[PUG] Male Rape

Ok I need to rephrase that.
It's a maladaptive strategy to resolve an unresolved sexual trauma..

Most rapists have suffered a sexual trauma in their younger lives... and by raping others, they are trying to overcome their own feelings of powerlessness and inferiority to assert their own strength..

So though there is genital contact, the motivation for it is not sexual. In fact, I remember reading 1 out of 3 rapists have some sort of impotence issue during the assault (whereas with their consenting partners they do not have impotence issues or difficulty getting an erection) and report that the act of intercourse wasn't what satisfied them--but the fact that they were in control of another person.

Does that make sense?
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/scratches head

...I'm probably being a whiny jerk here but can someone tell me what exactly are being debated here? I personally think slant's purpose and others could go together.....I'm with arbygil here:
There is no way you can have a discussion about something as painful as rape (male or female) without also discussing possible solutions.

Just talking without changing creates perpetual victimhood. In order for us to grow, to go forward, to overcome...we have to first admit it, then we must confront it. Then we must deal with it. It's denial if you don't admit it, it's helplessness if you admit it but don't confront it, and it's a perpetual victim mentality if you admit and confront but don't come up with healthy solutions to deal with it.

I would hope that all of our discussions on this board don't simply recognize that problems exist; in fact, as NF-centric folk, I think we feel it's our duty to try and find solutions to help humanity love one another (corny as that sounds).

soo......joining the topic...Male rape.

Probably the thing that's hidden even moreso than homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, and most other sexual 'disorders'... The stereotype perpetrator became the victim. The power got reversed (or broken, in such cases of male on male rape)....

I think sociologically, it's an endless chain of shame, guilt, and weakness, made by society, and strengthened by pure ego.
We aren't debating, we're discussing. Why does it always have to be debate with you people?!
We aren't debating, we're discussing. Why does it always have to be debate with you people?!

Nooo, not that ! XD

I'm not trying to attack anyone but IMO it's like.... now most of the discussion were aimed towards what should and shouldn't be talked about. I think I get the purpose, but it's not that good when it's detrimental and distracting to the original purpose of this topic. :P

OOOOF COURSE now I'm distracting it myself. Forget it. Carry on. Male rape ! :D

somewhat related; proof in fictions:
A subtrope of Rape As Comedy. Usually played for laughs when a known straight character is hit on by another man, especially one that's physically larger. Even when it's not supposed to be funny, it's still considered funny.
See also Prison Rape, the only instance where male rape can be played off and received as utterly awful and tragic.

....also, please prepare to lose several hours to days of your life.....

but either way, the length of those tropes makes me sad.
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We aren't debating, we're discussing. Why does it always have to be debate with you people?!

Slant, I think there's only two ways of seeing this thread. Either we're stating male rape is wrong (which we all know, and it's been done), or we're going to discuss why it's wrong and how we can overcome it. I don't think finding solutions is a debate.

The only thing left is to discuss solutions. Otherwise, we're just rehashing the statement, "male rape is wrong."

It's probably just a whole mess of misunderstanding, but what do you want out of this discussion? Maybe that's an easier track to take.
Slant, I think there's only two ways of seeing this thread. Either we're stating male rape is wrong (which we all know, and it's been done), or we're going to discuss why it's wrong and how we can overcome it. I don't think finding solutions is a debate.

The only thing left is to discuss solutions. Otherwise, we're just rehashing the statement, "male rape is wrong."

It's probably just a whole mess of misunderstanding, but what do you want out of this discussion? Maybe that's an easier track to take.

The intent of this thread is to discuss male rape; to discuss stories and examples of male rape, tackle the misconceptions and offer support to those who feel they have been discriminated against. Offering solutions specifically pertaining to MALE rape, is also something worth discussing.

But basically this thread ties into men's rights; this is one of the topics that mens rights is fighting for, and I thought it was worth mentioning.

It also seems to me that all of the threads on rape on this forum are directed towards women; I wanted to start a thread that focused on men and rape so that we weren't being so biased in our dealings with the topic.
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The intent of this thread is to discuss male rape; to discuss stories and examples of male rape, tackle the misconceptions and offer support to those who feel they have been discriminated against. Offering solutions specifically pertaining to MALE rape, is also something worth discussing.

But basically this thread ties into men's rights; this is one of the topics that mens rights is fighting for, and I thought it was worth mentioning.

It also seems to me that all of the threads on rape on this forum are directed towards women; I wanted to start a thread that focused on men and rape so that we weren't being so biased in our dealings with the topic.
Thanks for clarifying :)

Indeed, as far as misconceptions, the idea of machismo seems to haunt most male? And those who don't, got thrown into another stereotype altogether, namely effeminate / worse, gay. :|

It's quite a normal idea for a woman to be feminine AND (emotionally, or better, physically) strong. Why shouldn't men?