
Good point. I disgust myself, with my capacity for evil at the drop of a hat. Not that I would ever plan it - but sometimes little actions have very large bad effects. :(

I know exactly what you mean. I sometimes find myself afraid to take a particular action in moments of emotional frustration because I know that somehow that angst will be let out and cause a cosmic chain of events that could make things explode.
Look at the Stanley Milgram experiments, or even the situation at Abu Ghraib. Within each and every one of us, no matter how "good" we might imagine ourselves to be, there still is that capacity to temporarily rationalize masochistic behaviors as humanistic ones.

I think it is extremely inspiring that even the most "evil" could be doing "good." But those that feel they are doing the right thing must have the humility to realize that they, too, could be deceived.

Good point. I've been thinking the a similar thing while reading through this thread. I don't think we have the right to judge whether someone has the right to exist or not, because there are probably people who think that we don't have the right to exist either. The problem is that we can easily see the evil in others but not in ourselves. It's like the Michael Crichton quote: "Humans have a great capacity for self-awareness and an even greater capacity for self-delusion" (I think that's how the quote goes).
No need for apologies, I'm guessing. INFJs tend to judge more than INFPs, I'm guessing.

Yup we are all a 0kay. :m027:

And ot the topic of actions that we may regret. Yes I've been there. I've noticed if pushed we can be real
I know exactly what you mean. I sometimes find myself afraid to take a particular action in moments of emotional frustration because I know that somehow that angst will be let out and cause a cosmic chain of events that could make things explode.

Are we a thermometer or a thermostat?
Do we set the mood or allow others to set it?
Are we a thermometer or a thermostat?
Do we set the mood or allow others to set it?

I know that I definitely couldn't speak for everyone on that matter. In fact, I know plenty of people that fluctuate between thermometers and thermostats. So I'm not sure if I could answer that one.

Edit 11:14 PM 5-8-2009

I mean... I just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Or angry. Or cause conflict by saying something that might be over emotional.
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Are we a thermometer or a thermostat?
Do we set the mood or allow others to set it?

That's actually a very deep question.

As a species I'd say we're a thermostat. Look at the changes we've caused to the planet, 'nuff said.

As individuals... I think I know both thermometer people (taking their cues from their surroundsings) and thermostat people (causing change in their surroundings).

I think an even better question is when I ask myself To what degree am I a thermostat or a thermometer?

EDIT: Heh, I got ninja'd by Chopsifer ;)
Does anybody else believe mankind to be disgusting? I do. In general humans just seem to be disgusting...though there are individuals whom I find worthy of living.

No. We are what we are. We are neither good nor evil, we are just humans: creatures of great potential with very poor "eyesight".

No one has the right decide who is "worthy" of living or dying.

If anything, we are on a course for our own self-destruction--provided you perceive time as a linear thing and our course as a linear one. But if we were to be eradicated, the world wouldn't end. Our world would, though.
I think we as individuals have the abilities to be effected or to affect; to be
thermometers or to be thermostats. I feel it important to be able to choose under each circumstance, though this may take place subconsciously more than consciously.
As mankind in and of itself, which I see as a group of millions of individuals, we surely will always have both as we experience different things at different times.
There may even possibly be a glimmer of hope we, as mankind or humankind, may have a majority exude a type of thermostat motive coherently affecting the majority of the balance of those others in a positive manner.
"possibilities and challenges"