I'll give you an opportunity to explain yourself so it can be clear to everyone.
You come across (based on your responses) that you would have sex with anyone that you found attractive for the mere purpose of self gratification. This eludes to the fact that you are quite shallow when it comes to people's feelings and emotions. That you will get yours and then discard a person just to move on to the next. This in turn brings a host of social, psychological and potential disease based concerns to many.
I think
@James is trying to ascertain your frame of reference. That maybe you lack the capacity to understand some of these social dynamics because you lack experience in relationships.
I'm sure many people have one night stands but that it is generally the exception rather than the rule. You however seem to approach this as the rule rather than the exception.
Rings mean nothing to you because people's feelings mean nothing to you. Rings mean nothing because you choose not acknowledge the social norm because you want what you want.
I assure you, that if you continue approaching woman like this there will eventually be severe consequences.