Life a reality of your imagination

I edited because I think it is important to not sound repetitive.
I have heard similar things to what I wrote by me and by others so many times that I don't think it's necessary to share them again. I guess it's nice motivational speech for entry level but you know, for example, I follow a really talented artist on Instagram but he is not aware (at least yet) of his repetitive motivational speaking. And sometimes I see his posts and ohh not this again. So I'm trying to not do what I dislike in other people.

Good point, it loses its value. To not do what you dislike in others, learning from another ones mistake is a good jump forward.
yesterday me and a friend met this strange lonely guy who's obviously an immigrant and that we've seen already many times in a certain language exchange event we used to go to.
we thought something like let's see what strange story this guy has for us, so we approached him in the bar counter and just as we started the conversation an intense smell of fart took all over the area, my friend and me tried not to look at each other like wtf, you didn't do that right? XD because it was toxic with capital letters.
and so i thought, maybe it is the guy's breath?, so we didn't care much more and left the area after a short conversation.
later we came back close to the same guy because it was the only spot clear in the bar to ask for a drink and as soon as we arrived another big fart smell filled the air.
some girls were nearby and they looked at us, i thought, skip, skip, skip. went for cigarettes.
then after some time i met the same guy in the bathroom and i told him, are you farting because it gives you some kind of twisted sexual pleasure or because it's like a prank on us? the guy smiled while he was peeing and tho i wasn't able to smell anything this time because the bathroom smell eats already everything that gets inside, i'm pretty sure he was shitting his pants once again.
is life real? YE. dirtier than the most pervert dreams.
Have you tried lucid dreaming?
Or if you want to get more serious, astral projection?
Both can be difficult to reach, but both are worth the effort imho.
If you want to experience super powers (any that you can imagine) and not like in a normal dream but vivid and with consciousness, then I suggest either or both.
I suppose some might classify AP as a “super power” as it is in the realm of “Psi”, but it is one most people can learn and continue to improve if it’s innately in everyone not sure how super that is, but imho more in the “suppressed” category.
Remember...lucid dreams you can manipulate and control things, talk to whomever you whatever you want, create whole worlds, etc.
Astral projection is not dreaming (though some materialist scientists might argue with me on that ;) ) and you cannot talk to the people you see who are in their bodies while you are out...there are occasional astral beings that have been reported to exist and will sometimes talk to you, but are otherwise best left alone.
You cannot manipulate objects usually either, you cannot open doors and must go through them, open a book, pick something up.
This is because you are supposedly in the real world but no longer the material self, so you cannot effect material things.
There are a few cases of people hearing someone who is out of body or something being moved, but very rare on top of an already rare phenomena.
Mostly I think it’s rare because people give up on the process it takes to get to either one before they reach it...or it isn’t something they find interesting enough to dedicate the time and effort.
Even if you think it’s a total hallucination - it still allows me to have “superpowers”, just not in this reality. ;)
Just an idea.
Have you tried lucid dreaming?
Or if you want to get more serious, astral projection?
Both can be difficult to reach, but both are worth the effort imho.
If you want to experience super powers (any that you can imagine) and not like in a normal dream but vivid and with consciousness, then I suggest either or both.
I suppose some might classify AP as a “super power” as it is in the realm of “Psi”, but it is one most people can learn and continue to improve if it’s innately in everyone not sure how super that is, but imho more in the “suppressed” category.
Remember...lucid dreams you can manipulate and control things, talk to whomever you whatever you want, create whole worlds, etc.
Astral projection is not dreaming (though some materialist scientists might argue with me on that ;) ) and you cannot talk to the people you see who are in their bodies while you are out...there are occasional astral beings that have been reported to exist and will sometimes talk to you, but are otherwise best left alone.
You cannot manipulate objects usually either, you cannot open doors and must go through them, open a book, pick something up.
This is because you are supposedly in the real world but no longer the material self, so you cannot effect material things.
There are a few cases of people hearing someone who is out of body or something being moved, but very rare on top of an already rare phenomena.
Mostly I think it’s rare because people give up on the process it takes to get to either one before they reach it...or it isn’t something they find interesting enough to dedicate the time and effort.
Even if you think it’s a total hallucination - it still allows me to have “superpowers”, just not in this reality. ;)
Just an idea.

Yes, i'm still practicing though, haven't had my first one yet. When i'll come back i'm only afraid that the earth will explode... form my excitement! When I first realized this was possible to achieve for me, it was such a relieve. Can't wait to gain knowledge from other realms.

True, some scientist are just dumb people who think they are scientists.

