Not even sure why anyone takes him seriously. He has bipolar disorder. 90% of my family has bipolar disorder and the ones that aren't actively seeking treatment for it I just completely dismiss.
Crazy isn't a cute metaphor. It means what it means. It's real and unless you've been around crazy people it's unlikely you can fathom how dysfunctional these people are. It's not their fault but I definitely have no empathy when they refuse to take medication and get treatment. ALL of my friends who are chronically homeless have bipolar disorder and abuse drugs while refusing to take pharmaceuticals that could actually help them.
My advice to the media is to ignore people with untreated bipolar disorder when they act out.
Simply ignore them. When they talk, walk away. When they start to act out just carry on your day and call security if they become violent.
It's really that easy, and you're all wasting time pretending like Kanye West could say or do anything worth your time while having untreated bipolar. Listening to what he says with any degree of seriousness is an insult to him.