[INFJ] Looking for advice from other INFJ's


I first met her 23 years ago, while working at summer camp that was out of state for both of us. We became fast friends. I'm the male INFJ, she's the female ENTP. I could follow the 90 mile an hour conversation changes that ramped up my energy and then somehow get her to sit still for just a moment to notice some thing in nature. That was my first experience with what I have heard called the "INFJ grounding effect".

Summers end, people go back to college. And so it happened. I was invited to visit her dorm room on the way back (she had to leave a few days early for college athlete stuff). I went, but with all the hustle and bustle of a dorm being moved into, there wasn't time to talk really. I ended up leaving the hat she had a habit of stealing off of my head in one of the boxes for her to find and thought I'd never hear from her again.

16 later, I'm found on FB. She's very unhappily married and thinking about me. We were each other's firsts. My own integrity wouldn't let me cross lines, and he spouse assumed that since she was friends with her first after all this time.....things were going on that were not going on. I was an ear and a shoulder and a friend. From my end anyway. I can't speak for her end and intentions. I walked away out of respect for her, her family, and her kids. Not a door slam, just an "I can't be part of destroying your life an family in any way."

Two weeks ago she hunts me down again. "Hey you, what's up?" Like that. First question I asked is was it safe to talk to her again because I wasn't going to cause trouble at home. No longer married, single for over two years. We talked for hours that night.

I knew her so well then, and I'm the INFJ that becomes much more E around people I trust and connect with. This resulted in a bunch of rambling from me when asked what in retrospect was rather simple questions. Through her own.....unprompted....admission, she still thought and felt the same things. And I admitted the same.

A few minutes later, seemingly at random (but I have been trying to research and read and I can certainly see it's not so random) I got the geographical distance statements, the it's been so long, the what if you are disappointed now since I'm not 20....etc etc. I'm not sure if those were supposed to be "prove me wrong" moments or not. I told her I was very excited to have her back in my life in some way....whether that was friend, goofy big brother, or whatever.

Those first 3 days (kids with the ex) we talked almost constantly. I'm doing my best to follow her lead.....which for those of you who ever had an ENTP firmly in your life you know can be a rollercoaster of what seems like obvious flirting one second and then doubting themselves. But if I'm asked a direct personal question from someone I know and trust really well.....chances are they are getting an honest answer. And if they ask further questions on the topic and seem to be set on knowing something....ok...here you go.....brain dump.

A reunion trip was planned. It's next weekend by the way. Massive excitement and throwing around all the ideas. My brain was having trouble figuring out if I was being asked as the friend/brother or what and asked. Silence. Then more of the distance argument, self doubt, what if you are dissapointed, etc etc. And she asked if we really needed to have a conversation about it? I caught the "We can if you insist but I really don't want to and am not comfortable with that" undertone. So I reiterate the friend/brother/whatever...happy you are back in my life. Chat fizzles out.

I seem to have a knack for telling a funny story, and the next was asked to tell her a story. So I picked what I thought was a goofy and light-hearted one and chocked it full of every hilarious detail I could remember. It was well received. That night, she has a few beers and tells me a few things flat out that after the day or two before were a bit surprizing. And asks me whether or not I'd be ok with any or all of that happening on the trip. And states that a couple of beers removes all inhibitions. Again, direct question honest answer. I had no issue with any of those ideas but said she had to bring her own beer. So it's her idea 100% and not mine. A few subject changes at random and back to the what if I dissapoint....not 20.....can't promise you happily ever after...distance.....her brain dump of overpowering thoughts and feelings I suppose. Not thinking she is ever good enough despite being actually quite amazing. My answers didn't change.

We still chat daily for a bit and the trip is still on......but she then randomly tells me if she appears to ghost or gets really quiet......it's not about me in any way and just be persistent. Luckily that's a strong suit of mine.

She is having a really rough week. I know what worked 23 years ago and 16 years ago. But people grow and change. I asked how can I be the best friend to her possible right now? Or.....as it has been in the past, is the answer to just be there. A very quick "Yes." Followed by "I try not to need jack from anyone" and "I really don't have a lot of friends". That rings true across all this time for sure.

I can't quite tell if I am losing my mind, being messed with, or completely botching everything.

-an INFJ thoroughly confused by both sides of this
I'm a bit confused by the whole post too.

So, wait, let me check if I got this correctly:

1. You met 23 years ago, were intimate, and moved on.
2. You met 16 years ago again and were committed so you did not get intimate but the connection was still there.
3. You met again recently, are both no longer committed, got intimate, but you (both or just she?) don't know what it's about exactly so you/she'd rather not put a label on it.

