- Enneagram
- 1w2 sx/sp
LOL, could have used mine:
Time for a thread merge? @Lady Jolanda @WyoteLOL, could have used mine:
The thing with these function tests is they often seem to reveal what I suspect about the 'dichotomies':@neko @Ren I didn't want to spoil your thread so here are my results from
I am not really sure why I am all of a sudden E...must be the good weather today
View attachment 47871
Edit: typo's...
The thing with these function tests is they often seem to reveal what I suspect about the 'dichotomies':
1) E vs I is real
2) S vs N is real
3) T vs F is not real
4) J vs P is not real
And what I mean by that is I tend to think that E/I and S/N are something like 'inherent/natural properties' of a person's personality, while T/F and J/P is more to do with habit, environment and life stage, &c.
E.g... Yes, I reckon that a new father can literally change from a T to an F, considering how life-changing that experience is, among other similar perspective-altering events, or even daily fluctuations in mood.
Your witchcraft was worth it for this alone:Simsalabim!
There is very shaky connection between the dichotomies and any version of the functions tests. I'd basically view them as separate systems. I think people can OFTEN score something like INTJ and be something more like a Te-dom, and that it's a mistake to tell them they're 'mistyped' as an INTJ on that account. That these are widely claimed to be linked is based on a very, very unsupported speculation begun by Myers, but people essentially continue with it like a dogma, misleading the unacquainted.
The dichotomies correlate to the Big 5 dimensions. The functions are an offshoot of Jung's theory that is more adapted to the dichotomies -- but still quite far from them.
The first step to shaking things up is simply realizing common assumptions are simply not agreed on by experts. Jung's scheme would totally say a NiTi type is NOT an F type, rather a NT type. He didn't think there's anything strange about these being together. Yet it's essentially taken unquestioned. Ironically, Jung NEVER typed anyone as having opposite attitudes in their top two functions unless the auxiliary was more unconscious than conscious -- vs he was very fine with someone like nietzsche being Ni+Ti, as is shown in both Ch. III and Ch. X of Psychological Types.
Once you view the functions models as speculative, you think more critically and then come to a better understanding of what's really being said, and I tried to make a version of the theory up, using my ideas + the best ones I could find of all the theorists. I recommend people try to do the same.
Sometimes I wish I had the inexplicable cache and license of a @ruji to say whatever funny shit I damn well pleased.
Are you also merging with @neko ? lmfao
Also as far as thread merge; meh there are lots of duplicates. Sounds to me like the OP wants their own to serve their own purpose. If OP wants it tho then cool.
I guess it already happened though lulz.
Ruji is a muppet
merge with me bbyI'm going to use my inexplicable lisence and freedom to say that Ruji is a muppet.
Ugh, no, thank you. I think we had this discussion before.
Doubt the result would be very pleasant.
I told you not to look!
LOLOL omfg
is this referring to me![]()
OOOOHHBoth of you, obviously. Cuz it's a merge!
I love all my non-biological children, and I'd like them to stay that wayA child only a mother could love