I added Slant to my list. I initially thought you were stupid and delusional but now I just think you're stupid.
... Nah, just kidding. You're alright in my book now and have said some pretty smart things.
hey even idiots can play the illusion of being smart by saying the occasional intelligent thought here and there. did you add my new msn? didn't get a request.
- Odyne
I love how this thread is accomplishing the exact opposite of what it's supposed to.
Oh, I didn't see this because there was no mention. No matter, like I said, shoot me a PM anytime or add me on MSN. We'll chat as much as you like and get to know each other better. :thumb:
Anyone else wants to connect, feel free to add me on odynedenobelati@hotmail.com. I promise I don't bite...too much.
Sadly I initiate 99% of the time. When I do discussion strangely dries up after it becomes heavy going, of the kind where I discuss about topics that overwhelm and few know how to respond back to and then I decide that while I want to get to know a great many people. Whether it is wall posts or pms, I don't do it much any more for that reason. I ask too many questions and few ask me any questions at all, then conversations dry up and I leave people speechless. I've also noticed women tend to receive pms 99% of the time. I would be amazed if just once a woman wanted to talk with me via pm. Rarity of which is high! This would apply to males too.
You stole my line. xD
That what the kids call it these days... Eh...
I think DevilDoll is the expert on that there...
gah? do...explain? *curious*I love how this thread is accomplishing the exact opposite of what it's supposed to.
I don't think that's what they meant Melky...
They were'nt talking about noughts and crosses?