Please correct me if I interpreted it wrongly.
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I'm a bit confused by the whole post too.

So, wait, let me check if I got this correctly:

1. You met 23 years ago, were intimate, and moved on.
2. You met 16 years ago again and were committed so you did not get intimate but the connection was still there.
3. You met again recently, are both no longer committed, got intimate, but you (both or just she?) don't know what it's about exactly so you/she'd rather not put a label on it.

Please correct me if I interpreted it wrongly.

#1 is correct. 1998
#2 is incorrect. Re-connected 7 years ago (16 years after #1), otherwise correct. 2014
#3 is partially correct. Intimate conversations so far. She is the one who states she's prefer ambiguity at this point. 3/31/21
#1 is correct. 1998
#2 is incorrect. Re-connected 7 years ago (16 years after #1), otherwise correct. 2014
#3 is partially correct. Intimate conversations so far. She is the one who states she's prefer ambiguity at this point. 3/31/21
I see. Thanks for this.

I can't quite tell if I am losing my mind, being messed with, or completely botching everything.
Why would you say you're losing your mind? Are you feeling desperately about it? If I may be blunt, it could be that she's looking for a booty call but nothing serious so far. I don't know much about the confusing situation, but have you ever considered having a clarifying conversation with her?
I see. Thanks for this.

Why would you say you're losing your mind? Are you feeling desperately about it? If I may be blunt, it could be that she's looking for a booty call but nothing serious so far. I don't know much about the confusing situation, but have you ever considered having a clarifying conversation with her?

In person, yes, I don't doubt there will be clarification. Text/chat/FB/short calls.....not the same or the time and place.

7 days and about 12-12.5/13 hours. We'll see.

I suppose I'm wondering currently if my internal loop is so far off of not.

Maybe I just need to chill and wait. The surreal nature of it all is still being processed.
Maybe I just need to chill and wait. The surreal nature of it all is still being processed.
Yes. Maybe you're just excited too. Nerves make people anxious for no reason sometimes, especially INFJs. Off the bat, it sounds like you have it under control. Maybe do jumping jacks until then?

*Kidding. Lame attempt to lighten things up.
I see 3 aspects of your situation about her:

1) She is an ENTP who started to use her Si and therefore confused about it. My brother is INFP therefore I had a lot of chance to determine what's Si. Si function makes the person constantly get back to a particular time to experience the same feelings again. So a Si user suddenly appears in your life, never letting you get out from their life, etc. are just for feeling the same again but don't think you have different meaning in a Si user's life. Think of yourself as a road she uses to cross to the past she wants to travel. Perhaps she just wants to feel young again and only when she is with you she feels young as how she was then. It depends on the Si user.

2) She is a woman. Females are evolved in a way that makes them biologically believe having no man in their life means they'll die so every useful male in every females life is like backup "partner". But this partner ain't necessarily a romantic partner, but mostly it's a life partner which you can call a friend/ally/survival buddy. I call it being a positive emotional source for them and these females being an emotional vampire. Females are sensitive and constantly in need of positive energy sources. In that regard you'll be the best positive energy source to an ENTP female by being her horse she wants to ride in a kind of simp way. In other words, ENTPs like submissive people.

3) Love doesn't happen like in fiction. Love ain't logical so you don't fall in love with people just because of anything. It doesn't even work like that for demisexuals who can only sexually interested in people if they find their personality "sexy". People fall in love with each other from the start. First you think they are potential partner, then you fall in love with them if you think you were right about them emotionally and loving someone is the only thing you'll ever be so sure of in your life. But that love will sleep if you thought you were wrong about them until you think you were right about them so sleeping love is a romantic hope. So in that context, you would marry her if she had a romantic interest in you but she did marry someone else and after all these years you are trying to be a good friend of her. Females are like lion bruh. They hunt their men when they are really interested in this guy. They only sent some vague signal to those they want to play with which these people are just optional partners to them and therefore even if this person gets their signal and marry with this female these females will likely divorce because every kid gets bored of their toy. Probably this ENTP got married with someone just because her "I have to be a mother now!!!" biological programming triggered because women gets into the great depression of they may never have a baby when they are in the middle of their 20s therefore they literally marry with the first person they can find no matter if they are psychopath, homeless, dictator, etc. and make a baby from their toy. This BS is the same for their other biological programming "I'll die without a BF!!!" so no wonder so many females are murdered by their BF, ex-BF, husband, ex-husband, et cetera. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I see 2 aspects of your situation about you:

