I have to agree that life seemingly “picks on you” a good portion of the time we are here alive.
If it isn’t one thing it’s another.
It all has to do with perspective and how like @
Matt3737 said -
The irony is that as adults we spend much of our time unlearning the supposed 'permancence' of objects and reflecting on temporality and balancing ever present change with the seeming order and semi-permanence of things.
So true my friend!!
I woke up at 330 in the morning feeling like I had started this damn detox all over again…sheesh…my body needs a break, was having heart-palpitations all morning, VERY body-stress related…most PVCs are nothing to worry about and they happen randomly most of the time.
Then my perspective changed…I was reading some articles and came across an obituary for this guy -
He was my age…I am about to turn 38, and though I am wearing thin, and my body is so incredibly tired and in pain a good portion of the time…I have a LOT to be thankful for.
I have a beautiful, highly intelligent, handsome, thoughtful (I could go on), 11 year old son, who loves me how I am…who looks up to who I am, and that may change in the next few years but I’m not worried that our bond of love will ever break.
I have a comfortable place to live…much more so than that of the rest of the world in general…running hot and cold water…food in the fridge…some random collected pieces of furniture…some are garbage and some really cool and interesting.
I love that music is so readily available…music soothes me like nothing.
I have @
Sensiko, which is also more than some can say…haha…she is gorgeous in every way to me, and so mentally, physically, and emotionally attractive to me.
One day, I hope to be able to repay half of all the wonderful things she has done for me.
Of course I could go on with this as well.
I still feel kinda shitty, but it’s nice sitting here typing with my shaky hands watching my Son play his Xbox game and my big ol Rottweiler sleeping on he floor between us.
I am alive today, which is more than the estimated 56 million who die every year can say.
Not trying to be a downer…trying to change some perspective.
We find happiness within…not without.