Lost my passion...

Relax for a while, maybe take a few days off. Do what you enjoy doing, listen to some music.

But honestly, sometimes the only thing you can do in these type of situations is suck it up and move on. Either that or quit, which, I don't know about you, but that would drive me insane.

Heres what you do: use the beast's strength against itself. Find a way to put all the depression, anger, into a effective way of making you feel better, like working out. Maybe while working out, you'll find some things inside you to help push yourself along.
futility demotivates me. partake in activities and get togethers where your actions are not futile. where action equals reaction. maybe that will help.
Possible causes for my loss of passion:
  1. I have schizoid personality disorder
  2. I have an extended bout of existential depression
  3. My testosterone levels have dropped
  4. Society has succeeded in forever breaking my spirit