1) You thought it was flirting which I think it wasn't at all. Non-demisexual males are fundamentally perverted therefore they believe a female wants to have sex with them just because a female looked at them because males' main biological programming is producing (e.g. females' main biological programming is survival hence statistically death ratio for male workers are way more than female workers during work). Females are kind therefore they are friendly as if they are a mother (which is what they are biologically) in which for a typical male they seem like flirting but when it's really flirting that road ends with sex bruh. At least you kiss and all. When people enter producing mode, it's like they lose their mind like a mad person so after flirting it definitely ends with some kind of sexual activity. So it's not flirting if this "sexual activity" didn't happen. Also, the thing is most people are primitive so they seek sex but having sex with them doesn't necessarily mean they have a romantic interest in you so they are just after feeling good hence why a one-night stand happens. I'm not exactly sure how this "crush" stuff works (I'm demisexual) but I'm aware that just because of a crush people start war, kills their mother, wait to have sex for years, et cetera. Those who deny that crush marry someone else to prove that they ain't interested in their crush or they can appear in your life after a decade and tries to friendzone you LOL. People are weird when they don't accept the truth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2) It seemed to me that you are her dude (a friend) and nothing more and you are just after pleasing her like a tool. And I found this situation weird because I can't exactly determine why you guys even interested in each others' existence. Since I can only send a message to you I'll advise you that just let it happen naturally and be okay with the outcome so be water, my friend :grinning::grinning::grinning:. I know, you may be okay to be her friend but you are a non-demisexual male after all (I know because a demisexual cannot think someone flirted with them because a demisexual brain has no necessary tool to determine that) so you want a sexual relationship with her otherwise why would you even care about some creepy female who stalking you and all LOL. I'm not your grandma (so I didn't cook cookie for you :grinning::grinning::grinning:) but she is creepy and you better take care of yourself for red flags. Please herself as much as she pleases you but don't let her use you more than you use her. Don't be her bitch because you seem like the type. Pardon my French, mon cher ami. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Lastly, we ain't god, you nor her so of course you gotta question the validity of our opinion here so we may be dead wrong about all these situations. Perhaps she is a nice person but if I were you I would try to make her get out of my life for my dear kidneys. :grinning::grinning::grinning:
Yes. Maybe you're just excited too. Nerves make people anxious for no reason sometimes, especially INFJs. Off the bat, it sounds like you have it under control. Maybe do jumping jacks until then?

*Kidding. Lame attempt to lighten things up.

I'm the INFJ in this scenario. So now confused.

I first met her 23 years ago, while working at summer camp that was out of state for both of us. We became fast friends. I'm the male INFJ, she's the female ENTP. I could follow the 90 mile an hour conversation changes that ramped up my energy and then somehow get her to sit still for just a moment to notice some thing in nature. That was my first experience with what I have heard called the "INFJ grounding effect".

Summers end, people go back to college. And so it happened. I was invited to visit her dorm room on the way back (she had to leave a few days early for college athlete stuff). I went, but with all the hustle and bustle of a dorm being moved into, there wasn't time to talk really. I ended up leaving the hat she had a habit of stealing off of my head in one of the boxes for her to find and thought I'd never hear from her again.

16 later, I'm found on FB. She's very unhappily married and thinking about me. We were each other's firsts. My own integrity wouldn't let me cross lines, and he spouse assumed that since she was friends with her first after all this time.....things were going on that were not going on. I was an ear and a shoulder and a friend. From my end anyway. I can't speak for her end and intentions. I walked away out of respect for her, her family, and her kids. Not a door slam, just an "I can't be part of destroying your life an family in any way."

Two weeks ago she hunts me down again. "Hey you, what's up?" Like that. First question I asked is was it safe to talk to her again because I wasn't going to cause trouble at home. No longer married, single for over two years. We talked for hours that night.

I knew her so well then, and I'm the INFJ that becomes much more E around people I trust and connect with. This resulted in a bunch of rambling from me when asked what in retrospect was rather simple questions. Through her own.....unprompted....admission, she still thought and felt the same things. And I admitted the same.

A few minutes later, seemingly at random (but I have been trying to research and read and I can certainly see it's not so random) I got the geographical distance statements, the it's been so long, the what if you are disappointed now since I'm not 20....etc etc. I'm not sure if those were supposed to be "prove me wrong" moments or not. I told her I was very excited to have her back in my life in some way....whether that was friend, goofy big brother, or whatever.

