Leaving our parents behind!

My mother abandoned me.
Yet when I was ready to emigrate for good,
she claimed it was my duty to stay and look after her.

It was like looking at an alien monster.
I had just nothing to say.

Not to be insensitive, but I'd ditch her ass.
I work with my parents everyday. I would not leave them in a million years! I always liked helping my folks. Even though we have had our arguments and fights we always make up. I will deeply miss them when they are gone. Unless I go first.
My parents and I rarely see eye-to-eye on things. Growing up I was never a 'bad' kid, so to speak, but I definitely pushed their buttons every chance I got. They were strict and overbearing, but also very obviously loving and they meant well.

I'm out of the house now, but I see my parents often (I live on the other side of town). I love spending time with my family, and I've always been very family oriented. We all get along great, assuming certain topics don't come up. My mom still wants to plan my future. I've made some pretty big mistakes in the recent past, but I've learned/grown immensely from them. I know she just is looking out for me, but she can be terrible suffocating. Most of the time I just end up walking out if we get into an argument. She can be manipulative, and ignores the points I'm trying to make.

My dad and I get along pretty well too, unless one of us is challenging something about the other. He can become stubborn, and will refuse to admit that he might be in the wrong (I of course, am this way too), so we can really butt heads at times. Normally though, we can have intellectual discussions that remain relatively open minded.

I love my family too much to ever leave/abandon them. Sure, we don't see eye-to-eye, and they drive me insane at times, but I know that they're always just trying to look out for me. I've learned to bite my tongue, and roll with the punches. It makes family time 100x easier.
I left my parents behind - them and all the people I care about.

It was and is one of the most painful aspects of my life - but I cannot go back.
My theory is that there's usually an ESTJ parent or/and ISTP sibling involved in raising INFJs, or something similar, so it often becomes unbearable for INFJs to remain with their family. It's not a choice, if it is;; it's design. INFJ looks like a quite troubled type, on average, there's always some great struggle involved in raising them, so it's not a coincidence. You can't get the beauty and wisdom that they bring to the world, without the hell they go through, it seems. I wish it wasn't like that.... But of course, I may be wrong in this theorizing.

In any case, if INFJs do that, they need that, so there are reasons. Also, INFJs are quite often people of exceptional talents and gifts, and it's a horrific prison for them, to be held back by some narrow-minded family members. It would also be a loss for humanity, if they didn't develop themselves, because of such limitations. I think this "original sin" also makes them such extraordinarily motivated humanists. They pay back in tons of work and dedication and inspire so many others around them. It's really beautiful. This is the most beautiful of all mbti types; sorry to the others, but... yeah. Nothing else compares.
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i love my parents
but.. i don't feel that connection.. and i can't open up to them and it's sad that i can't connect with my PARENTS.. they're the ones who raised me up and gave me a comfortable place to stay and those things and... i feel an ungrateful child because I can't seem to feel their love... it's sooo sad how i can share a massive amount of love and care to other people and to my parents.. i don't know why i can't ... (that much)

oh and... i do want to be independent from them and i know i will when i grow up and i know it's a bit better for me to but, i will promise to stay connected to them because whatever happens they're still my parents.. whether i like it or not.. whether i like how they raised me or not.. even if i felt love not that often... i still love them i do not want them to feel unloved by their daughter...
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