I really liked the way you described everything. Thank you for your effort and time.
What if your soul is non local and your body as you understand it is merely an avatar in a virtual reality world?

if so your soul could be participating in multiple realities across a mutliverse in which you are co-creating realities with all the other souls who are also controlling avatars in various different realities
Yes, i'm still practicing though, haven't had my first one yet. When i'll come back i'm only afraid that the earth will explode... form my excitement! When I first realized this was possible to achieve for me, it was such a relieve. Can't wait to gain knowledge from other realms.

True, some scientist are just dumb people who think they are scientists.

I really liked the way you described everything. Thank you for your effort and time.

No problem, I love talking about such things.
I won’t beat around the bush it is scary your first few times.
It’s a totally new mental state...when I had my first self-induced one...I reached up to feel my face and my hands went through my head.
Freaked me the fuck out and broke my concentration.
I’ll get back with you more over PM!

Here are some instructive posts I dug up from my thread...

I told you I would find more ways of trying for here you go - 50 various techniques!
Surely one of them is bound to work, lol.

Astral Projection Guide – A Collection of 50 Techniques

General Principles Regarding the Astral Projection Techniques
The techniques detailed in this guide may be used both with a direct method of entering the phase state (astral projection + lucid dreaming + OBE) without prior sleep, and with an indirect method performed upon awakening.

The exceptions are the dream consciousness techniques, which are listed separately, although they cannot but have a direct influence on the probability of success of the other methods.

Conversely, all of the other techniques cannot but have the side effect of increasing the probability of dream consciousness arising.
With a few exceptions, the list does not include non-autonomous astral projection techniques based on external physical factors or chemical influences.

The specifics of using each method are described in detail in its corresponding section.
All of the techniques listed in the astral projection guide are to be used in accordance with the instructions for each method.

However, it is necessary to first understand a fundamental difference here:

  1. With an indirect method upon awakening, the goal is to find a technique that works by quickly alternating through the most interesting and intuitive ones. As soon as a technique starts working, keep with it and intensify the effort, and then try to separate right away. It will become apparent how well a technique is working by the intensity of its effects. For example, some imagined movement may become real. Any real sensations arising from the techniques upon awakening mean that they are working, and that the practitioner is already in astral projection.
  2. The techniques play a secondary role with the direct method, and serve to create a free-floating state of mind (fading out or activating consciousness, depending on the type of technique being performed) that is conducive to brief lapses in consciousness. The deeper a lapse, the better the chances of immediately entering astral projection when resurfacing from it. Meanwhile, techniques may work from beginning to end. However, this means nothing without lapses in consciousness, unlike with indirect techniques.
It’s also important to remember that direct techniques performed without prior sleep have one-tenth the success rate of indirect ones performed upon awakening.

That’s why all the techniques below can easily bring results upon awakening, but be useless for novices when used at other times.

Several technique-based tricks can be used to substantially improve the odds of success of practically all of the techniques listed below.
First, you should try to not simply perform the techniques “for the sake of appearances,” but rather give them your all, trying to become one with them and put all of your sensations into them.

Next, you can move your gaze up slightly, as naturally as possible (sure, you shouldn’t open the eyes).
Third, begin to use the techniques by first imagining yourself doing a 180 degree turn along your head-to-toe axis.

Fourth, while you’re performing your techniques always try to recall sensations of how they had already worked in the past, or of past astral projection occurrences.

Fifth, you should always have a clear motivation for astral projection.
That motivation may perhaps arise from the most interesting plan of action you can think of.

For all of the techniques in which some actions need to be imagined, you should approach them as if the imagined sensations were indeed real, but simply not felt for some reason or another.

Attempting to feel “real, but missing” sensations is much more effective than simply imagining them.

Also keep in mind that the techniques can be made many times more effective by practicing them outside of attempts to induce astral projection.
In some cases, in order to better know and remember the required sensations, you can first practice them physically (like rotation, for example).

The techniques described in this astral projection guide are but a drop in the ocean of their myriad possible variations.
It suffices to say that practically every practitioner will come up with some technique elements independently and be successful at using them in practice.

Considering the many variations of certain techniques and the fact that several of them can be used at the same time, the total number of possible techniques numbers in the thousands.

However, all of them only differ in several fundamental ways, and knowing how they differ will allow you to easily create as many techniques as you want on your own.

Astral Projection Techniques:

Techniques Based on Movement

Separation Technique

The practitioner tries to immediately separate from his physical body without using any techniques for creating astral projection: simply roll out, levitate, stand up, crawl out, etc.

Phantom Wiggling Technique
The practitioner tries to move some part of his body without moving a muscle, and meanwhile without imagining or visualizing anything. For example, this could be an arm, leg, shoulder, the head, or even the jaw. When movement arises, the main aim is to increase the range-of-motion as much as possible, but not necessarily the speed of movement or the portion of the body part being wiggled.

