It is better to prophesy, than to speak in unknown tongues; for it edifieth the people.

just me

Well-known member
What would WE do? Someone issues an arrest warrant for US?

Have to agree with Putin and Medvedev on this one, though the threats were and are not necessary.
Though we do not agree with their actions; though we despise their actions. The rulers of the darkness of this world have taken their minds over. Where there is light there is no darkness. Let them see. We are a frail people, and have human frailties. Do we seek someone of his own kind to kill him?

When we wanted someone in the past, we took them. When we did not like someone's actions, we stopped them. Here is a man: shall no one talk with him and have this stop? Where are the leaders of this world? Does he not know he is on the path to destruction? Does he realize his mind will cause death and destruction? Shall Putin and Medvedev threaten the world? Those who follow him are heading down a dark path, and they surely know it. Is there not be a man who can talk with him? Is there not a man who will stand and help things calm down? Who will stand against the rulers of the darkness of this world? Who will reach out their hands and offer guidance while the earth is being covered with darkness?

People grab and tug at what they can get. People feel world trade coming to an end. People see depression coming. People see and feel the threats of nuclear war. People see governments struggling to stand.
Where are the people of this world? What are they doing? Is there not a man among us? Who will stand against the greed in this world?

Each of us are struggling. Why? We try to walk upright, and everything in our paths are obstacles. Why?
The media tells us partial covers, while the beast lays wait under the surface. Will they tell us how to survive this? We see signs every day and night and walk past them like the dead creatures we destroy, looking the other way. Their corpses rot on the sides of our roads and highways for our children to see. Was not this foretold? Shall we not teach our children responsibility? Shall we not correct them as they walk down dark paths? They seek knowledge. Must they learn it themselves from mistakes? Many choose this path anyway, though we struggle and try to provide a roof over their head and food for them to eat. They are like sponges
wanting to absorb, and they see us struggling with the world with little time.

"Who shall stand for us, and whom shall we send?, saith the Lord God. Take me, Lord God. I shall stand with You. Thus saith the Lord, "Call the winds of the earth, and destroy a quarter of the earth. Call to the oceans and seas, and destroy that which travels over the waters. Destroy all the supply routes of this people, and they shall see I AM The Lord God. Shall I not put the earth on its knees?"

Then said I, "Lord, these people do not understand. They need guidance. They asked not for wisdom and understanding to help this people. I love this people. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Take me, Lord; that they might live. Destroy me, not the world. Take away my life, that others might live. Show them the mercy that You give. My eyes have been opened. I see Thy anger, but turn it not against this people."

"Doest thou well to question the Lord God?", saith the Lord.

Then said I, "As I live on this earth as a man and a son of man, I will stand for them if You stand with me. Then WE, together, shall stand with them all. Shall they not stand with US?

"Those who stand against US are against US," saith The Lord God.

Then said I, "Please do not destroy them all, Lord; what if there be ten just among them? What if there is one just man among them?"

"We shall see," saith the Lord.

Then said I, "Thank You Lord God."

I have been cut off from the land of the living, and my bones are crooked. I have spewed the lukewarm from my mouth. My countenance groweth old, and my skin is drying up. I have been kept from prison. The hairs on my bald head are thin. My body aches, though I still walk. Have I not turned my head to You? Have I not spoken with the animals and the foul of this earth. Have I not blessed them? Have WE not blessed them?
The Spirit within me is strong, and WE stand together as One. WE have helped the people of this earth.

"Have they not known? Have they not seen? Have they not heard?", saith The Lord.

Then said I, "I have no answer for Thee, Lord God. Thou knowest. I shall close my mouth at Thee."

Prepare ye the Way of The Lord. Shall I not be as a fool for thee? I am angered, but have been asked of thee to step aside. I have been asked of thee to not follow after truth. I have been asked not to stand for the downtrodden. I have been told to look the other way. Is there not spiritual wickedness in high places? There is no containment of the Word of God. The Word shall cut and tear to destroy and heal. Behold the Word of God.
Edited 3/24/2023 for easier understanding; the original stands.

What would WE do? Someone issues an arrest warrant for US?

Have to agree with Putin and Medvedev on this one, though the threats were and are not necessary.
Though we do not agree with their actions; though we despise their actions...

When we wanted someone in the past, we took them. When we did not like someone's actions, we stopped them. Here is a man: shall no one talk with him and have this stop? Where are the leaders of this world? Does he not know he is on the path to destruction? Does he realize his mind will cause death and destruction? Shall Putin and Medvedev threaten the world? Those who follow him are heading down a dark path, and they surely know it. Is there not be a man who can talk with him? Is there not a man who will stand and help things calm down? Who will stand against the rulers of the darkness of this world? Who will reach out their hands and offer guidance while the earth is being covered with darkness?

People grab and tug at what they can get. People feel world trade coming to an end. People see depression coming. People see and feel the threats of nuclear war. People see governments struggling to stand.
Where are the people of this world? What are they doing? Is there not a man among us? Who will stand against the greed in this world?

Each of us are struggling. Why? We try to walk upright. In our paths are obstacles. Why?
The media tells us partial covers, while the beast lays wait under the surface. Will they tell us how to survive this? We see signs every day and night and walk past them like the creatures we destroy, looking the other way. Their corpses rot on the sides of our roads and highways for our children to see. Was not this foretold? Shall we not teach our children responsibility? Shall we not correct them as they walk down dark paths? They seek knowledge. Must they learn it themselves from mistakes? Many choose this path anyway, though we struggle and try to provide roofs over their heads and food for them to eat. They are like sponges
wanting to absorb, and they see us struggling with the world with little time.

"Who will stand for Us? Do we not all stand together? Do we stand idle and watch the earth on its knees?"

Will you stand with us? Are you against us?

What good is a gift if it is not shared for the common good?
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