Making friends

My oldest friend was met when she moved into my neighborhood, and I went over, introduced myself, then dragged her around the neighborhood and introduced her to everyone else. We were 12. I'm convinced I may have been an extrovert until I hit my teens.

The other oldest friends I met in High School. They all approached me, or we fell together when my best friend met them.

The next close friend (who became my best friend throughout adulthood) was originally my boss.

My two closest friends since I've moved here I had been good friends with for several years on my old forum.

Now most of the new friends I make are online.

Oddly, though I consider myself deeply introverted, I've never had any problem or fears about making friends. At least the initial process of forging friendships is easy for me. I'm actually quite friendly.
My ENFP partners phone is constantly going off with txt messages or calls from friends inviting us out to parties, I have been to only a few cause i lose interest being at them after a while but my partner seems to thrive off the interaction with alotof people he knows and doesn't, I cant remember the names of all his friends so usually just smile and say hey how you doing. At the partys we go to ill end up watching cartoons with the kids in the corner (much less involved with talking)
Apparently extraverts like to involve others and don't appreciate others trying to involve them while introverts like to be involved by others and don't appreciate others who expect them to involve them.

Would be interested what you guys think about that cause I certainly relate to the extravert part.

I guess I never really tought about it that way, but yea, I can be a little anti social at times and I really don't like it when someone wants to push me into a social situation that I don't want to be a part of ... :m075:
I sucks at making friends, I assume that others aren't interested anyway so that's probably not a good starting pont.
I wait for people to come to me. I usually won't approach someone, and just wait for them to talk to me first, then go to there. Once someone first talks to me I will almost always respond in a friendly way (unless they are mean, or I simply do not like their vibe). It is very rare, but sometimes I meet someone where I just know I will get along with them, and will go out of my way to establish friendship. I have done so with 3 people like that, one turned into my best friend, the other two I am very close with.

That is basically how I am too. I sometimes try to force myself to initiate or pretend to be out going, but I have to be in an exceptional mood. So it SUCKS doing the mom/school/playgroup thing......
I usually wait until I get a "vibe" from someone. If I get a "vibe" then I just talk to that person as if we were already friends. Really, you have nothing to lose. Also, as crazy as it sounds, I have a lot of online friends who've crossed into offline friends. The internet weeds through most of the idiots I don't want to waste my time getting to know, lol. IRL, just striking up conversation and taking it from there gets me to where I am.