Imagined Movement Technique
The practitioner tries to realistically feel some movement that he starts off by simply imagining. For example, this could be swimming, running, walking, flying, or peddling with the legs or arms. The practitioner doesn’t have to visualize the technique when performing it, as movement itself is most important here.

Techniques Involving Sight

Observing Images Technique

The practitioner peers into the void before his eyes without opening them. As soon as he begins to see any imagery, he tries to discern it better by defocussing his sight, as if he were looking beyond the imagery. This makes it become steadier and more realistic.

Technique of Visualization
The practitioner tries to realistically see and discern an object no more than 6 inches from his eyes.

Technique of Creating Vision
The practitioner tries to see their actual surroundings without opening their eyes.

Techniques Based on Vestibular Sense

Technique of Imagined Rotation

The practitioner tries to imagine that his body is rotating along his head-to-toe axis. The end goal is to replace imagined sensations with real ones. Rotation may generally take place on any plane, but one shouldn’t try to visualize it or try to see oneself from the side, as the main emphasis is on one’s own vestibular sensations. Turning your eyes to the side you are rotating towards will significantly increase the effectiveness of the technique.

Swing-Set Technique
The practitioner tries to feel that he is riding a swing-set, or that his body itself is rocking with the same range of motion. The primary goal is to achieve the realistic sensation of swinging and try to make 360 degree revolutions.

Techniques Involving Hearing

Technique of Listening-In

The practitioner listens inside his head, trying to hear if there is any noise or background static. If sound is heard, one must try to amplify it as much as possible through the same passive listening in.

Technique of Forced Listening-In
The practitioner tries actively, and even strainingly, to hear sounds inside his head or background static with all his might. If this works, he tries to amplify those sounds as much as possible using the same active listening in.

Technique of Imagining Sounds
The practitioner tries to hear some specific sound inside his head. Someone’s voice, familiar music, and the sound of one’s own name being called work best of all. If such sound arises, then the practitioner tries to make it as loud as possible.

Techniques Based on Tactile Sensations

Cell-Phone Technique

The practitioner tries to feel some object lying in his hand, e.g. a cell-phone, an apple, a TV remote control, etc. Meanwhile, one should try to achieve realistic sensations in full detail.

Technique of Imagined Sensation
The practitioner tries to feel tactile sensations on his body, starting with the sensation that someone or something is lying on him, and ending with the feeling of touching someone or something.

Straining the Brain Technique
The practitioner tries to strain his brain either spasmodically or continually, as if it were a muscle. This brings a feeling of real strain inside the cranium, in addition to pressure, noise, and vibrations. This is essentially a technique of creating and intensifying the vibrations that enable astral projectionentrance.

Technique of Straining the Body but not the Muscles
Like straining the brain, but with the whole body. One tries to strain the body, but not the physical muscles. This causes internal tension, noise, and vibrations, which can eventually lead to astral projection.

Technique of Bodily Perception
The practitioner tries to authentically feel that his body is being stretched apart, compressed, inflated, deflated, twisted or otherwise distorted in some way.

Wind Technique
The practitioner imagines that his body is in a stream of strong wind and tries to feel how the air flows around either his entire body or just part of it.

Techniques Based on Real Movements and Sensations of the Physical Body

Technique of Eye Movement

The practitioner makes abrupt left-to-right or up-and-down eye movements. The eyes are kept closed the whole time. When properly performing the technique, vibrations and possibly separation will occur.

Forehead Dot Technique
Without opening his eyes, the practitioner directs his gaze towards a dot on the center of his forehead. This is not to be a forced or excessively aggressive movement. This will bring the eyes into a position they naturally take during deep sleep, which may lead to a reflexive entrance into astral projection or facilitate the performance of other techniques.

Technique of Breathing
The practitioner focuses his attention on the process of breathing and all of its aspects: the expansion and contraction of the chest cavity, the lungs filling with air, and the passage of air through the mouth and throat. A fluid transition to astral projection may occur or vibrations may arise.

Raised Hand Technique
The practitioner raises his forearm from the elbow while lying down and simply falls asleep. Once the practitioner fades out of consciousness, his forearm will drop, notifying him that he can perform another technique or immediately separate, as the right transitional state may have occurred during the lapse in consciousness.

Tactile Irritation Technique
The practitioner loosely ties his ankle or wrist with a cord, or puts on a sleeping mask. The sensations created by these foreign objects can remind the practitioner to perform the right actions either upon awakening or immediately after a lapse in consciousness.

