Shai Gar
I make that he's ENTP
There will always be questionable doubt when dealing typing someone you've never met.Pffthp! *Raspberry*
C'mon, SH! Part of the game is elimination. If there's still questionable doubt, then we can't eliminate that possibility!
I make that he's ENTP
There will always be questionable doubt when dealing typing someone you've never met.
Actually, yes, many.
This ain't INTPc.
Elaine seems hard to pinhole, but in all truth the way she operates seems so, grounded, I'd say she's an F, but I wouldn't say NF, I still stand by the original statement of Seinfeld being INFJ, or at the very least NFJ, his way of thinking is... unconventional and he has just enough Fe to seem approachable and honest about things, (most of his humor is about relating to him, he'll often start a joke out about, have you, how about, did you, in an attempt to relate to the audience.) but not enough to go out of his way to take care of people.
Only an NJ would be able to entertain themselves and his friends at an opera with a candy dispenser.
Why only an NJ? I'm not questioning your reasoning, but I don't think intuitives have cornered the creativity market. There are plenty of creative folks who are Sensors.
I think Jerry's definitely a feeler. And I agree he's introverted. I'm not sure he's a J, and I'm not convinced he can't be a Sensor. But it's true - it's tough to type people we've never met. We can only make assumptions based on their actions.
I never said that they did, it was the kind of creativity he displayed, not the creativity.
It was an episode that I won't go into the details of.
Unless you want me too.
Point. Because we'll never really know, but we can try to come close.
My conclusion for ISFP has been the art world and the description, but it's hard to say. I can't pinpoint any ISFP comedians.
Chris Farley.
Exactly, I say he's ISFP because I know ISFPs and ESFPs, though like always you can only assume. I've learned something, introversion takes many different forms. It's not just being loud or quiet, or spending time alone or not.