Jordan B. Peterson - Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

If someone does not look into it and only listens to his haters
(all the evolutionists who can never win a single argument against him who are uncountable like the stars)
then yeah, he is that!
But there's no evidence supporting any claim for any fraud.

He spent 8 years in prison for "structuring"
a law that is about to be removed because of his case (still hoping)
The government apologized but never returned his funds to him.

In the line of work he chose before and after jail
it makes perfect sense!
just focus on what he is saying brother @Wyote
you may hear the truth from a beggar on the streets
if you would judge him for being a beggar you'd be the one missing out!

What you did today is named "straw man argument" and it's been used against many whose evidence we deny to see.
The method is simple.
create a straw man and attack that instead of having the skill or knowledge to refute the real man!

wanna talk about people of respect?
Kent Hovind's the name!
you too will eventually agree even if not tonight!
but your straw man could deter someone else from pressing play, this is why you earned my response :)
i'm still not into debating it much
all i do is point!
don't break the finger :)

all <3

"village of 8"
I'll debate Kent Hovind and doubt he'll "win".
I can understand how whoever made this would have an antagonistic view of psychologists.

Wtf did i just watch?

More right-wingers than psychologists. As someone who used to like Peterson, I thought it was great.
More right-wingers than psychologists. As someone who used to like Peterson, I thought it was great.

To be honest there are reasons to dislike both the right and the left as they both are fundamentally flawed if not irreparably so. Society would be better off had people at least in the center banded together to try to resolve issues but nope it got far too divisive probably beyond repair. Oh well it is fun sometimes as well deeply depressing in other times watching these two sides rip each other apart like two angry cats in a bag.