LOL. You are seriously asking an INFJ this question. A dot connecting composition, coupled with my own ideas to try to thwart hate, even in the smallest of ways. All the while, trying very hard to maintain an energy level with which to function day to day.
Religion, literature, cultural norms and departures from norms, mythology, of course history, and personal experience. The idea of bullies, greed, dominant consolidated power are all offensive contributors to the world plight of a 5 year old starving to death somewhere in the world. So, whenever I hear God has a plan for me, I ask simply: Was that truly the plan of God for that 5 year old child? I believe in an after- life per se, just not in the conventional paradigm.
I equated Jordan Peterson to evangelicalism in it's fruitless resignation, or perhaps embracing of hate for this reason. After the schism of protestants @ the Civil War era, some southern sects abandoned perfectionism, or trying to be perfect, or continuous improvement, Southern Baptists for one, so there was a split. Essentially the flaw of character was okay, and the Earth is awful anyway, and as long as we get a nice word into to God real quick before it all ends apocalyptically, we will be redeemed, and no one else will go to heaven. The abandonment of humanity for oneself is abhorrent to me. The primary reason the USA is in strigfe now is this "I've got my share and I want my your expense" mentality.