Technique of Physiological Discomfort
The practitioner eats little throughout the day or drinks little water while eating lots of salty things. Conversely, the practitioner might drink too much water over the course of the day before making an attempt to enter astral projection. The resulting physiological discomfort will often awaken the practitioner, induce consciousness while dreaming, or keep him from falling into deep sleep when performing the direct techniques.

Techniques Based on Intention and Feelings

Technique of Forced Falling Asleep

The practitioner mimics natural sleep while maintaining control of his conscious mind, and then either employs techniques or immediately tries to leave his stencil at the last second before fading out. This technique can be used either on its own, or in parallel with any other technique.

Technique of Intention
The practitioner enters astral projection only through an intense and focused intention of immediately experiencing astral projection. Alternatively, this may also be a calm but constant desire felt over the course of the day. Intention is especially effective not only during an attempt or long before one, but also every time you fall asleep, as this moment can be taken advantage of using the direct or indirect method.

Technique of Recalling the State
When attempting astral projection with or without techniques, the practitioner tries to recall – and thus induce – the sensations of a previously had astral projection experience.

Technique of Recalling Vibrations
In order to induce vibrations, the practitioner tries to simply recall the sensation of them in as much detail as possible. Intensely desiring vibrations can also induce them.

Technique of Translocation
The practitioner immediately tries to employ the translocation technique in a stubborn and self-assured manner without using a astral projection creation or separation technique.

Technique of Motivation
In order to have an astral projection entrance occur spontaneously or get techniques work better, the practitioner creates a most interesting and important a plan of action for the astral projection experience that he wants to carry out no matter what.

Technique of Fear
The practitioner tries to recall something as scary, awful, or graveyard-like as possible, and imagines it right next to him – this is meant to evoke pure terror and horror, which will elevate to a phasic state at the right moment. The main deficiency of the technique is that fear can linger on into astral projection, and the practitioner might subsequently try to get out of the state.

Technique of Flight
Without using an astral projection creation or separation technique, the practitioner tries to conjure the sensation of flying right from the start.

Technique of Counting
In order to enter astral projection, the practitioner counts down from 100 to 1. Depending on the astral projection entrance method to follow, he should either try to keep his attention focused on counting, or, conversely, try to achieve lapses in consciousness.

Technique of Dotting
The practitioner moves his attention to points on the skin atop of the largest joints of the body, or moves his awareness to inside the joints themselves. You should pause at each point for several seconds or breaths, trying to feel them as distinctly as you can.

Best of the Mixed Techniques

Swimmer Technique

The practitioner tries to imagine the process of swimming in as much detail as possible, trying to feel all of the physical sensations of the process and even feel the water surrounding his body. Any swimming style may be used.

Sensory-Motor Visualization Technique (Deepening)
The practitioner should try to imagine as fixedly and actively as possible that he has already separated from his stencil and is employing a technique for deepening astral projection, including the intensification of every sensation possible. He should imagine that he is walking inside a room, scrutinizing everything from a close distance, touching something, and so on. That is, he should immediately deepen astral projection without using techniques to create the state or separate (according to many experienced practitioners, this is the best technique of all).

Rope Technique
The practitioner imagines that a rope is dangling above him, and that he is climbing up it. Meanwhile, one should try to feel one’s own arm movements, the touch of the rope, and the sensation of height. Visualization of the process may occasionally be added in.

Technique of Visualizing the Hands
The practitioner tries to feel that he is rubbing his hands together, as if trying to warm them. Meanwhile, it’s important to try to feel the movement of your hands, the feeling of them coming into contact, the sound of rubbing, and also try to see the whole process in front of you. The imagined hands should be rubbed at a distance of no more than 6 inches from your eyes.

Unconventional Techniques

Alien Abduction Technique

The practitioner imagines that aliens have invaded his bedroom and are grabbing his ankles and pulling him out of his physical body. Alternatively, he imagines that he is being pulled out by a beam emanating from a spaceship.

Sex Technique

The practitioner tries to feel the intimate sensations of the copulative act in as much detail as possible.

Toothbrush Technique
The practitioner tries to feel that he is brushing his teeth. He tries to feel the movement of his hand, the sensation of the brush in his mouth, and the taste of toothpaste. He can also try to add in sensation by imagining himself standing in front of a mirror in a bathroom.

Whispering Pillow Technique
Lying with his ear to his pillow, the practitioner tries to hear sounds, melodies, and voices coming from it. He can try to hear specific sounds, or simply passively listen in to what’s there.

Hyperventilation Technique
During an attempt upon awakening, the practitioner takes several dozen quick and deep breaths, upon which separation may work or the practitioner may be thrown into the astral projection. For techniques without prior sleep, hyperventilating is much less effective and can take from 10 to 30 minutes.

