Well yes, typically conservatives are generally realist, whilst those on the left are sort of idealistic.
I feel like the left seriously has problems with cognitive dissonance or something at this point, because they push a lot of policies and actions that com from a place that is sort of theoretically in nature and probably to due with their own sense of morality, but upon deeper inspection often times, they cannot provide many good justifications for said actions, and simply try to impose some vague sense of righteousness onto the world, sometimes from a place of moral authority or something? lol, but it's ironic because they can hardly back up a lot of their claims in my experience. Not saying I side with conservatives though...
But the left inherently can be kind of realistic in itself, and I noticed for example, they seemed proposed to (what seems like to myself) fanatical 'utopian' esque ideals, such as the default state of humanity being good or something, which I sort of abhor and resent, find that they are sort of the one's who are getting high of their own supply, sort of speak and in essence believe in convenient truth's that really only exist to give themselves some contrived form comfort or something.
I guess I mean in a sense, they live in their own god damn world or something, omfg.
I don't know if there's many others on the left who are not part of the whole Antitifa thing though.