Living without the 3 C's.

isn't that exactly what he was saying here? or is my english that bad?

Poetic Justice was reinforcing the postive aspects of Satya's post... I think.

Your english is fine - any extra study is a bonus we could all use.

I wasn't disagreeing with Satya. I like his posts and often feel I can add something to the discussion as he seems to think about things along the same lines as me.

What I am saying is not to call it the 3 c's. forget those words. what is the point of keep reminding yourself of what you shouldn't be doing. Surely it's better to remind yourdelf of what you would like to be doing

Also, get rid of "should"

so, instead of "I should really tidy up" tell yourself " I would like to tidy up" or "it'd be fun to tidy up"

Instead of "You shouldn't think about why it doesn't work" say "It's nice to think about how it could work"
C - I don't like this thread, it gives me a guilt trip if I want to say what I'm thinking.
C - The premise is freaking unrealistic.
C - Fuck giving up the three C's.


Ahhhh - that felt good.
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C - I don't like this thread, it gives me a guilt trip if I want to say what I'm thinking.
C - The premise is freaking unrealistic.
C - Fuck giving up the three C's.


Ahhhh - that felt good.

You are the 3 C's

*Considers changing the last C to Constipation*
You are the 3 C's


I was agreeing with what you said about not focusing on what you shouldn't be doing.

I thought the part about reinforcing positive thought and action was clear enough and didn't require some colourful reinforcement.

Of course giving up 3 of the things that makes you human is totally a good idea.

These are known as the 3 C's. The question; can you live without them? Before you answer, this isn't just a matter of you not complaining, condemning, or criticizing others, but living without those three things within your own mind and self talk. Can you do it?

I've been challenging myself to live without using the 3 C's with others and myself and I have been amazed how often in the average day I have such negative thoughts. In fact, nearly all my thinking falls within one of these three.

To develop positive thinking, you are suppose to replace these things with their positive equivalent.

Appreciation for situations, views, and people simply for the opportunity to experience them.

Instead of complaining, you are suppose to find the good in the situation. Instead of criticizing, you are suppose to find the good in the point of view. Instead of condemning, you are suppose to find the good in the person.

It takes a lot of effort to relinquish negative judgment of others and yourself. It may even be impossible. However, a negative attitude is a useless attitude. It serves no purpose aside from distancing yourself from others and stressing yourself out for being less than perfect. A positive attitude is rational. You empower yourself and others.

So do you think you could do it?

this is too simplistic. not every situation will warrant maintaining a positive attitude; it might even be beneficial in some cases to complain, criticize or condemn, since such things often lead to change. appreciation and acceptance is wonderful if what you have is worth appreciating, but imo it's far more important (and useful) to be realistic when it's not.
I was agreeing with what you said about not focusing on what you shouldn't be doing.

I thought the part about reinforcing positive thought and action was clear enough and didn't require some colourful reinforcement.


And I was joking my friend

It is unrealistic to give them up. It's not unrealistic to only use them in the appropriate circumstances e.g when riffing on Melkor
So do you think you could do it?
I'll give it a shot.

UPDATE: Oh man. Is criticism implied when suggesting a better plan? Is "oh man" an implied complaint? Is doubt the shadow of condemnation?


This is going to be fun. I'm gonna crack this before the end of the night.
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How do you expect me to not complain when this years E3 has fallen on it's arse so hard you can press pancakes between their collective buttocks?
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isn't that exactly what he was saying here? or is my english that bad?
late reply, but I think that saying "Don't do A, do B instead" and "Do B instead of A" has a subtle difference....... at least for me. The latter gives no implication that A is -wrong-, only not advisable.

my god you guys are so critical!!!!!

criticizing about critical people criticizing about being critical?
Meta-criticizing? /random
I'm going to give this a shot once I get out of this current company and get to another one. At the moment, the three C's help remind me of how to get out of an abusive situation. But yes, I think avoiding becoming a complainer of habit is very important.
There is nothing wrong with Criticizing when divorced from Complaining and Condemning.

Ah, good point my friend. It is really just suggesting an improvement in that case