Those first 3 days (kids with the ex) we talked almost constantly. I'm doing my best to follow her lead.....which for those of you who ever had an ENTP firmly in your life you know can be a rollercoaster of what seems like obvious flirting one second and then doubting themselves. But if I'm asked a direct personal question from someone I know and trust really well.....chances are they are getting an honest answer. And if they ask further questions on the topic and seem to be set on knowing something....ok...here you go.....brain dump.

A reunion trip was planned. It's next weekend by the way. Massive excitement and throwing around all the ideas. My brain was having trouble figuring out if I was being asked as the friend/brother or what and asked. Silence. Then more of the distance argument, self doubt, what if you are dissapointed, etc etc. And she asked if we really needed to have a conversation about it? I caught the "We can if you insist but I really don't want to and am not comfortable with that" undertone. So I reiterate the friend/brother/whatever...happy you are back in my life. Chat fizzles out.

I seem to have a knack for telling a funny story, and the next was asked to tell her a story. So I picked what I thought was a goofy and light-hearted one and chocked it full of every hilarious detail I could remember. It was well received. That night, she has a few beers and tells me a few things flat out that after the day or two before were a bit surprizing. And asks me whether or not I'd be ok with any or all of that happening on the trip. And states that a couple of beers removes all inhibitions. Again, direct question honest answer. I had no issue with any of those ideas but said she had to bring her own beer. So it's her idea 100% and not mine. A few subject changes at random and back to the what if I dissapoint....not 20.....can't promise you happily ever after...distance.....her brain dump of overpowering thoughts and feelings I suppose. Not thinking she is ever good enough despite being actually quite amazing. My answers didn't change.

We still chat daily for a bit and the trip is still on......but she then randomly tells me if she appears to ghost or gets really quiet......it's not about me in any way and just be persistent. Luckily that's a strong suit of mine.

She is having a really rough week. I know what worked 23 years ago and 16 years ago. But people grow and change. I asked how can I be the best friend to her possible right now? Or.....as it has been in the past, is the answer to just be there. A very quick "Yes." Followed by "I try not to need jack from anyone" and "I really don't have a lot of friends". That rings true across all this time for sure.

I can't quite tell if I am losing my mind, being messed with, or completely botching everything.

-an INFJ thoroughly confused by both sides of this
It sounds like she regards you as a low-effort booty call.

The equivocation and lack of commitment are very telling. She wants to keep her options open.

You're probably going to get your heart broken here if you have any feelings for her.
@greeneyedrebel – You're meeting someone you haven't seen in a long time, which in terms of dating can be like meeting someone in person for the first time. Straighten out how you feel about her and take the date as it comes. Remember that people going through divorces and/or marriage issues are typically shadowy and/or "in the grip" and need of support, which you were to her during your 16th-year reconnection. I don't know what she has been doing since, whether she has been dating, whether she has done the work to heal, etc, so I can't give you advice on how she will be when you meet up. Pay attention and see if you want to be involved.

Her behavior reflects that she is feeling nervous, too. She sounds insecure because she doesn't feel as beautiful as she was when you last saw her. The behavior you're describing sounds like she is acting guarded in case you reject her, and simultaneously baiting you to say "looks don't matter". (This is a bit of mild game playing. Don't say anything you don't mean.) Having never spoken with her, I can't tell you whether her insecurity is how she normally is, or due to being rejected by her ex and the pain she suffered during that time. Divorce takes a lot out of people.

Don't say anything you don't mean, and just try to accept this meet-up as a friendy reconnection date with potential.


On a personal note, I have quite a few Si-using acquaintances I knew in my teens and early twenties who pop into my DMs regularly with strange messages of being in love with me and missing out on an opportunity (despite the fact that from my point of view, there was never a possibility of that "opportunity"). I read these clearly as longing for the past, for youth, for freedom that people lose as they get older and choose their life paths.
I represent youth and freedom because the last time they saw me in person was during that time. I live a lifestyle now that is different from what many chose, so it only reinforces this nostalgia. I know they like me as a person then and now, and I certainly like who they are as humans, but they are "in love with" a feeling and concept of youth, adventure, possibilities, freedom... not with me. Of course, they confide in me, too, and I become a support person to them. This is not reciprocated, which is why I'm their friend and they are my acquaintances. No amount of reasoning seems to shake them of this love for the past, and they only message me when they are unhappy, depressed, or in the throes of mid-life crisis. Perhaps your experience is different... or not. I'd be wary of people's desire to backtrack to a "romanticized" past. Take the meet-up as it comes and see how it unfolds. I know we INFJs are future-oriented and only want to date people we can imagine a future with, but you're going to have to approach this meet-up like you're seeing if she has "future potential". No matter what, this could be a fun weekend.