation, that is our mandate.”
Isis uses social media to demonstrate the brutality with which it treats its enemies and those who break its laws. But it uses the same media to show it distributing aid and administering healthcare to people under its rule.
Its ability to deliver free aid and free fuel has been a major factor in persuading residents of recently conquered towns such as Mosul to accept its rule.
A spokesman for Dfid said it did not supply aid to Isis directly: “We supply life-saving aid to people who need it, in line with international humanitarian principles including impartiality.”

An Iraqi child waits with her family to get into a temporary displacement camp for Iraqis caught-up in the fighting in and around the city of Mosul on June 26, 2014 in Khazair, Iraq. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Bashar al-Assad, who was sworn in for a third term today, said states that have supported terrorism will pay the price and that he would fight insurgents until security was restored to the country.
“Soon we will see that the Arab, regional and Western states that supported terrorism will pay a high price,” he told his supporters at the presidential palace.
Meanwhile in warehouses and industrial parks along Turkey’s southern border, there are shipping containers waiting to be unloaded. Workers unload unmarked boxes which are then loaded on to commercial trucks. The food includes wheat, rice, tinned tomatoes, sugar and oil. The medical supplies are basic items that do not require cold storage such as bandages and basic drugs.
The trucks are then driven across the border to areas precariously held by Syrian opposition forces and Islamist groups including Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qa’ida’s official branch in Syria, which is also fighting against Isis.
Isis, reinforced by US military supplies taken from defeated Iraqi forces, has renewed its assaults against Syrian non-government forces including Kurds and Western-backed groups such as the Free Syrian Army.
Although Isis is officially fighting Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic Front and the Free Syrian Army, humanitarian aid and commercial goods are more often than not allowed to cross the “border” to Isis areas.
The aid is then distributed and monitored by civilian Syrian relief committees, many of which were in place before Isis took over, according to aid workers who operate out of Turkey’s southern city of Gaziantep.
Aid workers say Isis, which has kidnapped Western journalists and workers in the past, lets them work mostly without interference. “They’re happy to let us work on the large part without preconditions,” said one Western aid worker.
Isis is designated a terrorist group by the United State which also offers a reward of $10m (£5.8m) for information leading to the capture of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who declared himself caliph in imitation of the companions of Mohamed who set up a caliphate in the Middle East and North Africa in the seventh century.
In addition to international aid, Isis-controlled areas of Raqqa and Deir Ezzour are very fertile and produce a vast amount of the region’s wheat. Deir Ezzour also has some of the biggest oilfields in Syria.
Isis is also luring doctors and nurses with large salaries in return for their loyalty, a Syrian doctor working for a Norwegian medical NGO in Raqqa said.
“They are buying people one by one – they are offering doctors up to 100,000 Syrian pounds a month (£390), which is a fortune there now.
“At the beginning they would take any aid they didn’t have to pay for, but since they announced the establishment of the caliphate, they are running their own services so that it can become more like a state.”
Further reading
How Saudi Arabia helped Isis take over the north of Iraq
Isis declares new Islamic state with 'restoration of caliphate'
Sunni caliphate has been bankrolled by Saudi Arabia
Syria conflict: The silence in Homs emphasises the city’s fate. There’s barely a breath of wind
CIA, MI6 and Turkey's rogue game in Syria
Sunni revolt in Syria has given al-Qa’ida more power in Iraq
Why the global 'war on terror' went wrong
Is Saudi Arabia regretting its support for al-Qa’ida groups?
On the march with Assad’s army in Yabroud, Syria
Exodus of Christians from the Middle East is a tragedy and a blow to the basic pride of Arab Islamic civilisation
Syrian rebel commander Abu Sakkar filmed cutting out soldier's heart and eating it
Exodus of Christians from the Middle East is a tragedy and a blow to the basic pride of Arab Islamic civilisation
Syria's al-Qa’ida rebels move personnel and weaponry ahead of expected US air strikes
Syria, the Saudi Arabia connection: The Prince with close ties to Washington at the heart of the push for war
Hezbollah takes fight to anti-Assad rebels as Syria’s war spills into Lebanon
UK-based extremists back from Syria
Syria rebels 'may have used chemical weapons'

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ISIS are funded by the west. Those Iraqi soldiers were ordered to leave that equipment for ISIS

As you can see in the article below much of the funding for ISIS has come from gulf state monarchies such as saudi arabia who are ALLIES of the US and Israel

K, I read your article, it said literally nothing about the west funding Isis only that humanitarian aid to Isis controlled Areas that were established before Isis was in control continues and that these supplies are monitored by Syrian civilian committees.
K, I read your article, it said literally nothing about the west funding Isis only that humanitarian aid to Isis controlled Areas that were established before Isis was in control continues and that these supplies are monitored by Syrian civilian committees.

