- Enneagram
- 5w4
Okay. All I'm saying is, everything you do, whether it's killing an intruder in defense (even if you're opposed to killing) or giving some beggar money, is because you needed to do that at that time (obviously not including an accidental decision/action). If something doesn't benefit you in some way, even if it's just a millisecond of feeling good about helping someone or whatever, you wouldn't do it. Therefore, everything you do is for your own benefit.
We can agree to disagree.

If I feel that a little bit of discomfort in me would give a significant amount of comfort in someone else, sometimes I will accept the little bit of discomfort. I honestly don't see what I gain by doing this. I often forget about times that I have helped other people, and often I don't even want to talk to them afterwards, I just want to move on. Perhaps there is some convoluted unconscious instinctual motivation in me to help others at times, even when I don't want to.
Unfortunately, people like this are easy to manipulate.
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