Last film you watched, Part 2 | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

Last film you watched, Part 2

Donnie Brasco. It was mediocre, it had some interesting scenes and the acting was well done but overall missed it's mark.
American Reunion

It beat my expectations, but they were very low so not an impossible feat.
Hope Springs. It was very touching, but the thought of middle-aged parents doing it made me very uncomfortable, especially since we saw it as a family.
Snow White and the Huntsman.
I saw Hope Springs as well and thought it was a nice romantic film. Streep and Jones were great. Not a major or huge film, but it has a sleepy, small town feel, which made me enjoy it. It feels like a film for introverts.
Sort of a film, the 2000 Dune mini-series. Awesome, I love how it's partially theatrical with the Baron's maniacal asides to the audience:D
21 Jump Street

Jonah hill cracks me up :D There was a lot of violence though which I didn't like so much...
In The Mouth of Madness


Definitely cheezy and a little silly, but very entertaining. :)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Definitely a tearjerker, and I'm not a crier. Sheesh.

Excellent movie, though.
The Master


On the whole, not as good as I expected, but still 3 out of 4 stars.

Joaquin Phoenix didn't work for me.

Philip Seymour Hoffman was excellent, though--as usual.
'Taking Chance'

excellently made.
Dark Shadows :) Loved it, it cheered me up a bit, Jonny Depp is awesome :D
I watched 'Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room'.
It was pretty enraging.
The Iron Lady


3 out of 4 stars.

Meryl Streep is a great actor, of course.

Compelling character. Well written/directed.

Not mind-blowing, but well-done.
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Ferris Bueller's Day Off.






The movie, in a nutshell.
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"Captain John Boyd's promotion stations him at a fort where a rescued man tells a disturbing tale of cannibalism."

Okay, so, even though this movie is supposed to be intense and freaky, I pretty much laughed my ass off through the whole thing. I think it was the music. The music was awesome IMO, unconventional and bizarre in the best way. But it really amused me, not gonna lie.

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It is brilliantly depressing.
Bela Tarr is a genius.