No it said at the end in the box with the images that the gulf state monarchies are the primary funders of ISIS

If you look at the facts on the ground they are that the US has many military bases and troops based in those gulf state countries

If you look at all the protests in those countries (many of which are not reported in the mainstream media, only the alternative media) then you will find out that what those people are calling for is an end to monarchy and the introduction of democracy into their countries.

However this is blocked by the monarchies and their secret police who are able to be that strong because they are backed by the US who stations troops in their country to help protect their repressive regimes and also the US sells them military and surveillance hardware to use to suppress their own people.

By doing this the US blocks the spread of democarcy in the middle east leading to resentment amongst the populations there...especially when they hear the US claim that it is all about 'democracy'!

So why do the US do this?

The US do this ti try and control OPEC. OPEC is a group of countries that banded together to try and build a platform from which they could negotiate a fair price for their oil from their western customers of which the US is the main one.

These countries wnat a fair price for their oil so that they can develop their infrastructure. they want schools and hospitals and power etc

So through the US allying itself with monarchies they use those monarchies to act as 'price doves' in OPEC which is to say that they vote for lower oil prices allowing the US to get cheap oil, which in turn keeps the oil producing countries poor.

When a country tries to be a 'price hawk' and get a good price for its oil the US imposes 'sanctions' to try and destroy the economy of that country and break the spirit of its people (see Iran and Iraq for example)

If sanctions fail then the US will use its military to invade the country. Iraq for example was about to start rading its oil in euroes instead of dollars to get a better rpice so the US invaded.

Of course the US made up a BS story about how Iraq had WMD's to justify that move...but that was later shown to have been a pack of lies. they wanted the oil and they took it.

So the US and Israel want cheap oil and they are acting as gangsters to get it. They bully countries, they keep them poor and they block democracy.

Reagrding ISIS it is being fundied by the sunni monarchies to fight against the shia crescent (Iran, Hezbollah in lebanon and their ally Syria) because the zionists in the US and Israel want to achieve several things...

They want to instal a Rothcshild controlled central bank in Iran, they want to control the oil of the region and they want to create a greater Israel which is called 'Eretz Israel' which will incorporate parts of syria, iraq, lebanon, gaza and the west bank.

They are going to use ISIS which is funded by the gulf state monarchies who do not share their oil wealth with their people (see rampant poverty in saudi arabia for example) to break up these countries in order to create the 'greater Israel'
Man, have I got something for them to brand...
K, I read your article, it said literally nothing about the west funding Isis only that humanitarian aid to Isis controlled Areas that were established before Isis was in control continues and that these supplies are monitored by Syrian civilian committees.



Dont you see?

Its got Rothschild written all over it.

:P :P :P :D :D :D
ISIS are a lot of degenerates with no care and no rule over them; bastards of the world.

There's a counter meme going around by a christian convert from islam in Indonesia stating that the muslim faith only makes such demands of its followers in relation to other followers and outsiders and apostates are fair game for anything.

Which would appear to have some weight considering the crimes of Asian peadophile gangs in the UK which felt that white children out in the community unaccompanied by male family members or fathers were legitimate targets for grooming and abuse. The UK government had to act fast to prevent racists capitalising on that one.

Personally, having seen a lot of sectarianism, I can believe both scenario, religion can make people good and bad, sometimes in the same person on the same day. Although religion at its best is seldom considered as much as religion at its worst, which is always compared to secularism at its best and never secularism at its worst.
ISIS are a lot of degenerates with no care and no rule over them; bastards of the world.

I always wonder that no one has commented on the fact that they've got the same abbreviated title as the secret agency in Archer.
Former Florida Rep. Allen West declared President Obama an Islamist who is intentionally working against the security of the United States.
“The only plausible explanation for many actions taken by President Obama and his administration is that they are working counter to the security of the United States of America,” the former Florida congressman and retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel wrote in the post published Wednesday.
Among six example he gives to back up his point is Obama’s decision to release of five Taliban in exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl in May, providing weapons of support to the Egyptian government led by the Muslim Brotherhood, and negotiating with Hamas.
He also writes at length about Obama’s recent decision to lift a ban on Libyan’s attending U.S. flight schools and studying nuclear science, which had been in place since 1983.
“Can anyone explain what the strategy and objective is here in lifting this ban with a nation that is or should be on the terrorist watch list?” he asks. ”Sorry, but I can only explain this one way: Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist in his foreign policy perspectives and supports their cause.”
“The pivot away from the Middle East seems to be nothing more than an opportunity to enable Islamists and their goals,” he continues. “Anyone supporting this Libyan ban being lifted is indeed an enemy of this state.”
I have some news for you: War is ugly. People take the shoes off the dead in war and place them on their own feet.