- Enneagram
- 1w2 sx/so/sp
I actually don't remember how you came off in the beginning. I often remember specific posts/threads, but it takes a while before I recognize those who made them. When I go back later, I'm often surprised to find that some of the posts I remember were actually written by this person that I now know pretty well. Visual elements help; for example, a member with a brightly-colored, memorable avatar will quickly establish connections in my brain, so I am much faster to recognize that it is the same person making the different posts.
Anyway, whatever strong opinions you expressed early on, they haven't left me with a bad impression. The IS I see now is generally low-key, courteous and likely an INFJv4. You also have pretty impressive irises.
Well it wasn't more in opinions, I sort of inflated my personality so people could see it easier. I have a tendancy to do when I first become part of something, and don't realise I do it until later on. Glad it didn't leave a bad impression though. And v4 as in the Se varient (from what I remember)

Indigo: I love the irony of your usertitle, you're very much an intuitive, almost from a different world (in a good way) it seems. I like how you sometimes have patience for me and try and explain your point of view even though we're speaking different languages.
Haha yeah, it randomly popped in my head, and sounded funny so I went with it. See the ironic thing is, I have a terrible time taking things out of my brain and explaining them. Yet, I feel like I need to explain everything in extreme detail. So if someone doesn't get something, I will invariably go back and re-explain it. And later yell at my self for being inefficent with it, haha.