J vs P differences

J vs P is one topic that I believe socionics has MBTI beat on squarely.

In socionics J vs P represent rationality vs irrationality, and refer to metabolism of information. Ps are more organic and spontaneous, while Js are more planned and structured, however this is due to the way that Ps and Js process info. It has nothing to do with motivation or organization, and while it may have an impact on organizational style/ability, the function is not based on that.
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Lists, and plans, and J/P -ness

A lot of people make lists and written plans.
I make plans and lists, but forget or ignore them because something better or more interesting comes up. Or distracts me. So, is making lists and plans and actually following through with them more of a J thing, or is it a P device to keep them organized? If there are threads devoted to this topic, please direct me in the right direction...
And yes, I am questioning my J/P.
I have the same confusion you do. I think J and P are misunderstood.
I make shopping lists and lists of what to do at work which I use. Other than that I am not a big list man.

Although if I am learning something new I take down the steps on paper or a PDA.
I'm J in the sense that I like closure, and to have at least a general sense of direction in things.

I adore makin lists, even if I don't always use them.

Putting a check in a little box is one of the most fulfilling things ever.
Seriously, this J/P thing is driving me nuts for me as well. In my opinion it is rather misunderstood more precisely for the INFJ/INFP typology.
I only make lists just so I don't forget things, such as a grocery list.
Other than that, I don't usually use them. Might certainly come in handy though.
Feeling a bit more certain of the J ness. Maybe I am just typical of how a lot of INFj's manifest the J.


Judging from those results perhaps it is the T/F I should be looking at.
I think J has more to do with making decisions. Based on my what i've learned about J, those with a strong J preference have the ability to make decisions without having to think through all the possibilities (pro or con) and feel fairly comfortable with sticking with the decisions, whereas Ps, being aware of the many possibilities, are not as quick to do so, because there's the sense that there's so many choices. Those with strong P prferences tend to take a longer time to make decisions.
I'm still doing a great deal of research and coming to grips with this myself but all I know is... that the J and P preference do not simply define whether you are a "messy" or "organized" person, they define whether or not, for extroverts, you prefer to use a judging or a perceiving function for our outward daily living- so it's the dominant. For introverts, it points to the auxiliary. Of course, the implications and traits associated with using either judging or perceiving functions is the thing I need to understand :eek:
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I think J has more to do with making decisions. Based on my what i've learned about J, those with a strong J preference have the ability to make decisions without having to think through all the possibilities (pro or con) and feel fairly comfortable with sticking with the decisions, whereas Ps, being aware of the many possibilities, are not as quick to do so, because there's the sense that there's so many choices. Those with strong P prferences tend to take a longer time to make decisions.
I suppose that is why when I do make a decision I stick with it and am at peace with it. And why I will defend said decision, unless there is evidence I was really off base.
i like making decisions and being confident about having them and sticking with them rather than waiting forever to make a decision when it comes to things that affect me personally. i'm happier making my decisions quicker usually. however, when it comes to things that affect other people, i've sort of trained myself to be a lot more flexible and weigh out the options more by taking others' perspectives and feelings into account. i do this because i like giving people more room and giving people a chance. does this sound more J or P?
I'm still doing a great deal of research and coming to grips with this myself but all I know is... that the J and P preference do not simply define whether you are a "messy" or "organized" person, they define whether or not, for extroverts, you prefer to use a judging or a perceiving function for our outward daily living- so it's the dominant. For introverts, it points to the auxiliary. Of course, the implications and traits associated with using either judging or perceiving functions is the thing I need to understand :eek:

^^ This.
I only make lists when absolutely necessary...like if my brain is about to explode with too much information. This may happen once or twice a year if that. Often I don't actually even use them...it's just a place holder in case my noggin' blips out. Life has forced me to develop my organizational skills (career, raising four kids)...I almost never blip out. :)
There are quite a few discussions on INFP vs INFJ, and there's a sticky on it here: http://forum.infjs.com/showthread.php?t=477. There are probably multiple discussions on what makes an INFJ vs INFP, but it has very little to do with external organization. From what I can tell, it's how you process the information internally. It's your internal mental processes manifesting outwardly.
I would like that too, arby. I/E, S/N, T/F- fairly straightforward . J/P, not.
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