Techniques for Becoming Conscious While Dreaming

Anchor Technique

During wakefulness, the practitioner develops the habit of analyzing his state whenever he encounters specific anchors: his hands, the sound of water, people’s faces, etc. This practice will gradually transition over into dreaming, giving him a chance to react to an anchor and realize that everything around him is a dream. An anchor should be something encountered neither rarely nor frequently both when dreaming and during wakefulness. In order to get a clearer understanding of whether one is surrounded by reality or the dreamscape, one should try to levitate or go into hyperconcentration whenever an anchor is encountered.

Dream Memory Development Technique
The practitioner recalls all of his latest dreams both in the morning and in the evening. For more solid results, one should keep a dream journal and try to enter as many dream episodes into it as possible. The more dreams that the practitioner remembers, the more vivid future ones will become, and the more frequently he will become conscious during them.

Technique of Dream Map-Making
Here, the practitioner not only keeps a dream journal, but also tries to mark all of the places he dreamt he was in on a special map. The main goal is to create an integrated plane where dream places merge together into a unified world.

Technique of Dream Analysis
Whenever performing dream analysis, be it mentally or when keeping a dream journal, the practitioner should take as critical a stance as possible towards the logical inconsistencies that go unnoticed while dreaming, as they can serve as a clear marker that one is in a dream. Such critical awareness will gradually work its way into one’s dreams, enabling one to turn dreams into astral projection. This technique is especially effective when analyzing dreams immediately upon awakening.

The Highest Technique

The Highest Universal Technique

A practitioner well acquainted with astral projection will try to not use techniques to create the necessary state. He will attempt to obtain it immediately. This is similar to intense intention to experience astral projection coupled with focused recollection of the sensations associated with it. This technique is only suitable for practitioners who have formidable experience.

I told you I would find more ways of trying for here you go - 50 various techniques!
Surely one of them is bound to work, lol.

Astral Projection Guide – A Collection of 50 Techniques

General Principles Regarding the Astral Projection Techniques
The techniques detailed in this guide may be used both with a direct method of entering the phase state (astral projection + lucid dreaming + OBE) without prior sleep, and with an indirect method performed upon awakening.

The exceptions are the dream consciousness techniques, which are listed separately, although they cannot but have a direct influence on the probability of success of the other methods.

Conversely, all of the other techniques cannot but have the side effect of increasing the probability of dream consciousness arising.
With a few exceptions, the list does not include non-autonomous astral projection techniques based on external physical factors or chemical influences.

The specifics of using each method are described in detail in its corresponding section.
All of the techniques listed in the astral projection guide are to be used in accordance with the instructions for each method.

However, it is necessary to first understand a fundamental difference here:

  1. With an indirect method upon awakening, the goal is to find a technique that works by quickly alternating through the most interesting and intuitive ones. As soon as a technique starts working, keep with it and intensify the effort, and then try to separate right away. It will become apparent how well a technique is working by the intensity of its effects. For example, some imagined movement may become real. Any real sensations arising from the techniques upon awakening mean that they are working, and that the practitioner is already in astral projection.
  2. The techniques play a secondary role with the direct method, and serve to create a free-floating state of mind (fading out or activating consciousness, depending on the type of technique being performed) that is conducive to brief lapses in consciousness. The deeper a lapse, the better the chances of immediately entering astral projection when resurfacing from it. Meanwhile, techniques may work from beginning to end. However, this means nothing without lapses in consciousness, unlike with indirect techniques.
It’s also important to remember that direct techniques performed without prior sleep have one-tenth the success rate of indirect ones performed upon awakening.

That’s why all the techniques below can easily bring results upon awakening, but be useless for novices when used at other times.

Several technique-based tricks can be used to substantially improve the odds of success of practically all of the techniques listed below.
First, you should try to not simply perform the techniques “for the sake of appearances,” but rather give them your all, trying to become one with them and put all of your sensations into them.

Next, you can move your gaze up slightly, as naturally as possible (sure, you shouldn’t open the eyes).
Third, begin to use the techniques by first imagining yourself doing a 180 degree turn along your head-to-toe axis.

Fourth, while you’re performing your techniques always try to recall sensations of how they had already worked in the past, or of past astral projection occurrences.

Fifth, you should always have a clear motivation for astral projection.
That motivation may perhaps arise from the most interesting plan of action you can think of.

For all of the techniques in which some actions need to be imagined, you should approach them as if the imagined sensations were indeed real, but simply not felt for some reason or another.

Attempting to feel “real, but missing” sensations is much more effective than simply imagining them.

