I understand all that.
However I'm not talking about making a well thought argument. I'm talking about stuff like forcibly kicking people off land which they depend on, and jailing political opponents, and disbarring lawyers that even dare to take civil rights cases.
Yeah forcing people to do things is coercion, which i agree is a thing to be avoided
All the things you list above are going on right now in the USA
1. Kicking people off their land:
There are people being kicked off their land for fracking at the moment. There is also a plan under UN Agenda 21 to move vast amounts of people out of the country into urban zones:
2. jailing political opponents
The Obama administration has been cracking down on whsitleblowers. Here's a list of whistleblowers, many of which are in jail or in exile such as Bradley Manning:
Then there are those political prisoners being held in guantanamo bay without trial since the bush regime was in power
3.disbarring civil rights lawyers
I'm also talking about the Red Scare, and the Cold War and all of that. Not even all that long ago.
All manufactured by the same people who are doing the things mentioned above right now....not in the past....but right now
Who wants it? It is clear that plenty enough do to make it a problem. To assume that someone who argues for something has given this thing actual thought is a big mistake in my opinion.
It depends on whether or not they are being genuine
There is a group of people with a vision for the world who will use any means to achieve it. They will cloak themselves in capitalism, fascism, socialism and any other -ism in order to acheive their end game of total centralised control
I also understand that neither ideal is inherently bad. Actually no ideal in itself can harm anyone. It's the people who hold them that do. Just look at McCarthyism and the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
What MaCarthy was trying to expose was not really 'communism'. He was trying to expose the globalists within the US who as i said above will cloak themselves in different -isms. For example at different times they have supported capitalism, fascism and socialism.
He was wrong to call them 'communists'....communism is not a state run by a centralised government, but each time it has been attmepted it has never got past the dictatorship of the proletariat stage and that is because the globalists never intended it to. they were just cloaking themselves in that ideology to create a centrally controlled government which is what they want
But MacCarthy was right in saying there were people embedded in positions of power all over the US that were working for the downfall and destruction of the US as a stage on the road to world government
Hollywood is full of the stooges of the globalists. Its also full of brainwashing and exploitation and centralised control. In fact the entire industry based there could be said to be a propaganda machine designed to manipulate how the public think and feel about things
here's a recent story from the mainstream news about how a hollywood producer has admitted to being an international arms dealer and Israeli spy:
These globalists run the central banking system, the oil industry and the movie industry. They also dominate the global weapons and narcotics trade. They use the US military to achieve their ends. have a look at the graph below showing opium production in afghanistan under the taliban and under US control:
![1461182_598287360207454_901079453_n.webp 1461182_598287360207454_901079453_n.webp](
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Also you will probably say that they aren't true Socialists or true Communists or truly Democratic, and I will agree with you on that. However, the issue is that many delusionally believe they are what they claim to be, and delusion is a large problem.
Yes it is
The only answer for it is for people to increase their awarenss and become more savy and streetwise because people in power are rarely what they pretend to be
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