I can go big long periods where I don't want to be around people physically. sometimes the entire weekend and then some will go by and my landlady won't even know I'm here, she comes down here to see if I'm still alive sometimes and offer me food because she doesn't think I cook or something...or maybe she things i'm not eating right or something, lol I don't know.
However if someone took my computer away from me I would probably need physical company as a sad second best to my internet company, whitch I prefer infinitely to having to deal with the difficulties of interacting with people physically that I occasionally do suffer from if I'm forced to do it too much, and around people I can't stand, or people who give me a hard time, or idiots who just make me feel disabled, whitch sometimes I just can't take. Ignorance and stupidity are just things that I can only take so much of in one week, and if I get too much of that in my day to day life, I feel a desperate need to retreat to the relative safety of the internet, where I can be whoever I want to be and people don't have to know about my disability, unless I choose to tell them, and what the hell, if I tell them, it's the internet, and it doesn't matter so much what is wrong with you, because they don't actually have to look at you and make you feel uncomfortable.
Internet people make me feel normal.