Also keep in mind that the techniques can be made many times more effective by practicing them outside of attempts to induce astral projection.
In some cases, in order to better know and remember the required sensations, you can first practice them physically (like rotation, for example).

The techniques described in this astral projection guide are but a drop in the ocean of their myriad possible variations.
It suffices to say that practically every practitioner will come up with some technique elements independently and be successful at using them in practice.

Considering the many variations of certain techniques and the fact that several of them can be used at the same time, the total number of possible techniques numbers in the thousands.

However, all of them only differ in several fundamental ways, and knowing how they differ will allow you to easily create as many techniques as you want on your own.

Astral Projection Techniques:

Techniques Based on Movement

Separation Technique

The practitioner tries to immediately separate from his physical body without using any techniques for creating astral projection: simply roll out, levitate, stand up, crawl out, etc.

Phantom Wiggling Technique
The practitioner tries to move some part of his body without moving a muscle, and meanwhile without imagining or visualizing anything. For example, this could be an arm, leg, shoulder, the head, or even the jaw. When movement arises, the main aim is to increase the range-of-motion as much as possible, but not necessarily the speed of movement or the portion of the body part being wiggled.

Imagined Movement Technique
The practitioner tries to realistically feel some movement that he starts off by simply imagining. For example, this could be swimming, running, walking, flying, or peddling with the legs or arms. The practitioner doesn’t have to visualize the technique when performing it, as movement itself is most important here.

Techniques Involving Sight

Observing Images Technique

The practitioner peers into the void before his eyes without opening them. As soon as he begins to see any imagery, he tries to discern it better by defocussing his sight, as if he were looking beyond the imagery. This makes it become steadier and more realistic.

Technique of Visualization
The practitioner tries to realistically see and discern an object no more than 6 inches from his eyes.

Technique of Creating Vision
The practitioner tries to see their actual surroundings without opening their eyes.

Techniques Based on Vestibular Sense

Technique of Imagined Rotation

The practitioner tries to imagine that his body is rotating along his head-to-toe axis. The end goal is to replace imagined sensations with real ones. Rotation may generally take place on any plane, but one shouldn’t try to visualize it or try to see oneself from the side, as the main emphasis is on one’s own vestibular sensations. Turning your eyes to the side you are rotating towards will significantly increase the effectiveness of the technique.

Swing-Set Technique
The practitioner tries to feel that he is riding a swing-set, or that his body itself is rocking with the same range of motion. The primary goal is to achieve the realistic sensation of swinging and try to make 360 degree revolutions.

Techniques Involving Hearing

Technique of Listening-In

The practitioner listens inside his head, trying to hear if there is any noise or background static. If sound is heard, one must try to amplify it as much as possible through the same passive listening in.

Technique of Forced Listening-In
The practitioner tries actively, and even strainingly, to hear sounds inside his head or background static with all his might. If this works, he tries to amplify those sounds as much as possible using the same active listening in.

Technique of Imagining Sounds
The practitioner tries to hear some specific sound inside his head. Someone’s voice, familiar music, and the sound of one’s own name being called work best of all. If such sound arises, then the practitioner tries to make it as loud as possible.

Techniques Based on Tactile Sensations

Cell-Phone Technique

The practitioner tries to feel some object lying in his hand, e.g. a cell-phone, an apple, a TV remote control, etc. Meanwhile, one should try to achieve realistic sensations in full detail.

Technique of Imagined Sensation
The practitioner tries to feel tactile sensations on his body, starting with the sensation that someone or something is lying on him, and ending with the feeling of touching someone or something.

Straining the Brain Technique
The practitioner tries to strain his brain either spasmodically or continually, as if it were a muscle. This brings a feeling of real strain inside the cranium, in addition to pressure, noise, and vibrations. This is essentially a technique of creating and intensifying the vibrations that enable astral projectionentrance.

Technique of Straining the Body but not the Muscles
Like straining the brain, but with the whole body. One tries to strain the body, but not the physical muscles. This causes internal tension, noise, and vibrations, which can eventually lead to astral projection.

Technique of Bodily Perception
The practitioner tries to authentically feel that his body is being stretched apart, compressed, inflated, deflated, twisted or otherwise distorted in some way.

Wind Technique
The practitioner imagines that his body is in a stream of strong wind and tries to feel how the air flows around either his entire body or just part of it.

Techniques Based on Real Movements and Sensations of the Physical Body

Technique of Eye Movement

The practitioner makes abrupt left-to-right or up-and-down eye movements. The eyes are kept closed the whole time. When properly performing the technique, vibrations and possibly separation will occur.

