Left or Liberal?

Left or Liberal?

  • Total voters
Though I am not as politically informed as others here and find it kind of draining, this is why I really don't care for President Trump:

From the get-go, Trump has had difficulty controlling his emotions. Not only does he take criticism very personally, he isn't able to look past it and focus on being a strong face for the country. He instead chooses to react in anger on social media.

Not only is this unprofessional (imagine having a boss at your workplace who did this), this level of emotional volatility worries me. I want someone in office that can keep his/her cool.

I also don't believe he is very intelligent, and it's hard for me to respect a leader like that. That's a bias I hold, but we all have our own biases...

America is very focused on social issues in this day and age. A president that stands in the way of the moral or social direction of the country (from a Left or Right perspective) is going to face a lot of backlash. It's hard for me to imagine a leader that is going to make everyone happy when it comes to social issues, so I try to focus on who can make intelligent decisions for the country and not repeat mistakes from the past. Since I do find a lot of his opinions and behaviors in direct moral opposition to my own, it becomes harder for me to focus on the decisions he's making at certain points. I'm only human.

I like to make fun of Trump, but nearly every president is the subject of satire. I'll admit that I do get a little mean about it sometimes, but I do the same to others when I find their viewpoints offensive, which is something I need to work on. Responding in anger to an angry person is regressive and destructive.
as an observor of the US one stand out event was when someone sprayed a huge amount of bullets into a crowd of country music fans who were probably typical trump supporters


First of all the guy who shot up the music festival left no reason or note or anything to suggest a motive.
So you pulled that out of thin air.
Not to mention that the majority of Americans want things like bump-stocks and trigger-cranks ( that the guy used to convert his guns ) made illegal but the GOP has done all they can to not give a damn so long as the NRA keeps funding their reelections.
So that’s total BS.

You found a biased video on youtube?
I can’t go find one of the opposite and so can you.
You prove absolute nothing other than both sides have crybabies on them.
Come on.
So what country are you observing us from then...I think that is only fair?
You can find that in the media.

I can see why you might be curious as to why so many people hate him if you look solely at his presidency, however he began creating these conditions well before he was actually elected. Consider for example accusing Mexican immigrants of being rapists while he was campaigning. No politician in their right mind can expect to say that without backlash. That is just one of a million things he did to turn the spotlight on himself in a negative manner.

lets be very careful here so we don't get misunderstood

i certainly don't want to be misunderstood here but my understanding of that episode is that he said that among the mexican immigrants that had entered the country there had been some rapists

he said that after there were some rape stats relating to some of the immigrants that had come from mexico (EDIT i don't think stats have been kept on that but i think there have been some cases reported)

he didn't say ''all mexican immigrants are rapists''

so what is going on there is he is saying that when large numbers of people come into the country illegally there is no way of knowing who is among them. Some of them will be great people, some will want work, some will be criminals, some will be skilled, some will be unskilled, some will be rapists

the same problem is occuring in europe where the migrant crisis has seen a spate of terrorist attacks and rapes occur because among those coming into europe have been ISIS guys and criminals (probably from the series of jail breaks there has been across the middle east and north africa

So arguably the job of a president is to protect the people of that country from potential threats and a porous border can present problems
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lets be very careful here so we don't get misunderstood

i certainly don't want to be misunderstood here but my understanding of that episode is that he said that among the mexican immigrants that had entered the country there had been some rapists

he said that after there were some rape stats relating to some of the immigrants that had come from mexico

he didn't say ''all mexican immigrants are rapists''

so what is going on there is he is saying that when large numbers of people come into the country illegally there is no way of knowing who is among them. Some of them will be great people, some will want work, some will be criminals, some will be skilled, some will be unskilled, some will be rapists

the same problem is occuring in europe where the migrant crisis has seen a spate of terrorist attacks and rapes occur because among those coming into europe have been ISIS guys and criminals (probably from the series of jail breaks there has been across the middle east and north africa

So arguably the job of a president is to protect the people of that country from potential threats and a porous border can present problems

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

A presidential candidate speaking to the country shouldn't need a translator to tell people what he "really" means.
It's just a tactic used to excuse all of the bad things he does. He is a moral despot.
His policies aren't great either, but it's a moot point since people just argue over personal opinion on policies all of the time anyway.
Being morally decrepit is a reflection of how a person will lead and the decisions they will make. It's pretty simple.
But his adherents enjoy acting like it's nothing, because they know it irritates "snowflakes"
When really, they're just advocating moral degradation of society.

god only knows what shit trump has done in his life

but the point is they're all crooks at that level

bill clinton was good pals with the billionaire epstein who used to fly bill on his private jet out to his island in the virgin islands where epstein and his pals were screwing under age girls. bill would leave his security detachment behind when he went on those flights

epstein was caught and convicted but of course with his money and powerful friends he only spent a short amount of time in jail and is now back on his private island in the lap of luxury

epsteins private jet has been labelled the 'lolita express' and he flew various people including bill clinton, prince andrew of the british royal family and kevin spacey on the plane which epstein would fill with underagers

no doubt epstein had cameras in the plane and on the private island so that he could get blackmail material too

I think i read somewhere that trump is pals with epstein too

honestly i think banging strippers is the least of what you guys should be worrying about with those elite guys
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“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

A presidential candidate speaking to the country shouldn't need a translator to tell people what he "really" means.

so where does he say that all mexicans are rapists?
At the part where he says "they're rapists."

