- None
What you are talking about will split society even further.
Because all the religious folks will get their civil union and then go and get their church marriage. And they will look down upon any secular folks who only have a civil union. Which will in the religious people's mind will be a sinful union because it will be with out god.
Also I don't think we should go cutting down the marriage tree. People need their traditions. If marriage were abolished and your system went into action it would have an little effect on my marriage because our union is is stronger than that. But most people don't see the world that way. And marriage is really important to people. If you yank something that integral in people's world view away from them... You are going to end up with chaos.
To me the answer is not to wipe the current system but to reform it. By allowing equal marriage for everyone, gay straight polygamous and so on.
I can see the validity in your argument Slant. I just don't think abolishing marriage is something that would work in this country because I don't think people would be able to handle it.
But allowing gay marriage is a violation of religious people's rights.