Forehead Dot Technique
Without opening his eyes, the practitioner directs his gaze towards a dot on the center of his forehead. This is not to be a forced or excessively aggressive movement. This will bring the eyes into a position they naturally take during deep sleep, which may lead to a reflexive entrance into astral projection or facilitate the performance of other techniques.

Technique of Breathing
The practitioner focuses his attention on the process of breathing and all of its aspects: the expansion and contraction of the chest cavity, the lungs filling with air, and the passage of air through the mouth and throat. A fluid transition to astral projection may occur or vibrations may arise.

Raised Hand Technique
The practitioner raises his forearm from the elbow while lying down and simply falls asleep. Once the practitioner fades out of consciousness, his forearm will drop, notifying him that he can perform another technique or immediately separate, as the right transitional state may have occurred during the lapse in consciousness.

Tactile Irritation Technique
The practitioner loosely ties his ankle or wrist with a cord, or puts on a sleeping mask. The sensations created by these foreign objects can remind the practitioner to perform the right actions either upon awakening or immediately after a lapse in consciousness.

Technique of Physiological Discomfort
The practitioner eats little throughout the day or drinks little water while eating lots of salty things. Conversely, the practitioner might drink too much water over the course of the day before making an attempt to enter astral projection. The resulting physiological discomfort will often awaken the practitioner, induce consciousness while dreaming, or keep him from falling into deep sleep when performing the direct techniques.

Techniques Based on Intention and Feelings

Technique of Forced Falling Asleep

The practitioner mimics natural sleep while maintaining control of his conscious mind, and then either employs techniques or immediately tries to leave his stencil at the last second before fading out. This technique can be used either on its own, or in parallel with any other technique.

Technique of Intention
The practitioner enters astral projection only through an intense and focused intention of immediately experiencing astral projection. Alternatively, this may also be a calm but constant desire felt over the course of the day. Intention is especially effective not only during an attempt or long before one, but also every time you fall asleep, as this moment can be taken advantage of using the direct or indirect method.

Technique of Recalling the State
When attempting astral projection with or without techniques, the practitioner tries to recall – and thus induce – the sensations of a previously had astral projection experience.

Technique of Recalling Vibrations
In order to induce vibrations, the practitioner tries to simply recall the sensation of them in as much detail as possible. Intensely desiring vibrations can also induce them.

Technique of Translocation
The practitioner immediately tries to employ the translocation technique in a stubborn and self-assured manner without using a astral projection creation or separation technique.

Technique of Motivation
In order to have an astral projection entrance occur spontaneously or get techniques work better, the practitioner creates a most interesting and important a plan of action for the astral projection experience that he wants to carry out no matter what.

Technique of Fear
The practitioner tries to recall something as scary, awful, or graveyard-like as possible, and imagines it right next to him – this is meant to evoke pure terror and horror, which will elevate to a phasic state at the right moment. The main deficiency of the technique is that fear can linger on into astral projection, and the practitioner might subsequently try to get out of the state.

Technique of Flight
Without using an astral projection creation or separation technique, the practitioner tries to conjure the sensation of flying right from the start.

Technique of Counting
In order to enter astral projection, the practitioner counts down from 100 to 1. Depending on the astral projection entrance method to follow, he should either try to keep his attention focused on counting, or, conversely, try to achieve lapses in consciousness.

Technique of Dotting
The practitioner moves his attention to points on the skin atop of the largest joints of the body, or moves his awareness to inside the joints themselves. You should pause at each point for several seconds or breaths, trying to feel them as distinctly as you can.

Best of the Mixed Techniques

Swimmer Technique

The practitioner tries to imagine the process of swimming in as much detail as possible, trying to feel all of the physical sensations of the process and even feel the water surrounding his body. Any swimming style may be used.

Sensory-Motor Visualization Technique (Deepening)
The practitioner should try to imagine as fixedly and actively as possible that he has already separated from his stencil and is employing a technique for deepening astral projection, including the intensification of every sensation possible. He should imagine that he is walking inside a room, scrutinizing everything from a close distance, touching something, and so on. That is, he should immediately deepen astral projection without using techniques to create the state or separate (according to many experienced practitioners, this is the best technique of all).

Rope Technique
The practitioner imagines that a rope is dangling above him, and that he is climbing up it. Meanwhile, one should try to feel one’s own arm movements, the touch of the rope, and the sensation of height. Visualization of the process may occasionally be added in.

Technique of Visualizing the Hands
The practitioner tries to feel that he is rubbing his hands together, as if trying to warm them. Meanwhile, it’s important to try to feel the movement of your hands, the feeling of them coming into contact, the sound of rubbing, and also try to see the whole process in front of you. The imagined hands should be rubbed at a distance of no more than 6 inches from your eyes.

