They are both convergent, but unlike INTJ, INFJ does not necessarily need external validation (Te) of its findings. I don't need to actually say what I am thinking if I make an intuitive leap. That is the particular quirk of the Ni-Ti loop and why INFJ can be
unusual with their insights or conclusions*. You can put it out there to test it, sure,
but once the understanding of the subject is deep enough...Fe is not mandatory. It will help refine your understanding as external input pushes against it, but Ni holds the internal subject/object in queue, and Ti helps constantly refine the slowly coalescing impressions that have been gathered...mostly from the past (experiences and information), as well as new information from Se. Ni, a nebulae that implodes and then coalesces into a star system...elegant, poignant and a perfect definition of how an INFJ forms and refines the internal world. Judging by all the information below, Ni and Ti indeed interact...intuitively, I don't see how they cannot...otherwise the Ni-Ti loop phenomenon would not exist...after my divorce 4 years ago, I experienced a few episodes.
My understanding of Ni is evolving but this article was very helpful in discerning the difference between Ni and Ne:
Others, especially personalityjunkie, with it's emphasis on aesthetical pleasures (beauty) that INJ's indulge in because of Ni-Se.
*As a Tertiary Function, Ti leads IFJs to.... ?
...."advise others on the wisdom of their choices"(edited from Lenorep.231 on INFJs.) vis a vis Ti as a primary attribute. Also, tertiary Ti leads to an important emphasis on personal experience. Yet unlike dominant and secondary Ti, tertiary Ti can often lead sweeping generalizations induced from sparse evidence. Tertiary Ti leads can lead to a narcissistic focus on your own experience, or the experience of people who stand with you. If someone disagrees with you, then they must be naive. This kind of narrow view is often used defensively. Especially when combined with dominant Ni, tertiary Ti can be used to defend bizarre theories that are completely unfalsifiable.
Mmm. I agree with some things (Ni-Se being a dominant-inferior pair and an example of how introverted-extroverted functions operate in synthesis), but disagree with others.
For one thing, both extroverted judging functions provide external validation of internal findings. This is how I understand extroverted functions work. It's not just a Te thing. Se is the well that Ni draws from, whereas Fe provides the context and Ti verifies the conclusions. If you cannot explain an insight wherein you just 'know,' what you're actually describing is the absence of logical Ti (which requires explanation), not holistic Fe. The buck stops at Ni-Fe. Ti is not needed to come in and verify.
The excerpt you posted from personalityjunkie, in my view, does not at all mean that Fe is excluded, rather, that its values are overridden in favor of Ti. Its not that the auxiliary function is eradicated, it is that its influence is lessened. Mind you, I would be careful about referring to this a dominant-tertiary loop.
The way I understand it, dominant-tertiarty loop theory was an attempt to explain
personality disorders using MBTI. Dominant-tertiary loops aren't a casual 'quirk' of normal functioning. It is specifically used to describe
abnormal functioning as a result of habitual behaviour that emphasizes the findings of the less competent tertiary over auxiliary values.
Here is an excerpt from the theory:
A balanced psyche requires significant influence from both internal and external stimuli--too much introversion and we retreat entirely into ourselves and ignore all outer world influence to an unhealthy degree; too much extroversion and we are not able to remain in touch with what is important to our subjective internal selves, and become far too dependent upon external conditions and attitudes of others.
All too commonly I see people make the mistake of assuming that using T more than F automatically makes an xxTx type. In a healthy, balanced individual that's true, but when an ego becomes more dependent on the tertiary than the secondary, that's no longer the case.
For instance, I once mistook an INFJ for INTJ because he had poor secondary Fe and relied primarily on Ni+Ti. At the time I used only MBTI sliding scalesand didn't know functions yet, so since I saw primarily N and T I figured he would be an NT type. To the casual observer he would appear to be using N over S, and T over F, so he must be an NT type, right? Wrong! He is not an NT type unless his iNtuition and Thinking are oriented in opposite directions.
One really interesting result of this confusion is that each dom-tert loop type starts to look very similar to the dom-tert loop form of the type sharing only its first letter! For example:
INTJ: Ni (Te) Fi Se
ISFP: Fi (Se) Ni Te
This is exactly why many unbalanced personalities have difficulty fitting themselves into a single Jungian archetype. Unsurprisingly, if the INTJ above would improve his Te, and the ISFP would improve his Se, each would balance out the monopoly introverted attitudes currently have on his perspective and lead himself to much greater personal balance and contentment.
In my opinion, a lot of people have taken this loops out of context to explain away inconvenient typing results. Oh, you think I'm an XXXX? Actually, I do this one thing because I'm just an unhealthy XXXX engaged in a X-X loop.
I think people really take for granted just how
much it would take to override the subconscious pathways that determine function order. Your dominant and auxiliary functions are the most conscious, the ones that you have been relying in since your formative years. The average person's tertiary function doesn't come into play until the late teens/ early 20's. To override your auxiliary to go straight to your tertiary would require some serious ego re configuring that wouldn't be all that easily reversible. Perhaps most people who use this loop theory are attempting to explain their experience with their inferior. Inferior grips are temporary and still keep the original personality intact and allow one to return to it once the grip is over. The kind of functioning that grows from dominant-tertiary loops require more commitment across the board and is more difficult to eradicate. You cannot really return to normal after experiencing the kind of trauma that would develop a personality disorder, nor can you develop one overnight. In my opinion, the loop theory proper lends itself more readily to an abnormal developmental issue rather than a response to stress in the same vein as an inferior grip.
But I digress.
In my opinion, the average INFJ isn't going to be engaged in a Ni-Ti loop. If they truly are habitually in the grips of a Ni-Ti loop, it's only natural that they're not going to be interested in 'small talk' or 'outside output' as this is essentially toeing the line of the schizoid personality. Furthermore, I think its reasonable to expect that if the auxiliary is not functioning normally, its not going to be functioning normally in
all respects, not just in this one specific context.