I'm not aware if this subject has been posted about prior to now. I speculate that it has been, so...if it has been I apologize...
I ponder the subject quite often. I always felt as if I understood it, yet, I have come to find and experience that I was incorrect in what I thought was a decent understanding of it. To clarify this, even still in current analysis of it due to several mind's eye opening experiences that are currently well in effect, I am curious as to anyone else's interpretations, understandings, or experiences having successful employment such a seemingly obscure and all but dismissed and nearly discredited aspect of life.
Just to say, I have a confident personal belief and understanding in knowing that chaos on the outside creates chaos on the inside which ultimately reflects outwardly and in such a flow it becomes a vicious circle, sometimes of extremely undesirable circumstances and/or consequences.
Some recent events in my personal life have really opened my understanding. Made my foundations quake and nearly blew out the windows, walls and roof of my own person. I am continuing a positive flow, yet still feeling it appropriate to assess it to understand it more due to realizing I thought I understood but as I have found...I really did not as I thought I did. The results as they are currently...they are like night and day. Experimenting with this via honest means for a better quality of life, as always, I am striving, have always attempted to via honest effort, and with intent to always strive forward in such a manner, either slow or fast progression in this is not the matter of mention. What is the matter of mention is how quickly it can happen, or occur right under our own noses, sometimes without noticing right away until it hits you like like a sack of bricks and you have a moment of 'wtf?' being slow to realize such things have occurred and you failed to notice until it is shown to you in the exact manner manifested by your own will almost subconsciously lead by something other almost instinctively even when you have displayed apprehension and hesitation. As if guided by something unfathomable, unseen, yet felt in awareness of the unknown, the speculated, the obscure...in a humorous sense, as a Jedi knows and understands and uses 'the Force.' Or, even if...something that could also be described as divine influence, not necessarily of or in religious description, but more-so, something much bigger than we all have any ability to understand. I am not a religious person, however, I am universal in mind. I don't normal inquire with such questioning, but the events as of late have all but left me speechless, even in thought feeling I am not to question, I am only to instinctively do as I know and have known I should, be it misguided, or seemingly guided.
There is something at work that I have always felt and had some understanding of, yet untouchable with an inability to put a proverbial finger on it's exacting origins. I have my questions, my suspicions. It could be many things, yet I do have a recurring thought, and feeling that it's not something to question because we will never the answer. This may be classified under mysticism, so I do apologize if this is not the correct location to for such a topic of inquiry.
And, just to say...and, lastly...
The current events in my personal life are astounding and I am in awe of it all in quite an in-depth way. It's quite otherworldly, inner-worldly, the same as it is outer-worldly...It's occurring swiftly in manifestation. Almost a fairytale-like unfolding of a story. Where nightmares become dreams in the waking world knowing I am not asleep...
What is your take on the Law of Attraction? Any offerings of anything related or pertaining to it, positive or negative in an objective analytical manner would be appreciated...
Thanks in advance...