Unconventional Techniques

Alien Abduction Technique

The practitioner imagines that aliens have invaded his bedroom and are grabbing his ankles and pulling him out of his physical body. Alternatively, he imagines that he is being pulled out by a beam emanating from a spaceship.

Sex Technique

The practitioner tries to feel the intimate sensations of the copulative act in as much detail as possible.

Toothbrush Technique
The practitioner tries to feel that he is brushing his teeth. He tries to feel the movement of his hand, the sensation of the brush in his mouth, and the taste of toothpaste. He can also try to add in sensation by imagining himself standing in front of a mirror in a bathroom.

Whispering Pillow Technique
Lying with his ear to his pillow, the practitioner tries to hear sounds, melodies, and voices coming from it. He can try to hear specific sounds, or simply passively listen in to what’s there.

Hyperventilation Technique
During an attempt upon awakening, the practitioner takes several dozen quick and deep breaths, upon which separation may work or the practitioner may be thrown into the astral projection. For techniques without prior sleep, hyperventilating is much less effective and can take from 10 to 30 minutes.

Techniques for Becoming Conscious While Dreaming

Anchor Technique

During wakefulness, the practitioner develops the habit of analyzing his state whenever he encounters specific anchors: his hands, the sound of water, people’s faces, etc. This practice will gradually transition over into dreaming, giving him a chance to react to an anchor and realize that everything around him is a dream. An anchor should be something encountered neither rarely nor frequently both when dreaming and during wakefulness. In order to get a clearer understanding of whether one is surrounded by reality or the dreamscape, one should try to levitate or go into hyperconcentration whenever an anchor is encountered.

Dream Memory Development Technique
The practitioner recalls all of his latest dreams both in the morning and in the evening. For more solid results, one should keep a dream journal and try to enter as many dream episodes into it as possible. The more dreams that the practitioner remembers, the more vivid future ones will become, and the more frequently he will become conscious during them.

Technique of Dream Map-Making
Here, the practitioner not only keeps a dream journal, but also tries to mark all of the places he dreamt he was in on a special map. The main goal is to create an integrated plane where dream places merge together into a unified world.

Technique of Dream Analysis
Whenever performing dream analysis, be it mentally or when keeping a dream journal, the practitioner should take as critical a stance as possible towards the logical inconsistencies that go unnoticed while dreaming, as they can serve as a clear marker that one is in a dream. Such critical awareness will gradually work its way into one’s dreams, enabling one to turn dreams into astral projection. This technique is especially effective when analyzing dreams immediately upon awakening.

The Highest Technique

The Highest Universal Technique

A practitioner well acquainted with astral projection will try to not use techniques to create the necessary state. He will attempt to obtain it immediately. This is similar to intense intention to experience astral projection coupled with focused recollection of the sensations associated with it. This technique is only suitable for practitioners who have formidable experience.

Damn, that seems like a fairly detailed list. I might actually try a few of those. I think that because we create our reality that makes pretty much anything possible, just requires time and intention.
Damn, that seems like a fairly detailed list. I might actually try a few of those. I think that because we create our reality that makes pretty much anything possible, just requires time and intention.
I have done it many times IS very possible!!
And though some will excuse my experiences as dreams or hallucinations - it’s a very disconcerting state of mind and way of being the first time - so much so that you usually lose coherence and jump back to the body until you get used to it.
It’s is quite unlike a dream, or even a really vivid dream or a lucid dream where you are fully conscious.
If you like I can try to describe more in detail what I mean about it being it’s own state of being?
You cannot touch things, your hand goes through them...including your own head and body (I freaked out the first time I went to feel my face and my hand went through my
You cannot feel your heartbeat, you cannot feel yourself breathing even, which is also disconcerting at first besides the body paralysis.
Once you are out though it takes a minute sometimes for your vision to start working...once you do have a simultaneous first and second person view with an almost 360 degree vision of things around is really strange.
It DOES take a lot of time...I have time since I am disabled from the arthritis I’m my I have a pretty good regimented meditation habit I have practiced now daily for several years as it also helps with the pain and helps keep the anxiety and depression the chronic pain creates at bay.
It is totally possible though...I know some think it’s all BS...but it's quite another thing to experience something like that and eventually begin to make it happen at will (I find this ability fluctuates in my life defending on my mental and physical state, as well as things going on IRL adding stress or whatnot), so at my best practice I could induce one about 30-40% of the time I’s been a couple months since I have seriously made any attempts or had an experience as it does take a lot of effort (though it must be a soft focus not heavy concentration). seems that repetition is the best teacher for this type of thing.
Let me know if I can help with any suggestions in particular?
Take care!
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