Edit: Fair enough, he's apparently assuming some of them are good rapists.
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god only knows what shit trump has done in his life

but the point is they're all crooks at that level

bill clinton was good pals with the billionaire epstein who used to fly bill on his private jet out to his island in the virgin islands where epstein and his pals were screwing under age girls

epstein was caught and convicted but of course with his money and powerful friends he only spent a short amount of time in jail and is now back on his private island in the lap of luxury

epsteins private jet has been labelled the 'lolita express' and he flew various people including bill clinton, prince andrew of the british royal family and kevin spacey on the plane which epstein would fill with underagers

no doubt epstein had cameras in the plane and on the private island so that he could get blackmail material too

I think i read somewhere that trump is pals with epstein too

So stop acting like it's a mystery as to why people don't like him
Though I am not as politically informed as others here and find it kind of draining, this is why I really don't care for President Trump:

From the get-go, Trump has had difficulty controlling his emotions. Not only does he take criticism very personally, he isn't able to look past it and focus on being a strong face for the country. He instead chooses to react in anger on social media.

my understanding of that is that much of the mainstream media has been very hostile so he circumvents them by speaking to people directly through twitter

Not only is this unprofessional (imagine having a boss at your workplace who did this), this level of emotional volatility worries me. I want someone in office that can keep his/her cool.

there have been stories about hilarly clintons meltdowns. she is a famously stormy person

I also don't believe he is very intelligent, and it's hard for me to respect a leader like that. That's a bias I hold, but we all have our own biases...

America is very focused on social issues in this day and age. A president that stands in the way of the moral or social direction of the country (from a Left or Right perspective) is going to face a lot of backlash. It's hard for me to imagine a leader that is going to make everyone happy when it comes to social issues, so I try to focus on who can make intelligent decisions for the country and not repeat mistakes from the past. Since I do find a lot of his opinions and behaviors in direct moral opposition to my own, it becomes harder for me to focus on the decisions he's making at certain points. I'm only human.

I like to make fun of Trump, but nearly every president is the subject of satire. I'll admit that I do get a little mean about it sometimes, but I do the same to others when I find their viewpoints offensive, which is something I need to work on. Responding in anger to an angry person is regressive and destructive.

my own view is that republicans and democrats both help the global communist agenda in different ways

when the republicans are in power they pursue aggressive foreign policy that destroys independent nationalist countries...they literally pound them into dust

when the democrats get into power they focus heavily on socially engineering society to make them compliant and obedient citizens of the technocratic state that is gradually taking shape through the SMART grid (including the internet of things) and the 5G network

That technocracy is taking shape regardless of which party gets into power.

listen to this guy....its chilling what he's saying about 5G being rolled out. Its not even been tested properly!

First of all the guy who shot up the music festival left no reason or note or anything to suggest a motive.
So you pulled that out of thin air.

so you agree that people were shot and you don't disagree that the people shot up were likely trump voters?

something to think about.

and yes the communists want to disarm people thats exactly what they did in russia
my record?

if i watch a film that isn't related to communism i can sometimes go without mentioning them for upto 2 hours...

Don't worry, the commies can't get you on this forum. It's gonna be ok. Really.
You're all over the place. It seems like every time a question is nailed down you open up a new front.
i think in time people will begin to realise a number of things

1. Mccarthy was right that there is a plot to subvert the US
2. That the plot is to destroy nation states and to create a technocratic world government
3. That despite what many people on the left currently seem to think this revolution is not coming from the people, by the people or for the people. It is coming down through corporations, government and education from elites, by elites and for elites

It doesn't matter what your skin colour, gender or sexual orientation is their revolution is about creating a system of total control. It is not about emancipating workers however it will pretend to be about various causes in order to dupe people into going along with it as it dismantles all the barriers to its realisation such as nation states, national identity, the constitution and social cohesion

I know you think you are doing the right thing morally but what you are going to get in the end is not what you think you are going to get
You're all over the place. It seems like every time a question is nailed down you open up a new front.

the commies are fighting this war on all fronts

so for example when capitalism failed to crash on its own the communists decided to wage a culture war instead

they sought to unpick the fabric of capitalist society to try and manufacture failure

they didn't give up on economic sabotage however and the 2008 crisis was not an accident. Thy knew the derivatives were toxic, they rated them falsely, packaged them up and sold them around the global market knowing that they would fail
If anyone wants to understand what the heck i'm talking about i think that i have not heard anyone put the case better than the journalist and volunteerist/anarchist James Corbett who made two great documentaries explaining the elites path to technocracy via eugenics

when people speak about eugenics a lot of people instantly think about the nazis because that's all we are really taught about at school but the truth is that eugenics predates the nazis and had powerful support in both the US and the UK

anyway here are his two documentaries. he lays down all the groundwork buidling upto the info about the technocracy at the end so stick with it!)
