Be more thorough doing your research before flaunting your bigoted and misinformed views.
In many ways the aztects and mayans provided huge intellectual contributions to western society. Mathematics, like the concept of number 0. Also calculation formulas, astronomy and enginering. This holds true specially for mayans.
Also, europeans stink, literally. Personal hygiene was a precolombine thing. The only thing they lacked was the wheel in comparison, gunpowder too, unfortunetly. Human sacrifice was performed as a rite for prisioners of war mainly. Members of comunity weren't sacrificed as much, and only for specific dates of the year and events, that has been hugely overstated, because it was stated as their rituals that the gods demanded human blood.
Also Cortez was an asshole, monkey, sadic greedy piece of scum who barely knew how to read.
History of the Things of New Spain,
Sahagún confesses he was aghast by the fact that, during the first month of the year, the child sacrifices were approved by their own parents, who also ate their children.
In the month Atlacacauallo of the Aztec calendar, children and captives were sacrificed to the water deities, Tláloc, Chalchitlicue, and Ehécatl. In the month Tozoztontli, children were sacrificed to Coatlicue, Tlaloc, Chalchitlicue, Tona. In the month Hueytozoztli, a maid, a boy and a girl were sacrificed to Cintéotl, Chicomecacóatl, Tlaloc and Quetzalcoatl. In the month Tepeilhuitl, children and two noble women were sacrificed by extraction of the heart and flaying; ritual cannibalism in honor of Tláloc-Napatecuhtli, Matlalcueye, Xochitécatl, Mayáhuel, Milnáhuatl, Napatecuhtli, Chicomecóatl, Xochiquétzal. In the month Atemoztli, children and slaves were sacrificed by decapitation in honor to the Tlaloques."
So, what are your thoughts on decapitating children? What are your thoughts on parents slaughtering and eating their own children?
Here's another article that may pique your interest (not to do with the Aztecs, however):
"Tests on three mummies found in Argentina have shed new light on the Inca practice of child sacrifice. Scientists have revealed that drugs and alcohol played a key part in the months and weeks leading up to the children's deaths. Tests on one of the children, a teenage girl, suggest that she was heavily sedated just before her demise."
"Dr Emma Brown, from the department of archaeological sciences at the University of Bradford, said: 'The Spanish chroniclers suggest that children were sacrificed for all kinds of reasons: important life milestones in the lives of the Incas, in times of war or natural disasters, but there was a calendar of rituals too.'"
"Dr Brown explained: 'From what we know of the Spanish chronicles, particularly attractive or gifted women were chosen. The Incas actually had someone who went out to find these young women and they were taken from their families.'"
So they sacrificed the prettiest and the smartest to satisfy their Gods. That can't be good for society. Have any thoughts about this?
You seem to be fascinated by the Aztecs. What do you find so interesting about them?